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Nexus Mods Profile

About Aluviel

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    United States
  • Currently Playing
  • Favourite Game
    Oblivion, Secondlife, Perfectworld
  1. What on earth have you been up to?! I hope your holidays were spectacular and that the coming year will be one of your best ever. Happy New Year! :o)
  2. Hello, I hope you dont mind reading this question for someone who has never made a mod. I am taking a peek into some of my mods and seeing the mesh and texture files. I want to get a certian wig or item for my avie. I dont know if I type in player.additem (name here.nif) 1 Or the egm file name. There wasnt an icon menu folder so I could see the actual name of the item I do see the mesh and texture file for it. Im confused as to which I put or if I can just slap in the name without the .(extension goes here)1 Gosh I hope this makes sense. I'll try either way.. See what happens. If I figure it out then I will come back and report to maybe help someone else in the future to avoid hours of work. I know it has to be in game somewhere cuse I just downloaded Nif viwer to viwe it. The name of the wig I want is GrowlfCurls_White GrowlfRenHair06F_White I got this from the Growlfs Hot clothes pack I also need a cheat code for changing my race. Im too tall for my companion. :wub: Many Thank yous for your time.
  3. Ok well I dled OBMM and it tells me I am a limited user. I do not remember OBMM looking like this at all. (Just a box with the data files checked) Im sorry some Mods are just not worth the TIME and Headache. I could be moving on to other bigger and better things in Oblivion than fight with it.
  4. Yes thats a good idea.. I need to do that to get the Mod Better cities to work. It was no problem in Morrowind and for some reason its major missing textures for the person who created it for oblivion. Thank you for the reply^^
  5. Good Morning, I have a question about cleaning up the Data Files Directory that is located right under "Play" in the main menu. I have a lot of unused mods in there such as castles, skins, things that didn't work etc. the data files directory is getting kind of full. its at 17 mods now. I was wondering if there was a way to get rid of a mod without having to manually go into the data files folder and start messing with the stuff in there. ( like textures, meshes etc) I suppose I could just find the individual esps and delete those, it wouldn't really clean up the game in general. Many Thank yous in advance Luvi
  6. Thank you both very very much. I opened up fraps changed the destination folder too. Funny now when in game I use tm to clear the screen them tfc to free up the camera. then hit F1 its nt taking screen shots nor is the print screen button working . Im sure I will figure it out. Thank you both so much for responding. Here is the lovley photo of my avie and my companion in bliss.
  7. Hello, I looked up taking screen shots and followed the advice and downloaded FRAPS. I do not know where the screen shots are saved to. I typed in the name of the screen shot my computer didnt find it. :sweat: Sorry for asking a mundae redundant question as I have searched this up pretty good and still haveing some trouble. Many thank yous!!
  8. Thank you so much I really appreciate your time to give me another alternative and also to explain how to make an offering. I was dropping the item on the ground before the shrine hahahaha! Kind of like what you would do in real life place it on the altar or something. Thank you again and also thank you for holding your toungue on the opinion. ;)
  9. Hello, I am trying to get the artifact from Azuza's Shrine to complete a quest at Bruma. I need to get it for Martin the new Emperor. I have to say Martin hasn't actually given me this quest yet. he is still working on trying to decipher the second part of the book. When I try to go to Azuza's shrine I get a message when I drop the glow dust on the ground that this isn't the right kind of offering. :unsure: What do I do to get the game moving along again? According to walkthroughs I have seen Martin is supposed to give me a quest to find daedric items to start opening the gate to Paradise. The game seems stuck. The marker shows green on the map to go to Azusa shrine. Maybe I am jumping the gun a bit or I missed something? Not sure what to do at this point. Any hints will be greatly appreciated!!
  10. I had this same issue a few days ago. Your probably using windows vista right? My computer-system-device manger- look on the right find the us serialbus and click the + sign then disable the infared reciever. then start up the game hit your tid key and that should work. for more details look at some of my other posts.
  11. You dont need the Mod all you have to do is disable the remote control on your computer. I never realised I had a remote control or wasnt interested in using it anyways. I have Vista its a pain. So here is what I did: My computer - system properties- device manager- looked at the end of the list for Universial Serial Bus controlers. I clicked the + sign and saw the eHome infared reciver and right clicked choose Disable. I went into game hit the console or tid key and it worked perfect!!! I cant believe it could be that simple now after x amount of years I can finaly finish this game!
  12. WOW Ben simply going into the device manager and disabling the Infared thing totally worked I got my tid console back and now I can have some money!!! YES!! Thank you so much for mentioning this!
  13. It will be really nice when Bethdisa gets it together and makes a MMORPG for us who love morrowind and oblivion etc. Then we could at least meet each other and I could give you a giant cyber kiss for replying and being so nice.
  14. Woohoo Ben I did a search on the infared reciever and learned how to disable the software. I hope this does something. *crosses fingers* If not I will find out where the actual hard ware is and unplug it. Thank you so much for replying!! XOXO
  15. None of these helped I did get two lines of ballow console=1 I wonder if I could just change that to =F12?
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