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Everything posted by kjecobra
Was wondering if it is at all possible to modify existing CONTRAPTION meshes... to increase the OPENINGS of the HOPPERS and BUILDERS.. to allow larger objects to pass through them without jamming them up. heck i might even settle for CHANGING the object to a TUBE LOL as long as it works
I enjoy building factories, and having a recycling center breaking down equipment... it is a HUGE issue, when it comes to large items (miniguns, power armor pieces, raider armor, ect), the items do not fit into the Manufacturing machines, and most the time cause huge JAMS.. and end up all over the place.. Is it possible to either alter the Hoppers/Equipment to have bigger inlets, to allow larger equipment to pass through them...
The game lacks enough CHAIN mail/fish net armor mods ... Something like this WOuld make an awesome LIGHT armor for MAGES.. changing the texture to a more transparent type of chain mesh. Could even have the COLOR changed by the material used.. IRON - Silver, STEEL - BLUISH-GRAY, GOLD - GOLD/YELLOW, ect... Peices coule be -- 1 - Armor (the dress itself), 2 - Pauldrons (the two pieces that cover each shoulder), 3 - COLLAR - 4 - FEET (Shoes, Sandles, + option for ANkle jewlry), 4 - Circlet (an ornate piece) All the pieces should be temperable, as well as enhancable..
Have you run LOOT, and check for any errors, or issues with the load order.. From the error messages appears, the NIF files arent being read properly, or they are corrupted.. You should first - check integrity of the game files (in steam)... Use loot to check for any errors, and ensure the load order is optimized (LOOT is not the best method, but it is effective). I did notice you have several texture replacers.. are you using the 2k versions, or the 4k versions... Water Two in high res, will slam the machines, in certain areas that have alot of water.. (for me any texture modifiers that enhance the water (which effects rain)... slams my computer during storms (I love true weather mods)..
That sucks... my fallout is at 254... and I am currently merging mods, condensing, trying to decrease the #. Skyrim I been trying to update the mods, with ESL if possible... and looking to merge them.. I believe I can merge majority of the simple companion mods into one ESP.
I know fallout 4 has a mod limit of 255 before the game becomes unstable to the point of unplayable.. Was curious if skyrim had a mod limit... Currently I am running 234 active mods on my rig.. These include, Armor, weapons, castles, homes, textures, animations, Monster Mods, ect... Ontop of that I have stablization mods running, for the memory patch, ENB's, as well as graphic enhancers produced for my video cards that enabled dual GPU usage.. I love testing new mods, and hate deactiving a mod set that I know is stable.. But would love to know if adding mods, will destablize the game, just for the amount of mods.
Their has been several mods that increase spawns, and also one which makes a base that you defend... but they are limited.. Looking for a mod that allows the player to create firebases, which are constantly being assaulted. I am more of a base builder, with high defense, and fortifications, but without anything attacking them, it gets boring fast. The Starlight drive-in is my favorite base area. Idealy would be nice to have the following factions attacking: Raiders Gunners Mutants Institute BOS with diffrent levels of enemies, with less then cheesy gear .
LE [mod suggestion] Death of a King - End Of a Dynasty
kjecobra posted a topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
Brief Description: Assassination of a King, protected by an entire army.. Sample Begining: While travelling, the dragonborn hears rumors about a civilization being eradicated by a ruthless Nord king. As he travels the lands, he discovers the location of the destroyed city, and threw investigation finds evidence that some have survived, and are being tracked by the Nord Kings men. The dragonborn eventually catches upto the survivors, and the group of Nord Militia. After killing the militia the dragonborn is presented with a plea for help, the survivors ask the dragonborn to kill the Nord King, as he will never stop till all of their kind are eliminated. The dragonborn then sets off for the castle.. Can either use stealth to infiltrate the castle, or brute force killing everything.. to kill the king.. Be best, if 1 new race is created (the doomed city and the survivors) new armor/weapons, for the new race Nord King Militia units Nord King can also have a reward, as a new follower, when finishing the quest, of the new race.. can also set relationships with the Nord King, so it has adverse effects on others in the game.. (say nords now hate you, or align the nord king and his men, with other cities, and you become a wanted person in those cities ect..).. I have plenty of ideas for it, just no time to code it as I work alot.. -
i love skyrim.. and love fallout... be awesome to combine them LOL
was wondering if anyone can bring over some of the textures from skyrim... maybe one of the factions..... and make a SKYRIM vs FALLOUT type of play...
Well, My method of fixing it isnt really fixing it.. I found that steam only updated too 1.3... so I went into steam... validated.... which updated it to 1.3.47 (even worst).... then I used the patch revert back to 1.2.37, which was the last stable patch we had before all hell broke loose.. I then went into my firewall and blocked steam from accessing the internet .... (it pops up a window and just click "PLAY OFFLINE") Works fine for me, just like before that god awful 1.3 patch.. ** UPDATE ** after reverting back.... I had to start a new game, the patch corrupted all my save games, and it would CTD right to the desktop upon load.. went to the drive - in with a new character.... ** MIND YOU THIS WAS FOR TEST PURPOSES ** In God Mode, Spawned in 100 legendary raiders..... playing in ULTRA graphics mode, on a gamers laptop... (just so ya know my laptop is less powerful then a high end desktop).. killed the first series of 100 raiders..... I fast travelled out, and fast travelled back... Not one issue... I currently have a list of 159 mods installed, 138 active.... (have no clue how to use half them but atleast I have em).... So I think I will stay with the old 1.2 version of the game for now... I love killing things...
they had stuff like this in oblivion... and they worked very very well
LE 1000 year old dungeons have no lights or candles please?
kjecobra replied to KnightRangersGuild's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
he has a point... whats the sense of having night eye... torches... or spells, if everything is all lit up for you... would definatly be cool... but then again.. what if my followers (and I have a lot of them)... can see in the dark... and I can't! I would get shot in the back by my own team not moving out of the way ROFL.. would be a riot.. -
would always give input... and definatly find all the bugs.. LOL... mods i like I play non stop...
reply sent... You have a great looking mod... waiting for the testing version
Was thinking, what would be a really good HOME mod, with some unique traits.... Here is what I came Up with I will start with the ARENA section, since the whole concept is BASED around the arena.. 1) ARENA - Two forms of arena combat... PIT style (combatants placed in an open area)... and LABRYNTH style (players placed in a maze environment)... 1. Players Arena Lvl (not their actual level)... Based on Arena Wins, and hardness of creatures.. 2. Players Arena Victories (how many wins, losses, ect) 3. Player an start a challenge, in which case they can face an opponents between -5 and +5 levels of their arena level..... a. Players can select # of oppenants to face in the arena, between 1-20... facing 20 openants at one time, brings greater prestige then facing 1 4. Which type of arena is random... 5. Which type of oppenants are random (unless champions, they are humanoid) 6. Maybe with every 20 victories = 1 arena level 7. At the eend of each arena lvl, player faces the Level Champion.. a. Level champions consist of 1 humanoid, and 19 followers... (say level 1, is a bandit chief, with a pack of 19 bandit dogs)... 8. If the player beats a champion, they advance to the next arena level... 10. Each victory in the arena, could have a trophy placed in a trophy case in the house... 11. Defeating champions, gives the player a UNIQUE set of armor (to distinuish an arena level champion. 12. if the player manages too make it past the last level, they face the Grand champion... (grand champion is a MIMIC,carbon copies of the player). 13. if the player defeats the grand champion, they get the ultimate prize. Home... I was thinking maybe the home can be upgraded, say a run down shack for low arena players, too a mighty castle for arena grand champions... ect... not sure if that is possible but would be so cool... would show off your STATUS as an arena fighter, by the quality of house.. Additional insights - Maybe random encounters... as an arena fighter,. your a bad arse, and people always gonna think they are better and test you... so maybe a new set of NPC's, that attack you out of no where, for no reason, with no warning... If you would like more info on this idea, let me know. I was gonna do it, but lack time..
I use the new version of CBBE, which has a bodyslide tool, where you can configure the MESH, for breast size, hip size, waist size, shoulder size, ect... look in the the folder you uncompress the CBBE main file... will be in the sub directory ...\{install directory}\\CalienteTools
well, lets see, I started with RTS... its nice if you like a lot of running all over the map trying too get all the neccessary resources, trouble getting started, not much documentation too help you get going, and a lot of BUGS still in the code. Then found Wasteland Defense, which when I started with it, it was very buggy, pretty new, but a lot of updates (sometimes updated 3 times in one day too correct bugs). Very good technical support when I started from elder. So hands down, wasteland defense.... Build your fort, hire some guards... defend your fort.... and expand your fort with new add-ons... Who doesn't like brutal carnage and a lot of it..
Mature Discussion: "Offensive" Mods
kjecobra replied to FatherAzerun's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
ok, well first I find a lot of stuff i come across offensive.. I dont complain.. I just move on.. And I read a lot of people want diversity much like the real world.. Just as their are hate groups in the world. Fallout should be no diffrent... but within taste, much like today someone dressed up in a SS uniform, would definatly become a target, not beable too buy/sell at markets, nobody would like talking too them.. ect.. So if it was a player used Uniform: -8 Charisma. -50 barter Skill, All Factions Enemies, ect.. But I do see the possibilities of using the Designs for something usefull... Like making A new Quest Line, and a new Fort.. Have the fort filled with all new NPCs (Naturally aggressive and enemies), all the NPC's wearing German Uniforms..... and such.. and have the player erradicate the entire fort.... can call the Mod "The Rise and Fall of the Fifth Reich"... Things that are naturally offensive, need too be made so the people look past the offensive nature and find the fun of the designs... everybody loves Nazi bashing..... -
I have tried a lot of mods, and there are only two that allow you too build your own forts.. RTS (http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=36922): which I find too be annoying.. too much micro management... I like too build a base, get some defenses, alittle bit of management with equiping guards, building defenses, feeding guards ect.. RTS goes beyond that... and Wasteland Defense (http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=38049#fileanchor) which is playable right out of the Box... It came along way since I started playing it weeks ago.. Going from causing crashes constantly, to being highly stable... With a lot of nice features. like setting guards patrolling, building defense turrets, walls, towers, some minor quests. and best part of all a Unique Combat System (fully player scalable) # of attackers is based on 1) Handicap and 2) how many guards you have. Scavenger the bodies for weapons, and ammo, too equip your guards better. WD also has very fast support, if you have an issue, they will help you fix the problem so you can enjoy your game. If you find a bug, they make sure too squash the bug and release an update. This is a must have mod in the wasteland. Those are the only two Mods I have found that allow a player too build a fort, is anyone working on anything similar? I would be very intrested in trying it.
Trying too get it so an NPC will FIND and pickup everything on a dead bvody... I set the packages, so they FIND, and the OBJECT (ALL WEARABLE) and they leave the armor on the corpses..
Looking for a script where NPC's/Creatures loot everything off dead bodies... Thought I saw one before but cant find it
Seen one somewhere but now can't find it.. But for many of us, having the monsters and creatures level with your level would make the game a lot more challenging... or.. have it level the monsters acording too the hardness (lvl Easy = 1 player level, lvl Medium = 1.2 player level, Hard = 1.3 player level, and Insane = 1.4 player level)
Companion With a Purpose would be awesome..
kjecobra posted a topic in Fallout New Vegas's Mod Ideas
Ok, well some just like killing and selling, gathering a huge army and kill some more... I find it very annoying having too walk around collecting loot, a bunch of clicking, then on top of it being shot at... Would be great too have a Pack Animal too be a companion and Auto Loot all the corpses for me, throughing everything in it.. allowing me too sort everything out later... Basically I seen mods which AUTO-HARVEST plants.... (same concept)... as well as AUTO SORT....... So why not - Auto - Loot, dunno if its possible too have the Pack Animal carry chests, so it can auto sort everything into the proper category..... This way we just have too walk around the battlefield and have everything picked up for us for re-sale.....