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Posts posted by FadingCeiling

  1. If your mod load order is the same as in the first page then I haven't a clue what could be wrong because I don't see anything weird about the load order which would override the WMK settings.


    Final guess from me is incorrect/corrupted installation of the mods.

  2. Manually checking that the files are in the correct places.


    The WMK mod has 3 folders (meshes, sounds, textures) as well as the .esp file in it's archive. Check that all those folders and the FILES inside those folders are in correct places (Ie. Fallout 3\Data\ and so on).

  3. You are missing:

    CRAFT - Activation Perk.esp (mandatory I believe)

    FO3 Wanderers Edition - Followers Enhanced.esp (Choose BS OR Non-BS Version) (This would be a good one to have, not mandatory though I think)


    Refer to the FWE download page on nexus (there's a compatibility and load order sections there) for additional information.



    DarNifiedUIF3.esp This should be above the FO3 Wanderers Editon - Main File.esp. Just below the CRAFT - Activation Perk.esp that you are missing.


    Also I do believe you should be using a merged patch.

  4. Okey now I can say that there's something overwriting something that it shouldn't be because the 14mm pistol should be modable with EC, LS and AF kits. Could you please post your load order here so we could take a look at it and maybe see what is causing this?


    Ps. If you're using FWE 4.x then I'd like to remind that FWE 5.0 is out. :]

  5. I am not 100% sure about this but I think it is intented. I'm using FWE and WMK as well and unique weapons are not modable. You could ask the WMK and FWE uploaded file threads about this but FWE 5.0 is just around the corner and if this is a bug it is most likely being addressed in FWE 5.0.
  6. Total mess tbh.


    At a quick glance you have..

    [ ] Project Beauty HD version.esm



    [X] Project Beauty.esp

    [X] Project Beauty- Broken Steel.esp

    [X] Project Beauty- Point Lookout.esp




    [ ] Mart's Mutant Mod - FWE with EVE.esp

    [ ] Mart's Mutant Mod - CFW.esp

    Both inactive yet you have EVE and CFW active (Which isn't required as they'rei n FWE).


    [X] Mez's Merged Patch - FWE-WMK-MMM.esp

    if I remember right that's supposed to be pretty much like the last thing you load.


    Did you even bother reading the readme's, load order suggestions and compatibility notes on the mods before you installed them Or actually some of the FAQs and walkthroughs about general mod installation and use with Fallout 3? Seriously..

  7. All .esm's are supposed to be loaded before any .esp's.

    FWE should be before MMM.

    Not 100% but I think it's best practice to put WMK before MMM as well.

    Also from FWE readme.

    Mart's Mutant Mod - FWE Master Release.esp



    This patch contains MMM's Zone's Respawn and Increased Spawns. You can use any of the other optional plugins, but the tougher traders plugin will override portions of Caravans Upgraded that is included in FWE.

  8. I would say same as vanilla if you wish to modify an existing setting.


    If you change the formID I think that's kinda like creating a whole "new" entry where you would then have to edit everything that used the "old" vanilla setting to point to the "new" entry.



  9. Minas Tirith starts from bottom (wide) to top (thing). I'd suggest you make Megaton the opposite. Kinda like it is atm. The highest part (like when you enter it in vanilla Fallout 3) is the widest "circle" and as you travel towards the center it starts to get narrower until you reach the bottom with the nuke and the church nutcases.
  10. I think just copying the /Data folder in Fallout 3/ folder would have been sufficient.


    Then you'd only have to had install Fallout 3 + patches and then things like FOSE and FOMM only and then just stick the /Data folder into you're fresh installation. I don't know if you should have copied the fallout 3 settings files in my documents (like the .ini's and so on). Probably not as some of the settings there I think are system specific. But I think some mods do modify the files there like for example pipboy readiues if I'm not mistaken.


    The red exclamations mean it's missing a model I think. Did you remember to apply archive invalidation?

  11. http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Fallout_3_followers


    Read after combat:

    Armor and weapons worn by companions never degrade with use.

    Companions have unlimited ammo for their standard weapon (With the exception of Butch), but you'll have to supply them with the appropriate ammo for any other non-default ranged weapon.


    I think there's a few mods that change it so that follower armor/weapon do degrade but i' not at home to check the readme's of a few mods I use (I don't like followers, never have them personally). I also don't know of any mods that stop the degradation.

  12. Bloody marvelous! Well done old chap!


    If I'm not totally mistaken higher texture quality first of all requires more memory from your graphics card. So it could have been because you're graphics card doesn't have enough memory for the high quality textures. I am not 100% sure that this is correct so if I'm wrong feel free to correct me. Thanks.


    Also it could just be Fallout 3 gfx engine problem on it's own or a million other things. But if it helped then who cares!

  13. I've been using that same mod with FWE, WMK, MMM + a bunch of other mods and haven't had that problem. Are you sure that you're using the correct .esp for the amount of track files you downloaded?


    For example I downloaded all the track archives 1-1, 1-2 then 2-1,2-2 and so on to 5-1,5-2. Then extracted them to the correct folders in /data/.. and then activated the galaxy news radio (100).esp (Sorry don't remember the exact name of the esp, the numbers in that mean the amount of tracks you have installed).


    Also I've been using this mod with XP SP2/SP3, Vista, Win 7 with default audio codecs/drivers and it still has worked. Yes it stutters which maybe caused by incompatible codecs etc. but it still has worked without crashing.

  14. Blasphemy I shout at ye!


    *gives Zerayan a good spankin'*


    Okey maybe the gfx engine Fallout 3 uses isn't state of the art anymore but it used to be. From todays viewpoint sure it has MANY flaws compared to newer ones but in my opinion the overall graphics of Fallout 3 is extremely beautiful especially when you toss in some fan made texture/lightning/animation upgrades. the sad part is that the engine could have been a lot better but sadly the *bleep* at Bethesda did not want to invest in it. Some of the outdated things such as graphics (if you mean textures/lightning for example), animation and visual effects have been modified and enhanced by the thriving fan base but there's not much even the fans can do when it comes to hardcoding. Some things just cannot be enhanced without the help from say Bethesda who IMO do not want to participate and contribute.


    Todays market driven and push what the majority wants mentality in game development has been a big setback for PC games (I blame consoles) as games cannot be too complex as they most likely will be ported to consoles which are extremely limited compared to PC's. Also when you consider that game development isn't as affordable as it used to be, the multiple platforms and computer peripherals and devices available pretty much means that corners have to be cut to make the deadline and push products out to the consumers (usually way too early - well most of the time).

  15. First to drop would be AA and AF and then Texture Quality to medium IMO. If you really want to use Fellout I don't personally recommend dropping from HDR to Bloom or totally off.


    I haven't noticed much performance increase/drop with shadow/water settings.

    Draw distances should always be maxed if at all possible as it impacts the gameplay quite a bit.

    IIRC Tweakguides had a nice guide for Fallout 3 graphics settings.


    Ps. What are the "nothing critical" that the UF3P fixes that weren't included in 1.7?

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