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Everything posted by Eyrika

  1. Hopefully someone can help me.. I've been working really hard to try and figure out how to convert hairs myself so I don't have to rely on others to make them anymore. But every time I make progress, I seem to get stuck. I finally managed to convert a hair mesh in blender and everything looks fine in Nifskope, (images under spoilers to save space) but when I try to add it in the creation kit, it pretty much.. explodes? I'm not sure what's going on. Halp!
  2. Search for Armed to the Teeth.. I believe that mod does this.
  3. I don't think anyone has found this body. I'm guessing it's just something someone made for themselves with Caliente's bodyslide. It does remind me of some picture I saw a long time ago.. I thought it was some secret present that came with the ANK castle. It appeared to be a body + textures that looked similar to that. I have no idea where to find it though :P
  4. Apparently using showracemenu didn't do this before. Can anyone fix it with the creation kit? I want to change my character's hair, but not her face.
  5. Mods are from the game Tera, so not on the Nexus.
  6. I've been crashing constantly since this patch. Then I stopped using SKSE, and have been fine. Hoping to get an update from them soon :) Edit: NVM, l2read. Looks like there already is an update, yay!
  7. Seriously, thank you so much for making this, or at least trying :D I wanted to try this myself, but i'm completely lost, lol. You seem like you have a much better understanding of the editor. I was thinking of having the player steal something for a present, too. It's the most obvious solution to me. As for when the romance becomes available? I'd say after you finish the main thieves guild quest (after you get your Nightingale power, NOT after you become master, because that takes much longer).
  8. I'm surprised no one mentioned that one of the developers of Reckoning worked on the Elder Scrolls.... You can read about it on Reddit. He did an AMA.
  9. Brynjolf!! Do it!! *begs pathetically*
  10. Read my above post :P I believe those are the ears you're looking for.
  11. Yeah, there are some out there already, but you'll never find them on the Nexus because of the above reason.
  12. I don't know, but I wish I could fix it, too. All I know is that before I upgraded my computer, it didn't happen :P So for some reason, better performance = lag ?
  13. This keeps happening to me, too... I steal things for thieves guild quests, and don't see any bounty pop-up, but when I go to turn in the quest it says that I got arrested and sent to jail.. I was like... I did?? And one time, the Jarl of Riften sent mercenaries to kill me for stealing, even though she witnessed no such act..
  14. You have to mouse over/highlight the shout you want to learn, then press "R." It's odd that clicking it doesn't do the same thing...
  15. That picture is freakin hilarious. As for the bugs, it's weird... people are reporting all sorts of weird things, but then my boyfriend patches, and it didn't seem to break anything for him (he DID have to do the verify file integrity thing though). There could be some sort of outside influences messing things up... I don't know :( I'm sorry this is happening to people... I've had my steam in offline mode since I installed this to avoid patches :P
  16. I am also stuck on this quest, and found this on the UESP wiki: "For those getting stuck at the end, setstage FreeformRiftenThane 200 seems to do the trick. You become thane of Riften, get a levelled weapon and can now find Iona in Honeyside. If others can confirm this works for them, please add the fix to the main page." I haven't tried it myself yet, but some people on the page reported that it works.
  17. I think Illusion is intended to be a good choice for stealth archers, considering the Nightingale armor gives an illusion bonus :) I'm playing the same type and have used it on occasion because of spells like Muffle. AND (I don't have it yet...) but i'm guessing you get Invisibility as illusion?
  18. I agree completely. I actually really cared about the NPCs in that questline because of him. And I actually thought about their story outside of playing the game. I've never experienced that before playing Oblivion. If only he wasn't bugged now and said "I have important things to do" every time I look at him :P
  19. I've gone through a few, and have Aranea Ienith with me currently. I think she's my favorite so far. She has an interesting story (she's the last worshipper of Azura at her shrine), and makes funny comments (Damn, that's quite a sight). Plus, she's pretty strong. She summons atronachs and zaps people with lightning (and uses the zombie staff I gave her to resurrect dead things). Though she does have an odd habit of equipping helmets, but then taking off all her other clothes... So far, i've found that mage companions are far superior. They don't make a lot of noise and do a lot of damage. Though, the best companion really is no companion... they are pretty annoying at times. I get by a trap only to have them set it off behind me and set me on fire xD Plus, you give them all these presents, and they don't even use it, and just equip stuff at random...
  20. I want to know what the heck the Midden is in general O.o that place creeps me out.
  21. Same... Still no luck for me. I can't even talk to Brynjolf cause my quest is bugged, too :P UGH release the creation kit already so we can fix this stuff!
  22. @NephilimNexus Thanks for this info! I'm going to try the steps you listed, as I was having some problems getting certain npcs to work, as well.
  23. That's a good point, lol. I thought it was funny that no one wears pants in Skyrim :)
  24. I don't know does it prevent adding npc to faction, but test it. Removing someone from faction: addtofaction <faction id> -1 I would try that, but i'm not sure what the faction id for that is.
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