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About Slicer51b

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    United States
  • Favourite Game
    S.W. Galactic Battlegrounds

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  1. Much to do, so little time. I have many different projects I am working on, all of which either have to be, or should be done soon.
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    2. Slicer51b


      Some volunteer work, both on the nexus and other. Right now it is mostly recruiting people for projects, always a drag, but it is necessary to succeed.
    3. Ithildin


      Volunteer work ... are you working on a mod for FO3 or NV?
    4. Slicer51b


      Technically both, but we are finishing up the Fallout 3 edition before the team moves entirely onto New Vegas. I am on the Mothership Zeta Crew team for fallout 3, which goes by TSC Vegas for NV.
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