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About micro44user

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  1. Hmm , well its pack of mods, that i download(game was based on them but with time i have change alot),problem is that i dont have the source files(installers) for the old mods, . I have violens (killmove chance) mod, can this be , its not from this mod...i disable it and same. Now i notice hands are in back only when i move (in fighting stance ), when i am standing in battle stance they are in normal position... https://ibb.co/6Pn9gR1
  2. Hello, i have two questions , one of them is more like a bug. First is : i play most of the time as unarmed player, fist to fist combat, but my damage is small, when i use console command (player.setav UnarmedDamage )to increase damage , the effect is temporary till game restrat. Is there way to make it permanent ? Second question is : when i do fist fight the time between hits the hands of my character are behind my back, like his hands are tied(bound), same is with all unarmed npc`s , what can cause this ? Also i download this follower mod(https://arca.live/b/tullius/62019992) from arca.live but it want some password that i dont know and cant understand the info , can someone help with the pass? On translate it say: Password: Here, the channel name is in Korean except for the channel
  3. OK with 0/75/32 gap is gone, but head is not from the mod , after using setnpcweight 0 it reload head to some default model. Can this be fix ? So strange now i remove both mods Nether's Karliah and LK's Karliah complete not just .esp and load Karliah default model its with dark head...what a mess. https://ibb.co/1bXJfLs This is with Nether's Karliah and Face Discoloration Fix mods. Looks ok https://ibb.co/646Sssc LK's Karliah and Face Discoloration Fix mods https://ibb.co/51szdGH Gap show up. And atlast LK's Karliah and Face Discoloration Fix mods plus command setnpcweight 0 and face/head change https://ibb.co/5FScryG Well this is awkward...i found that every time when you use setnpcweight command , order must be command->save game->exit/close game->start game->load cause only then the right head texture is loaded...
  4. I try this setnpcweight 20 (or whatever target weight) disable enable. coc elsweyr player.placeatme 1b07f Same After appear gap is there. Also when i tested this mod for first time there wasnt gap, now i find this npc and surprise its with this neck problem.No ather npc`s have this only notice some ordinary have black heads. Even removing mod save then install it and load save without mod dont help. Also this mod Save Unbaker lead to crash to desktop immediately.
  5. Hello i have this problem with one follower . Its in this order: 1.Nether's Karliah -> This is ok , then 2.LK's Karliah -> This cause the gap under neck. I try to use setnpcweight 20 , setnpcweight 100 , the gap is removed , but head texture change and no hair. See pictures below. https://ibb.co/RDC3pz7 https://ibb.co/b2zWwL6 What can cause to head be changed, any way to fix it ?
  6. I make some test , found some mods for fix , but nothing help this is common error i get : CrashLoggerSSE v1-14-1-0 Unhandled exception "EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION" at 0x7FF6C56FBD02 SkyrimSE.exe+0A0BD02 mov rdi, [r13+0x10] Cant find way to fix it.
  7. Hello , is there a mod or a way when i change gender of my character mods to dont detect this change? For example i want to use female gender and i use showracemenu but when i change slider to 1 for female this start mods who are connected with female gender. I know sexlab have option for gender change but its connected with racemenu and so it change too, when i go to select male character...mods are already started.
  8. I try new save wtihout commands its same...looklike this is game limit. Near 33800-33900(Fnis) all is ok, but more than 34k animations thats the limit for the game, just dont know why when you have animations who are not in use at the moment game count them , for poses i am talking
  9. Hello , i have a problem with game crash to desktop. When i play under using console command for NPC to dont detect me is OK , but when i deactivated it and enemy see me seconds after start of the battle game crash. I try to find why and all leads go to too many animations. I try all available fixes and noone help . I am using FNIS by default and when i have (in FNIS count) 34000 and up animations this happend. I try also Nemesis and Pandora and its same. So to ask what is the game max animations that can handle ? Is it 34k ? At the same time running Fnis show 40744 , Pandora show : 101431 animations that i have. Also alot of animations come from Poser HK and i dont know why they count (causing crash) cause they are not active animations till i call them (with poser HK). Is there a real fix for this ? Skyrim SE 1.5.97 Cant upload crash log ...server error
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