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Posts posted by RuneKatashima

  1. This was 2 years ago but if anyone comes across this like I did you should just use BSA Extract (found on the nexus) as the files you're looking for are likely in the bsa. Then just add them to the correct folders as if they were a normal mod adding equipment, then link those meshes and textures to... whatever it is you're doing.

  2. Recently I updated my mods and now Sofie is just gone. She seems to have some references when I check the console but the actual prid that references her is gone and I can't use it to summon her to me.

    I have RSkyrimChildren, RSChildren USKP, adoptAventusAretino, AdoptAventusPatch - RSChildren - Complete, AdoptAventusPatch - RSChildren_PatchUSKP. I have since uninstalled RSChildren USKP, but with no difference. I'm wondering if the Adopt Aventus mods are what is causing this.

    All hearthfire children are gone. When I come back from work I'm going to check the orphanage and see what's up. I don't have any other mods besides Wet and Cold that affect Children and/or Aventus.

    P.S. Just ran in to a weird bug where I couldn't type anymore and got the windows error ping when I tried to. I restarted Firefox and everything is fine now.

  3. Pretty much as topic says. The Blades' swords and the Ebony Blade Daedric Artifact will NOT stay on weapon racks and I know I'm not the only one. If someone could make a bugfix mod for this, that would be splendid <3

    If there's another way around it I don't know, please inform me, thanks!


    P.S. It's weird that the Katana style weapons don't stay on, but a modded standalone Katana will.

  4. As cool as it would be to recruit Dragons, I don't see that working with the Blades' Lore. An alternate path to killing Paarthurnax to ANYTHING that does not involve killing him is cool and ok but recruiting Dragon for the Blades? I don't see it happening. The Dragon recruitment part would have to be a separate mod, done without the Blades in mind.
  5. Direct copy and paste from a thread I made that no one really replied to.


    I don't know about anyone else but I don't even like to wear the later armors in the game I usually just rock fur/iron armor with jacked stats and look like this.


    I feel like when I use things such as Dragon or Daedra armor I look like a comic book character and I completely lose that feeling of O I'M A VIKING. I'd like to see some new alts once the tools get released maybe along the lines of the movie Pathfinder.


    Would probly need a better beard for this lol something that looks dirty and knotted.


    Also reason I suggested a height adjusted mod....


    Lydia making me look like a Dwarf....



    I feel your pain and stumble on my most favorite thing in the whole world: player.setscale 1.1


    I use 1.1. I think 1.02 is default but play with it and see what you like.

    It's based on what race you pick. The Thalmor are 1.08 for example and a Breton Female is like .93 or something. IIRC your weight sort of changes it as well, but it's mostly your race and then sometimes your gender. Changing your scale also affects your run speed and damage, just fyi.

  6. I would rather ask if you'd be interested in mentoring me on how to make mods. What program do you use to extract textures and such? How do I model things?


    I have a few 3d programs but how do I make something and make it compatible with Skyrim? How do I make something standalone and not a replacer?

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