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  1. That's the whole problem.... I am spamming attacks, my weapons won't switch. I'm hoping there is a mod that cuts off the Animation and switches the weapons/spells
  2. So I solved my first problem... but now I need a mod, I can't switch my weapons in combat fast enough with hot keys. The whole point of hot keys is to switch your weapons fast. But I hit the number on the key board and it will not obey my orders, in the menu it says can't switch weapons while attacking. I'm hoping there is a simple mod out there that fixes this Bethesda stupidity
  3. It was the Increased Town Guards mod That was the problem. OBME is not installed. Instead a version of it comes with a mod I rather like
  4. MenuQ and Pluggy is required for several things... OBME I forget installing it, maby it was required for my last list and I just included it I forget why... only installed NVAC after the crash didn't go away. I will get rid of town guards and track down OBME to see if it's a hard requirement. What exactly is the deal with it? I always hear people bashing it but never hear the exact reason aside from some generic comments about it messing up stuff in the long run?
  5. I always CTD at a certain part of the starting dungeon... the game will not let me past. It will always CTD at the same spot. I attached my crash log. And I have no mods that specifically change the starting dungeon CrashLogger.log
  6. I actually found it... it's purge buffer cells plus plus
  7. I have been reinstalling my mod list from two years ago. Some updates. But I have a mystery mod that is showing me a timer. After 15 mins of playing the game there is a pop up that tells me I've been playing for 15 mins. Then another at 30 min then another at 45 mins... and that's the furtherest I got before CTD or quitting to install more mods. It's very early in my mod list install probably in my list of bug fixes/engine fixes/anti-crash mods... or it's Maskar's overhaul and I set something off in the ini file when I edited it. I even tried to reinstalling the mod list fresh I can't find the cause it's very annoying . Does anyone have any idea about what mod this might be and how to turn it off? Probably the biggest difference from last time I had this mod list installed is years ago the list was installed Mannually with assistance from Oblivion Mod Manager, with Omod files for characters (Robert's males and HGEC female)... this time in addition to looking up the latest bug fixes, I am using Oblivion Character Overhaul with block head and Seemless, and its being installed with MO2. Can anyone think of a dependency or new bug fix causing my timer issue?
  8. Thanks. I took a 3 week break from Skyrim because I accidentally updated to 1130 around Xmas... with the 1170 update I will be getting my mod list working agian.
  9. I bought Skyrim for the first time back in the summer, and started moding it near the end of October. I'm a long time Fallout fan and extensively modded FO3 FONV and FO4. But didn't try any Elderscrolls games until Oblivion in 2022. I had a reasonably working mod list for my second play through... only one mod was acting up and in trying to fix the problem I broke the game by uninstalling the wrong patch, then I launched the game with my WIfi turned on and it that's when the game updated from 640 to 1130. I am on Steam and using MO2 On any fresh install I can play Vanilla but once I touch SKSE, Access library, Sky UI, engine bug fixes... then it fails. All my plug-ins are being disabled and the game crashes when I try to start a new game. I have gotten the new SKSE and Access Library, as well as a few others. I checked all my basic mods for updates this week and acted accordingly. Apparently Engine bug fixes has been causing this problem and the solution is to fix the .Toml file to set 3 setting to false... most important was Enable achievement with mods needed to be set to false. I did this. But my plug-ins are still being disabled and I still crash any time I try to get past the main menu. Is there a latest guide to fix everything?
  10. I'm looking for a Mod to change follower Armor and clothing. (I am rebuilding my mod list because everything broke from the 1130 update) In my last playthrough I used consoles commands to remove Lydia's default steel armor, but when I dismissed her she would walk around naked. I am not interested in a follower framework, I just want it to be as simple as FO3/FONV where the companion just puts on the best they have. I'm looking at PDAF - Pick Default Follower Armor SSE_v3 https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/9704 Sounds good but it says I need to open Dialog to change the default. When I tried Oblivion last year I got "Simple Horse Utilities" and loved it's simplicity. I can get on my horse as normal, I crouch and "pick pocket" my horse to access the horses inventory. It has a summon spell and compatible with horse combat... the Skyrim equivalent is "convenient Horses" and it is tedious having to open Dialog to talk to my horse to select "ride" or "inventory ". The Oblivion version is much simpler and less tedious. I want the most simple option possible for making my companions wear the best armor I can loot. When I search for "companion armor" or "follower armor" I get armor overhauls for better looking armors mostly for the "companions" faction. Any mod suggestions? I am on Skyrim AE
  11. So I made 2 mods with xEdit one is working well, and the other I'm still testing, but if the second mods doesn't work it's because I chose the wrong settings not because it's crashing or the code is not working. The third is a compatibility patch for other people's mods (which have soft incompatibility), I "overide" the food and consumable items into the new esp and tweaked them and I Override the new effects into the new ESP file but can't apply the new effects from one mod to the food items from the other mod. Do I need GECK to apply effects to items? I have been right clicking all over xedit and can't find a way to do it.
  12. Ok.... thanks I tried this set master trick in both Geck and Xedit and it worked. Xedit seems to be easier to make the changes I want... thanks for the tip.
  13. I have never made a mod before and every single tutorial on moding is "making a house" or a cave or some type of cell. I have both Xedit installed for both F03 and FONV, I want to make a identical mod for both games. I was starting on FO3 but no one in the Fallout 3 threads is answering my questions or responding at all. And I am certain I will make the same mod for New vegas How do I edit creature stats in the level list without altering the Fallout3.esm or FalloutNV.esm I don't see an option in either the GECK or Xedit to "create a new .esp file, the way say a word processor would "create a new file". So when I go to edit it feels like I'm editing my original game file and not creating a mod but actually messing around with the original game, I am completely gun shy to do that for obvious reasons. But I don't see in either modding app how to create a new esp so my stat edits for the creatures are isolated from the main game and I can Uninstall by just deleting the esp file. I have looked for 2 days and can't find an option to create a new .esp in either the GECK or xEdit
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