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Posts posted by thesapien

  1. ...

    Oh, I thought this was the forum for adults. Sorry, wrong place.

    Meaning that it's acceptable to behave immaturely? :unsure:


    I tend to write for a mature audience. I often error on assuming too much in my readers. Sometimes, I get these older kids saying stuff who try to mimic what they think is how adults talk to each other but isn't. One day, maybe, you'll understand.

  2. A little hidden secret, tucked far, far away in the Nexus...

    The comments section for mods is also the discussion thread! It's not obvious until after the fact of its discovery.


    So your mod in question is Female Mannequins with it's own thread found here:



    But, to not just redirect you, (because I hate that too), I'm guessing another mod was added down the load order, perhaps a new home mod? You wouldn't happen to have the portable mannequins mod? If another mod is modding some of the same assets, then only one mod gets its way. But, really, the author of your mod probably would know best and likely knows better what questions to ask and what solutions work.

  3. ME2 did have mods like the Gibbed Save Editor and even the INI Mod Manager. It do NOT have re-texture mods. None. Only similar were mods that swapped in-game armor or character model parts.


    Edit/p.s.: ENB also works with ME2 and apparently the ME3 demo.

  4. Funny request! but seriously, that would be a challenge to mod and to not crash people's PC's. Remember, the game runs as a simulation engine with physics. So a pile of 50,000 coins might be a problem.
  5. I do not recommend using steam workshop at all (no different versions, no good author user communication, no going through the download to see what you are actually installing, automatic and very crappy load ordering, really annoying auto-update that makes the game download for 15 minutes when launched)


    For balance, I'll recommend the opposite. Don't be afraid to use Steam. It has been working well for me.


    Plus, some of my favorite mods are on Steam but not on Nexus!

  6. The question isn't wether or not unkillable followers is ok, I clearly stated I find it unbalanced :)

    So again, I just want to know if there is any way to make them killable by enemies


    But they are already killable. You're either using a mod already that makes them essential or used the console to make them essential and then forgot, else you been really lucky. I don't know how to break it to you any better. Followers can and do die. Maybe you're asking how to make them easier to kill?

  7. I'm no longer sure what it means to role-play. How did certain games get this genre title? I mean, every game seems to have a main character. Some RPG's, like Witcher, don't even let you build your starting character. Anyway, building a self avatar isn't role playing because that's just you playing yourself.


    Did the name just carry over from games like D&D, you know, back when the games were trying to mimic D&D but on computers? I can see why D&D was called role-playing and something like chess or Risk were not. But why now when most video games have role-playing front and center? Some still don't, like playing Civ, but most follow a main role, be it Batman or Shepard.

  8. Just wanted to say that I have had followers die due to enemy action twice. I was kinda shocked both times. Walked up to Lydia's body and could loot her. She wasn't near me so I'm sure I didn't kill her either time.


    Yeah, me too, and it always seems to be Lydia. She's a bit too brave for her fighting style and abilities; the fool who rushes in and easily gets surrounded so that we're both now screwed unless I do nothing to save her. I'm always role-playing the recurring scene with her jumping ahead to defend her hero.... "No, wait, Lydia, get back here! Oh, too late." Plans all out the window. Yeah, she's more of a doer.

  9. Yeah, the reason there are no mods is because it's not true and your experience could be glitch.


    When close to death, they go to one knee. If you're not there to distract the enemies, they may finish off your follower, or a hit by you may kill them. If this is not how it works for you, then there's something wrong.

  10. 95% of gamers today is 14 - 18. Almost everyone in that age category has major brain damage from CoD and WoW. Therefore, if they see something like actual ingame depth the have the same allergic reaction that vampires have to sunlight. Now, bethesda doesn't actually care about gamers turning into piles of ashes, but if they all burn to ashes, noone will be left to spend money on DLCs that should've been included from the start.


    Also, more content > more effort > more paychecks to be signed > less money for beth. However, less content > less effort > less paychecks > everyone still spends 60E on the bloody game anyway.


    95% of what you say is crap.

  11. Never said the writers wrote anything badly on purpose. I highly doubt anyone "tried" to write badly.


    Ah, but you did. You even gave it a name, "Jar Jar Binks Clause," which I'm objecting to on its original grounds and applied here. I found Jar Jar annoying, too. I also find lots of annoying things in Skyrim. However, I don't think these creators of said content were intending to annoy in order to distract from the worse offenders. Pleasant distractions actually work better, anyway. Speaking of which, that is why I play Skyrim with Japanese voices and English subtitles.

  12. The sad fact is...as we get older, these games are written for younger audiences. My gripe is that after becoming "Dragonborn", a lowly guard still will badmouth you

    every time. That is POOR writing without depth. This being a console game is at least part of the reason for that. " Get it out the door quick."

    As others have said...very shallow.


    Yeah, half a decade in development was rushing it out the door, for sure.


    The PS3 owners object to you calling this a console port, being that they got shafted the most on the memory issue on consoles. They're probably thinking it's a PC port, lol.


    Anyway, IMO, the writing isn't excellent across the board, but I don't think the writers intentionally wrote it poorly thinking that most gamers like poor writing. Even younger audiences prefer better writing. The real problem is just that making a better game is harder than some gamers appreciate. We often think we could do so much better and could easily make the best game ever. Maybe that is true for some very talented and skilled people out there, but then why aren't they?

  13. Default auto detection and settings always seem way overly optimistic.


    You could answer your own question about the swamps by just trying it. It would even be faster than waiting for a response here. Also, it's really the only way to know for sure. You could also try custom settings, experimenting with turning on or off water reflections and maybe turning off anti-aliasing.


    Have you ever looked at any of the options for specific settings or in the advanced settings tab? Click on the global setting for medium and you should see that textures are still set to high. Thus, medium should still get you high res textures when you've downloaded them.

  14. More and more I am seeing this same sentiment. I fail to understand many of the decisions Bethesda makes in terms of writing. Inane NPC comments. Assanine NPC attitudes. Annoying, player-skill-based snide remarks. Out and out insults directed at the player.


    Why? Why, game after game, do they continue to design these intolerable NPC's? There is no good, justifiable reason for this. The only reason I can come up with is the "Jar Jar Binks Clause." This clause dictates that, by intentionally giving fans something to annoy them, they will direct their ire at this and fail to notice all the other annoyances you mistakenly include in your product. Bethesda probably figures we will be so occupied with their annoying NPC's that we fail to notice their repetitive combat, terrible magic, horrendous leveling system, wooden dialogue, lack of options, overly plentiful loot and complete lack of either immersion or challenge.


    Sadly, I can honestly say this is my last Bethesda-developed game. Its been a hard lesson painfully learned. I have enjoyed my time with these games, don't get me wrong. The sheer scope and freedom are appreciated. But Bethesda is designing console games now, for console gamers - overly simplistic loot fests with no decisions or consequences. I don't when or if anyone will come along and fill the PC-gaming void with a real RPG. I hope someone does, and soon. CDProjekt could likely do it, if they take a step back from consoles themselves, rid themselves of the premade Witcher character and the heavily scripted, god-of-war boss fights.


    I hope someone fills that void. I hope someone gives us back choices and consequences. I hope someone does this in a world a little less cartoonish than Amalur offered.


    I hope.


    You really think console gamers are so lame compared to you? You have this odd view of gamers preferring crap and devs intentionally writing crap. News, Jar Jar wasn't written to annoy. Lucas actually has kids and wrote a lot for his kids. The Beth writers were probably trying to write a good game. I'll bet that Beth actually tried to make the game great, too. I'm even going out on a limb and speculating that gamers would love an even better game, even those lesser gamers you despise on consoles.

  15. How do I justify her wanting to battle dragons while she KILLS people? Why would she feel a need to save anyone?


    Simple really, you are just a pawn in the gods sick and twisted little game here. Remember, they are the ones that gave mortals the ability to Dragonspeak to begin with (now why would they do that again?), so in your case they simply feel like screwing around with your evil head - by making you have to save the world.......


    Hehe, lets watch this guy squirm for about 100 or so game hours.......


    You've been hanging out with the Thalmor? It is like a messed up game to them, started by the Trickster god. But, wait, Skyrim is a game.

  16. I think i got the point of you. I would get bored soon if i just played this game like it is apperently played by a great part of it's gamers.

    Skyrim doesn't tell its stories very well and there is low variety in the quests, not much immersion and a biiig loot aspect in the game. But you don't have to play this game like the developers intended you to play it. You don't have to make these rush like fights with mod-pumped dragons with some god like equipment, enchanted and smithed to the top, taking every quest and fullfilling three of them on the way to the next dungeon to loot, harvesting every body and plant on this trip.

    Instead you can tell your own story, your own quests - and let the characters do some dialogue to fit into it. This requires a bit of imagination, but who prevents you from doing so? Skyrim is a singleplayer game. You don't have to compete with others to have fun. You don't have to wear good equipment and you don't have to fight effective. Immerse YOURSELF with your own restrictions to bind you in your way to play. This doesn't have to force you do serious roleplay with drinking, sleeping and all this crap.

    But running away from a fight you could easily win, leaving a corpse or chest full of gems, paying realistic amounts of gold for various items so that u don't have 200000 coins in your pockets at all times and slowing down a bit can work wonderful.


    Your mage meets a weak group of bandits? Why don't make an epic run because you couldn't concentrate to get some sort of combat spell ready.

    Or try to lead your party to the dragon corpse you killed two days ago to skin it and remove the scales, because you weren't able to break through it's shell on your own. Can be fun if you can't find the spot of the battle cuz your compass was disturbed magically by an evil mage who wanted the dragon heart for his own research to grow his skeleton soldiers.


    It's your own choice to think about stories like that which can compensate the crappy pattern of the game and let you enjoy it over and over again.

    I think the most important thing when playing this game is to play it not too much and to stop playing it when you realize that you are on the "arcade trip" again.


    I couldn't last >50 hours with this game as it is made originally.


    I think there are quite a few of us who agree and play that way. I've only completed the main story with Alduin once with my first character.

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