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Everything posted by Aluviel

  1. Sorry to post yet another plea for help I hope this is the last one. I am trying to load up beautiful people mod since ren's combined with sonyas hair didnt work out. I found a mod that supposedly fixes that combines it with rens beautiful people and sonya's hair and to no avail it still doesnt work! The mystic race and soccerer race doesnt show up either.. Am I missing something? do I need a compatability mod of some kind? Its late and I am going to bed Its ben a long day of fighting with mods and redownloading games for me. Luvi
  2. Greetings!! I have just downloaded oblivion's GOTY to get both expansion packs for SI and the other one Oblivion has. I went to the STeam folder to look for Data Files to start uploading some of my Mods and I found the folder for data(sorry for the misleading subject line cant edit it) and I noticed a few folders missing such as Meshes ,voice and sound. Should I pop in my Oblivion cd and reinstall that? or should I just drop in the sound voice meshes folder into data? WHen I went to steam the only way to get the expansion packs was to buy the whole GOTY edition. Any help or advice is greatly appreciated and special thanks to Ben the Modderator for his help thus far ^^ *kisses* Luvi
  3. Thank you Ben your such a sweety!! I did download the latest ptch and 416 is the highest out right now. which s what I have. The benius mannor said it might not work propperly with out the Si expansion. Thank you for the hint about steam I will do a goole search see how much it is. I am thinking about just uninstalling the game and starting from scratch. Maybe by dropping the mods into data folder instead of doing it by hand meshes to meshes folder ect, I might have corrupted the data folder somehow. this is a list of mods I have: Ancient elven warrior beautiful people benirus mannor improved Cm Partners Cm Ozz (companion) Cm Partners tabaxi DMDemon (companion) KT custom race fix This is the listof checked mods that I see when I open the launcher . I do have the other benrus mannor mod it is nt checked. Is it possible to screw up your data folder by just putting toomuch stuff in it? I dled and extracted alot of these mods 2 or 3 times trying to get them to work. I am not familar with OBMM I dont feel I am advanced enough to fiddle with it. Is it really worth the headache to learn to use it?
  4. Hello All happy holidays!! I have 2 issues. :( 1.I have the cm companions mod and shamikas Ozz companion which is the male version of Skye. Neither of these companions talk or have a voice. and when I do talk to them there is no menu to ask if these would like to join you or even ask about rumors in the town. Also Ozz head is missing : ( 2. I dounloaded the Benirus mannor from Khettienna and the garden outside looks great!!!! I step inside and I fall through the floor eventually die. I dont have shimmering isles expanion and was wondering if there is any way around this or if there is a place online I can pay for it and download it so all these mods will start to work right. Please Help I am getting desperate!
  5. Hello All, Iam trying to load up the Skye companion mod. There was a huge list of other mods that I needed to dl first like Hair, cm panions (which also isnt showing up) rens beauty pak, there are about 4 diffrent versions of cm companions all of which I have dled into the data folder. Maybe the skye companion can only be used if you have SI expansion pak? It doesnt say either way if you need SI in the read me or in the mod desciption. I really wanted this male version. Also Alot of these mods causes me to crash to desktop. Ohh the Skye mod has the dl and also the v2 both of which are in the data files folder yet dont show up as an esm when I goto the launcher. any help is greatly appreciated ^^ Happy New years!! I wanted to add I finally got a couple of the companion mods ( The two cat looking girls) to show up and Ozz and the demon Azzy.. However when you try to talk to them there is no diolague options at all even when I tried to bribe them and Ozz also has no head :P I need to to be bale to talk to tthem and fix the hovering teeth that has no face for poor ozzy. Thanks much !! I better get that benthan manor mod working so they will all have beds to sleep in can I buy more furnature for the house at all?
  6. Wow thanks for the great replies! I want to know what an IR is. What kind of programs will stop working if I disable it? In the device manager i have the universial sieral bus and the top option is eHome infrared reciver (USB CIR) Thats the only place I have found something with the word "Infrared" in it. I reall want some companion mods that dont require the Shivering Isles expansion pkg. Thanks again for answering me^^ Most other forums simply said I was screwed. So this really means alot. I want to be sure I woulnt loose my media player or any vital programs before I do this.
  7. Hello All^^ I have tried to get a few mods dled for oblivion now that I have a great suped up computer to play it on. Only problem is that it runs windows vista. So I cant get the Tid key or console to come up for cheat codes. When I go into the game and click data files instead of play I am not seeing the esm files to activate the mods. Now a wierd thing happened. I dont know if its my imagination..... I went to change clothes and suddendly my elf was nakked with breasts instead of a bra and the men I just killed on the floor suddenly had male parts instead of being stripped to thier underwear...(not that Im complaining.. Let the Raunch begin LOL) I dont even remember dling a mod for that... Is there any special way I should try to activate these? I have dropped the textures into the texture folder , meshes to Meshes.....and do all that by hand as well. So question is... How can I activate the esm file? Or maybe its automatic with windows Vista? Has anyone else experinced this Please Help.. so I dunno maybe some of those mods worked? I tried to dl the better manor and the girl to hire to stay there and also I really want some cool companions.. Has anyone made a nice romance like the old Morrowind ones? How many here ever played Glory Road mod? wasnt that just kick ass? thanks to all^^
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