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deadpool0600 last won the day on March 12

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  1. How's it going here now? Things getting worse or better? We still hate the new UI btw.
  2. Honestly I am kinda impressed with how many comments bro has made, 13k? Damn dude, think I was only on 3k before it got removed from the main mod site. Point being, when the OG guys that have been around long before some of the staff members making changes, are VERY against the changes, then maybe you've made some mistakes. Please staff, we love you guys but do remember that mod authors and users keep your site running. If it is unpleasant to use we can and will go to other places where it's easier and better. I don't want that, I don't think any of us want that, we love it here. I mean heck I know dozens of people that left when you made the switch to Vortex (But I'm just a salty NMM user), which is super beginner monkey level easy to use. But a bit of a pain if you know what you are doing, tripping over "Oops doopsy, did you mean to overwrite that file?" pop ups left and right. (Again, salty grizzled modder. I have magic NMM whispering skills, never had any issues)
  3. Literally this. To be clear, I'm seeing the bulk of us are against the new UI layout and look. We don't want it fixed or a better version, we just want it how it was. You could literally have an optional setting switch that lets you revert back to have it was before this update, call it a "Classic" UI option and the "Modern" UI option. Hell you could even come up with a load of other UI options and let people customise it.
  4. This new search bar feature is horrible and the old one is far superior. This new one: Blocks your view of the page you are on. Forces you to the main mods page if you click "Show more", booting you out of the page you were on. Looks very bubbly and off-putting. (Modern "Bubble" UIs in general suck) The old one: Lets you look through every single mod under a word. Leaves you able to see the page you are on still (Great for seeing what you are trying to spell). Is very sleek and sexy. Please stop reinverting the wheel, the UI was fine and worked perfectly.
  5. I am still having this issue now, even on vanilla with my own vanilla custom races, I can't even get the base game hairs to work. They can show up on random NPCs, like they can have ANY hair, but when I go to change the hairs, there are only those 6 or less.
  6. This is a little old, but I am running into issues with this. I am no stranger to FCS, I used it every day and have made my own... Well, entire game in Kenshi before. But for some reason, as of late, all my custom races have only had the base 4 hair styles, even though I have EVERY hair style added to the race in FCS, plus custom hairs and patches. Nothing is overwriting it, it is at the bottom of the load order, but even though it is a race I made yesterday and is all vanilla assets bar my own custom textures, only the base 4 hairs are showing up.
  7. For real, more beard options, we got people making hair already, why we still only got 2 beard options, one moustache and 20 kinds of stubble.
  8. Title kinda says it all, not even a retexture on anything, just the blind eyes that is already in the game, but only in one eye. Probably best for the eye that has the scares and eyepatch, but an option for either would be cool. Heterochromatic *
  9. I know this is old. But what if you wanted to make one of the factions wear mods armors? Like I wanna add imperial guard armor to the level list of the BOS or Minutemen maybe, how would you go about doing that? Same with the Space Marine power armor.
  10. I love how none of the responses are for what was being asked. I am having the same issue though, been modding for years, FO4 for a long ass time too. I have deleted and reinstalled the game maybe 20+ time over the last few years and am well versed in what I'm doing. My INI's are right, but the last two installs I've done for the game and re-initiating NMM with it have had this message popping up. Again the INI's are correct and as they should be. I've done this enough to know. But the message keeps showing up even though it's all 110% functional in game.
  11. I don't think it's just a vortex issue, I've tried every conceivable way of installing the mod and I cannot get it to work. NMM won't do it anymore, I think you have to install it through FOMM, but installing it manually turns up the same dead end results so I don't see what using another mod manager could do.
  12. I'm just amazed no one has made Jaune's armor yet. There is a similar armor in the DA2 Vael armor you can get for Skyrim but it doesn't feel the same. Edit: Mainly Jaunes season 4 armor, not that I don't love his first armor, but his second fits so much better into Skyrim. And his Pumpkin Pete hoodie, that also needs to be a thing.
  13. All I found was these two. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/93504 http://winkingskeever.com/sebastian-armor-mod/ Edit: Wait, no, there is another. But it is on LL so NSFW 18+ the mod itself isn't though. https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/3879-modern-clothes-unpsos/
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