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Everything posted by jpitner

  1. In response to post #46432020. #46432065, #46432170 are all replies on the same post. Sorry, have to chime in here. The Game Forums here do not work well for me to get answers but that is just me. I don't ask questions I just search for an answer to my question that should have already been asked, again, that is just me. Google is my best friend. You may have to reword your search several times to get what you are looking for but you can find the answer. DarkFox127 has some amazing tutorials and if I recall Arthmoor's posts somewhere provided me answers as well. Your second best friends are mod authors themselves and I think you will find a lot of good people here. SkyrimLazz was a major help to me getting started but more because he pointed me in the right direction instead of giving me answers. Answered a lot of questions that way I hadn't even thought of asking yet. Next, download a home by someone else and tear it apart. Figure out how they did it. I tore apart FO4's Mechanix's Lair (sp?) to figure out how Bethesda did internal settlements. The best advice I can give you, install a second drive in your machine. Install Windows, all your games, and CKs. Use dual boot (I use Linux Grub) and work tearing apart and creating mods there. You never have to worry about messing up your main game, which I did, and as an added bonus you can test your packed up mod in your main game before uploading it, plus you are not so worried about experimenting with different things that could break your game. Also have someone with modding experience test your mod first. They will be more likely to find issues and be able to provide you with solutions. To answer you first question, "How Long?". I can throw a workable home together in a day for personal use but it can take easily a 100 hours to put together a good home and considerably more time to create a home that makes me remotely happy. Hope that helps.
  2. Well I turned adblocker off but now it is going back on. I have twice now had "Urgent Firefox Update" try to load and a java script try to execute while on this site. I do not know which ads are causing it but since I only use this operating system and Firefox for CK and Nexus I am 99.9% sure they are from this site. Sorry, I tried.
  3. In response to post #29157714. I use Mod Organizer and have gone into the settings to save all my downloads that were stored on my SSD to one of my regular drives and this cleared a lot of space on the SSD. I am hoping MO will also work for my Fallout 4.
  4. In response to post #29155229. I agree I just tried the new NMM on my Windows 8.1 partition. Now the problem is trying to find a pre-NMM 0.6 version, all the links keep sending me to the new NMM. I will keep my MO on my main game partition for both FNV and Skyrim. Edit: Finally found where to get an older version, you have to click on the "hide" button at the bottom of the page the above link sends you too.
  5. I forget where I got this but here goes: 1 - Create a new magic effect and call it LVENakedEffect change the following: Effect Archetype: Script Casting Type: Constant Effect Assoc. Item 1: None FX Persist: (check this box) Hide in UI: (check this box) Now when those are right hit ok, Then edit the object to pull up the same window you just hit ok on. You should now be able to add scripts so click "add" at the bottom right and create a new script called "LVEnakedeffectscript" and add the following as its source __________________________________________________________________ Scriptname LVEnakedeffectscript extends activemagiceffect armor property JewelryRingGold auto Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) ;debug.notification("effect script: adding effect") akTarget.unequipall() endEvent Event OnEffectFinish(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) ;debug.notification("effect script: removing effect") akTarget.additem(jewelryringgold,1,true) akTarget.equipitem(jewelryringgold,false,true) akTarget.removeitem(jewelryringgold,1,true) endEvent __________________________________________________________________ Make sure you auto-fill it's properties as well.(edit the script source and save it again, this should enable you to use auto-fill.) 2 - Go to spells and make a new spell called "LVENakedSpell" then change the following: Casting: Constant Effect Ignore resistance: (check this box) Auto-Calculate: (uncheck this box) then add a new effect and make that effect "LVENakedEffect" and set it's duration to a very long time, like 10000 seconds. Hit ok on this window and on the spell window. 3 - add a "defaultActivateSelfTRIG" object to each location you want people to take off their clothes. Edit each instance and remove the default script. Then create a new script, call it LVENakedActivator then add this code as it's source. __________________________________________________________________ Scriptname LVENakedActivator extends ObjectReference spell property LVENakedSpell auto Event OnTriggerEnter(ObjectReference triggerRef) ;debug.notification("found something!") Actor akactionRef = triggerRef as Actor if (akActionRef != game.getplayer() && !akActionRef.isincombat()) ;debug.notification("effect applied") LVENakedSpell.cast(akactionref,akactionref) endif endEvent Event OnTriggerLeave(ObjectReference triggerRef) Actor akactionRef = triggerRef as Actor if (akActionRef != game.getplayer()) ;debug.notification("effect removed") akActionRef.dispelspell(LVENakedSpell) endif endEvent __________________________________________________________________ make sure to auto fill the properties of each instance.
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