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  1. Great info! Thanks. I have added this to the bone and collision sections, I did reword the shared values into positive versions of their assertions. Might be worth checking that I did not break the logic.
  2. Could try giving your bones more mass and inertia, jittery physics could be all sorts of things. - Very narrow constraints could cause undesirable 'fighting' with the physics - Your particular computer hardware might be have issues resolving the simulation (maybe test on another computer or a friends if possible) - Collisions constantly firing (turn off collisions if you have them and see what you get) - Set restitution to 0 To name a few, it would probably be easier to narrow potential issues with examples of the xml and observed issue.
  3. Nothing of interest in the Papyrus log, though that's to be expected as SMP does not run via Papyrus. There may be more interesting logs in MyGames/Skyrim/SKSE/hdtSMP.log (not sure if that is the right name for LE but it will be something like that) If you use an editor like VSCode or Atom you can open the entire MyGames/Skyrim folder as a workspace and do a global search for various "error like" terms. You do not need to edit any mesh in 3D software, that would not solve your crashing issues. Possibly useful links around exception 0xc0000005: https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/ob11qg/crashing_error_0xc0000005_memory_at_0x20_could/ (this is for special edition but it might be the same issue, has some promise as pagefile issues might cause crashing with SMP) https://forums.tomshardware.com/threads/games-and-applications-ctd-with-error-code-0xc0000005-memory-access-violation.2570897/
  4. easy hawt comes with SMP dll's as well. I would recommend testing SMP on a fresh instance of Skyrim so that you can narrow the problem easier (which is why I recommed Mod Organizer as it makes doing that super easy). Check the log files from SKSE & SMP, they will most likely be located in ~/Documents/My Games/Skyrim/SKSE. You are looking for terms like "Error", "Exception" or "Fatal". For a setup recommendation I would have to go with switch to Special Edition... if you absolutely must stay on LE then I suppose you could search for CPU + GPU combos that support OpenCL 2.0 (probably AMD GPU + Intel CPU) Possibly useful links: https://streamhpc.com/blog/2015-02-10/overview-of-opencl-2-0-support-samples-blogs-and-drivers/
  5. The easiest way to get SMP for Legenday Edition is by installing BHUNP https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/100306, while this is a body mod it will give you the necessary dll files for SMP to work on other things like jewelry, capes, clothing etc. If you want to use a different body then you could install BHUNP first and your desired body mod second, overwriting the files from BHNUP. You could manually install the SMP dll's from BHUNP but I would not recommend that unless you are familiar with the FOMOD format. Skyrim LE is pretty much 'unsupported' for using SMP, if installing BHUNP does not work then your hardware (Graphics card + CPU) is most likely incompatible with the LE version of SMP. Note: You only need to install the body mod to get SMP, there is no need to do any of the bodyslide building unless you want to or you want SMP to apply to the body.
  6. @SpartanXZero Great questions, also the guide appears to be contradicting itself there about the damping values being 0-1 or anything, I'll have to open up the various dusty tomes and look into those again. From what I recall several of these values are parts of equations, so they are relative to other defined values like mass & intertia. Most of the 'valid' values I have listed were lifted from either the bullet documentation or from reading through the SMP source code, this is somewhat flawed as the code might accept any value but in reality not any value makes sense as you have no doubt discovered. That being said I would recommend browsing the bullet documentation as it can have some helpful insights even if you have to mind map them from bullet to SMP concepts. I would be super keen to be proven wrong about any of these values, I'll try to find some time to investigate what some of the formulas behind these values are so that I can suggest some values to use.
  7. @BentSpoon01 Apologies for not getting back to you, I was intending to play around a bit in a test environment to see if I could prove my 'fake constraint collision' theory but did not get the time to do so, funnily enough the idea for using constraints came from playing around with that very succubus tail. Sounds like you have already covered what I was going to try though, the balance of inertia vs mass vs damping is rather fiddly. I'll try to get some time to look at the problem tails when/if you release them and see if I can magic out some settings that look alright.
  8. There is almost certainly going to need to be weight mapping involved in any proxy object creation, though I suppose you could potentially duplicate the current tails and just scale them. If I recall angular values are in radians, so 180deg would be PI or ~3.14, you most likely want to be working with values more like 5-25deg of movement so somewhere between 0-0.5. Using constraints would depend on the type of movement you are going for, my thought was to have quite small limits so that you get some sway but the tail remains mostly within a few degrees +/- of its original position. Jittering sounds like constraints fighting with something else, do you have an example of your settings for your constraints & bones?
  9. N7R had some success with collision in this thread earlier, though I am not sure it is really the problem with yours. https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/3800385-a-guide-to-hdt-smp-usersmodders/page-20&do=findComment&comment=86734338 The tails are quite close to each other, presumably you have already tried various margin & penetration values? It is possible that you might have more success using proxy style objects that collide with each other rather than trying to use the actual tail mesh, the proxies could be made a lot slimmer to avoid having them clipping each other and constantly causing collision events, would probably be more performance friendly as well. You could also look into tweaking the rotation/translation constraints of each string of tail bones to sell the illusion of collision without actually using the collision system.
  10. Hmm, not a lot to go on unfortunately. Logs seem to be mostly fine other than error 5 from smp, though to uncover what error 5 is meant to be will probably end up in a stroll through the source code for SKSE. If you have had SMP working before and it has stopped working recently then the most likely suspects would be other '.dll' based mods that could potentially be conflicting with smp loading. If you are not already using mod organizer I would highly recommend it as it makes tracking down specific mod problems pretty easy.
  11. Alrighty, reinstalled LE with a fresh test environment and a new MO profile. Test setup: - SkyUI (mostly for MCM) - Live another life (for sanity) - FNIS (required by XPMSE but not really I did not generate idles in my test) - Racemenu (required by XPMSE) - Bodyslide (required to build the body) - [COCO]SMP body v5 LE standalone (I picked the UNP or body b version, shouldn't matter though) - XPMSE (bare bones install, no animation overrides selected) Critical point 1) Looks like COCO has you covered for the decimal notation issue, the installer for the body asks you if you are european, answer no to this and you will get dot notation rather than comma. Critical point 2) Make sure to build the entire group in bodyslide for your chosen body type, e.g. in my install I chose to use UNP3BBB so I have to build the entire group COCOUNP3BBB this comes with several choices for what I assume to be breast size related physics (A,B,C,D,P) just pick one of these that suits you (use batch build). My basic test setup has a rather dirty looking character but physics is all working as expected, you might need to turn on the 3BBB SMP physics via the hotkey or spell provided by UNP / CBBE (check your MCM). There are several warnings in the SMP logs about missing virtual mesh, that is most likely just some left over physics definition though that is not really harming anything other than log readability.
  12. This was fixed in the open source version of SMP for special edition, unfortunately for LE you will either need to change your OS language or open the physics XML files from the mod and convert all of the decimal notation to the appropriate version for your locale. e.g. decimal notation in my locale is . (dot) while in others it is , (comma) This should be relatively easy to achieve in any kind of text editing program via search & replace (notepad++, VSCode, Atom etc) This usually means that one of the hulls/meshes is not in the expected format (LE vs SE), though being virtual ground you can probably just ignore it in this case. These could indicate a problem with the physics XML file, it might be caused by the decimal notation issue though. Either way the numbers in brackets are line numbers, so you could try inspecting BaseShapeA.xml at lines 377 & 391 to see if anything obvious is wrong. (use an editor with line numbers functionality to save yourself a headache) It might also indicate an issue with the skeleton in use, are you using XPMSE ?
  13. @N7R Nice work, its great to have some more specific information about use cases like this
  14. Hmm without having the actual files to do some debugging with I am not sure I can help any further, everything looks fine. My only suggestions would be to use ridiculous values in your xml to try and prove that the collisions are working at all, like using a massive margin, you could also try removing unused strings on your mesh, that has sometimes caused issues for me `Nifskope spells > optimize > remove unused strings` If you send me a PM with your xml config I can try looking for issues with it.
  15. From what I recall (it has been a long time since I did any work with SMP), if you have a collision object set (per-triangle or per-vertex) then you should be good to go. <per-triangle-shape name="VirtualCBBE"> ... </per-triangle-shape> One of these days I'll dig into the source code now that it is available and find out how the xml is actually parsed, I do recall having issues sometimes getting body collisions working. I guess the nuclear option would be to rename your proxy collision mesh to something else to see if there is some sort of naming conflict happening, I would also usually apply some debug texture to the proxy objects to make sure they were not flying off in space somewhere unexpected.
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