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Everything posted by Arrok

  1. I think the aim of this thread is to request a mod that allows an NPC to ride the same horse as the player,...not ride their own horse and follow the player's horse. The goal is to get a follower or NPC able to hitch a ride with the player (meaning 2 actors on a single horse).
  2. I converted the Diano stockings to SoS max weight. I'd show you a pic of it in skyrim, but it contains nudity,..so heres a nifskope of it without the schlong,... I'd PM it to you but I didn't get the author's permission to reupload edits,..not even sure who the author is,....but I know nexus is strict with this kinda stuff so if you wanna ask the author if its okay, ill upload it.
  3. I was thinking something like using that console command "take control" or /tc that give you control of the NPC,...and makes your PC mimic their movements,...I haven't tried mounting up with it though,... Its an idea at least to sync up 2 actors,...just have to get them aligned with targeted moveto commands,...and sync actor rotation with scripts,....then apply both actors to the same horse offset with the NPC behind the PC,... You'd probably have to disable havok actor collision and IK assets to get them both that close together without them auto-repelling each other(which looks like 2 actors sliding away,....or throbing violently b/c they are too close and repelling) because their hitboxes/collision centers are too close. Or,....you could eliminate the repulsion problem by editing the player's horse riding animation in 3dsmax,...just move the actor back about 100 units in negative y direction (or just opposite facing direction) using the NPC COM bone....then export that and add it to skyrim via FNIS as a new animation. apply that animation to the back rider,....you'll notice that the actor's animation is playing far behind the horse's saddle,...but their hitboxes are still colliding, because you moved the NPC COM far away from the NPC root node which contains the hitbox and remains on the origin. So now you script the actor's position in the positive y direction by 100 units with papyrus,...so now the whole NPC's skeleton is aligned behind the player,...but the hitbox for the NPC is now way out in front of the horse,...too far to cause collision problems Edit: you'd have to do this for every horse riding animation though,....meaning,... walk, trot, run, and sprint forward,...left and right turning versions of those,...and the horses idle animation,...and the jump animation,.....so not a small amount of editing,...though,...its not like making a new animation,...or really adjusting it in an animation sense,....just moving actors back,....so it balances out i guess
  4. while i try to remember all the low lvl bows i remember longbow, hunting bow, and imperial bow,...but i dont remember an iron bow like oblivion had. there is an ironbow.nif in the directory though,...may be the one,...kinda like how your skills say archery,...but you have to type marksman in the console,...idk though worth a shot Edit: yea i see u looking at textures not meshes, srry,..but still try the texture for the iron bow
  5. Thanks, I can see all the mesh and texture nif and dds files,...they have one for each option on every slider in character creation. I was hoping i could combine all the meshes and texture into just one for the whole head, or rather i was hoping the game did that for me. However, now I think the information may just be stored in scripts, and the skyrim.esm assembles all the nifs when a savegame is loaded. ok in the mesh directory im in Actors > Character > Facegen Data > facegeom > Skyrim.esm....there a quite a few nifs here...are these the ones combined to make the face/head mesh anyone?
  6. My apologies if the answer to my question is easily found. If so, I couldn't seem to find it. The Question : Where are the files located that contain the information on your head/face that you make in character creation? My first thought was to try the .ess savegame files, but I dont know what I should use to open it. I thought it might be in the bsa archives, and I have an editor for that. However, I didnt think it would be there b/c those are game files unrelated to user character configuration settings, right? ...lol plz dont call me a noob unless u also tell me what to do XD
  7. I'm thinking all this new stuff is a good thing. BGS said their animator requires much less scripting and low-order coding. Maybe this go around we'll get a working mounted combat mod, or a parry mod (even though that should have been in the game). Since they are keeping all the file extensions we're familiar with, I think the Creation Kit is just a Skyrimified GB that is perhaps even more mod friendly than before. I know I want to get cloth simulation on all stock robes and cloaks modded into the game. Also, in the process applying the same concept to hair to add some physics. Honestly though, all this should have been in Skyrin @ launch. *sigh* Oh well, some ideas werent important enough to take up the limited processing space available when choosing to use outdated hardware such as the x360 as a development platform. Thier solution to the cutbacks on the PC end is mods. I'm just thankful TES remains available on PC.
  8. Doesn't mean we can't voice our opinions eh? :P Yes your opinion. However I assure you that not every woman with big breast is obese or has implants. I need only look as far as to try and tie my shoes to realize this. I also use BBB and I don't think I have any issues. I am a mother with a daughter who is bright, makes straight As and doesn't hate her body. So maybe your statement is untrue and the issue may be elsewhere? I can't wait for all the nude mods and stuff like BBB...and..ahem... other more intense mods (looks at russian modders) >.> You need stuff like sexy walk too if the women walk and stand like gorillas again. You can say I have issues ( i prolly do) but ,to me ,it adds realism.
  9. I agree with you. a lot of people here are really concerned with story, but TES is really about making your own story. If the story is too detailed and centered, then you will have assassins saving the world only to kill it's inhabitants. Gameplay will keep you playing. I'm looking forward to combat, physics, crafting, NPC AI, Animations (omg thank you for fixing this), Horses (Red Dead Redemption horses own oblivion so hard), the radiant story random stumble quests. If rain doesn't fall through overhead awnings, ill be satisfied. As for the graphics resolution wise, I really dont care if its worse than oblivion.
  10. I'd like to see expansions, but I'd like them to be distributed as DLC. Where they would be available on the Skyrim site to download or the PSN / XBOX market depending on which you play the game with. I would be really happy if additonal story elements were added. I really wouldn't care if new land was added, just more factions/stories/quests/items in the same Skyrim. I also think they should double up faction types. For example, have more than one stealth faction. I was really happy to see this in Oblivion with the Thieves Guild+Dark Brotherhood. @Fatalmaterpiece : didn't oblivion release with horse armor DLC?
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