What I did was just duplicate the entry for say no helmet hack in the same addin, but then changed the moduleid = single player to dao_prc_ep1, and now it works for both awakening and origins without replacing xmls or needing a batch script. Just be careful to copy the correct amount of lines, and make sure the </addinitem> lines are in the right place or else none of your addins will show up. You mean just the one showing ownership, or the entire list of lines associated with it? I did the entire lines associated with it, they are bracketed by </addinitem>, just dont have duplicates of that line, if you have multiple other mods in your addin you can easily tell how to correctly create a duplicate entry. Could you post or message me a short example of how you did it and what should be seen in the addin when finished? I tried to do something similar but evidently was doing something incorrectly. Thx.