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Everything posted by Mastian1997

  1. My old Skyrim with 150 Mods is still stable (CTD happens very rarely, 1 per month or less). i think the most important thing for a stable Skyrim is: Try to unterstand what the mod is doing and how it does. Without this knowlege it's nearly impossible to create a stable skyrim, but that's just my opinion.
  2. I recommend the Special Edition for you. The only reasen why i never played the SE is because i don't want to play Skyrim with some specific mods.
  3. In my opinion the Skyrim Legendary Edition is the best option for modding now, but in 1-2 years the Special Edition will be the better choice. Also you can get the Skyrim legendary Edition very cheap, but DON'T buy it on steam. On sites like mmoga.net you get Skyrim LE for 10€ or less.
  4. Had the same problem sometimes, after deactivating the scanner of my anti-viren programm it's gone.
  5. I can completely agree with TheGreatFalro. I'm using Win10 since July 2016. First i had reservations but know i wouldn't switch back to Win7.
  6. there is only one horse you should spawn, the ghost horse player.placeatme 10bf90 With Convient Horses, it's like a normal horse, just immortal with infinite stamina and nice ghost look ^^
  7. Den Eröffnungspost solltest du nochmal bearbeiten, da wurden alle Umlaute auf etwas andere Art dargestellt :teehee:
  8. None of them, she would stay outside. Why Serena should care about civil war?
  9. You can install CCO, craft gold ingots and put them in a lake until it's full (maybe your game will crash). Or build a wall Or use them with telekinesis to kill a giant. There are so many possibilites.
  10. The first mod to install should be USLEEP.
  11. The best for a good balance is discipline. If you are using every opportunity to enhance your charakter, Skyrim will be always to easy. But you should try MorrowLoot Ultimate and Wildcat - Combat of Skyrim.
  12. Better Vampires isn't essential for Vampires, i tested it and many other vampire mods but i prefer "Vampire Reversed and Tweaked". For everyone other mods are essential, it depent's on your personal taste.
  13. I will switch in a year, maybe. I'm acutally satisfied with the good old Skyrim and much of my mods will not be compatible with the Special Edition.
  14. 1. Nazeem 2. Astrid 3. Jarl Siddgeir At beginning i hate Ulfric too, but he's very friendly in sovngarde :happy:
  15. I'm sure the enchantment is't active while the weapon is on your back or in a scabbard. The power of the soulgem is controlled by a thought of the enchanter and these mages are pretty smart. I'm sure they know what their enchantment should do ^^
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