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Everything posted by Kenshkrix

  1. Yeah, the difference between an immediate patch job versus flying in a Skyranger for hours before being treated is probably significant in some way, but this doesn't sound like an easy thing to mod.
  2. AFAICT every class can get 2 skills when entering a class but only half of them actually do. Ranger and Grenadier get 1 skill (Sword Slice and Launch Grenade) Sharpshooter gets Pistol Shot and Squadsight Specialist gets Hack and Aid Protocol. Therefore you can easily give the Ranger and Grenadier an extra skill at Squaddie using just the ini file, but changing Sharpshooter or Specialist is more complicated. For ranger, there's this line: SoldierRanks=( aAbilityTree=( (AbilityName="SwordSlice", ApplyToWeaponSlot=eInvSlot_SecondaryWeapon) ),You can simply add another ability like this: SoldierRanks=(aAbilityTree=( (AbilityName="RunAndGun"), (AbilityName="SwordSlice", ApplyToWeaponSlot=eInvSlot_SecondaryWeapon) ), Same for the Grenadier, which for some reason already has empty parentheses in front of the Launch Grenade skill. Whether or not it needs the ApplyToWeaponSlot section depends on the skill in question, and it'd probably be a good idea to not try and copy Secondary Weapon abilities to avoid crazy glitches/crashing when your ranger tries to fire a grenade with his sword or something.
  3. The dynamic array in BodyPartTemplateConfig has no parentheses when inputting data into the array. Thus it would appear that the arrays do not automatically assume you're adding new elements when they are explicitly inside parentheses, so the + helps it delineate this behavior from simply overwriting the old value.
  4. If you want to change text, you're going to want to deal with the Localization folders. What did you want to change?
  5. It seems that some stats are overwritten further down for different difficulty levels. Slightly past halfway down is this: [Soldier_Diff_0 X2CharacterTemplate] CharacterBaseStats[eStat_HP]=6 CharacterBaseStats[eStat_Will]=50 [Soldier_Diff_1 X2CharacterTemplate] CharacterBaseStats[eStat_HP]=5 CharacterBaseStats[eStat_Will]=40 CharacterBaseStats[eStat_FlankingCritChance]=40
  6. The main issue with it is that the pistol abilities are set to use the 'secondary' weapon. Offhand I'd suggest just making a primary weapon that's also a pistol, and have them carry two pistols around, but making it display properly isn't my field of expertise.
  7. Did you start a new game or recruit new soldiers after changing it?
  8. Can you elaborate on 'never seems to do anything'? Is the soldier's will stat not being changed? Will determines a soldier's resistance to psychic things like getting mind controlled.
  9. Well, I tried this format for the XComMissions.ini but never got anything working so I tried, as previously mentioned, to copy the original lines, place a - in front of them and place a + in front of the new lines like one can see below (incidentally I am modding the same .ini in a different way): http://puu.sh/n295o/109e540b65.png This finally got my Mod working through the SDK/ModBuddy (mind you, that I did not test the RandStatAmount but if it works when you directly edit the .ini, then it should also work with this format) Thank you sooo much for that screenie. I did the exact same thing as you did and now it works, I didn't "get" that I had to eliminate the original lines with a - first and then add them with a +, cause the Globalprogression had me all confused since it miraculously works without that. Anyway, I'm happy. Thanks again :laugh: This is because GlobalStatProgression can be repeated multiple times to do whatever you want with every stat. It only takes one stat per line, though. For example, if you wanted everybody to randomly get 0 to 4 aim every level, you could've just used this: +GlobalStatProgression=(StatType=eStat_Offense,RandStatAmount=5)
  10. When you're creating a project you can change the name when selecting the type, instead of trying to manually replace names afterwards.
  11. When you run Debugging from the SDK, the console runs this to open the launcher: XCOM 2\Binaries\Win64\ModLauncherWPF.exe -allowconsole -log -autodebug
  12. This looks exactly like mine, but mine works fine. Sorry, I have no idea what's wrong. In my case, I just followed the Quickstart pdf in the SDK Documentation and everything works fine (or doesn't build at all). For lack of other advice and considering this is a technical problem, I'll go ahead and suggest restarting your computer, rerunning the SDK Redist Binaries, and double-checking your Build Options. Hope you figure it out or somebody else can help you, it's beyond me.
  13. Weird, did you perhaps change file/folder names in the mod files without being completely thorough? There are a ton of references so it's easy to miss one.
  14. You need to have an .XComMod file for the launcher to read, XComModBuddy should already do this if you use the F5 key to run a debug test of your mod. Here's an example if you really want to do it manually for some reason: [mod] publishedFileId=0 Title=Example Weapon Description=This example mod demonstrates how to add a new weapon to XCom 2
  15. If you go under GameData.ini, there's a series of lines that start with PossibleStartingRegions= According to somebody else I saw answer this question somewhere, you can just remove the ones that you don't want.
  16. When it comes down to it, newer games, RPGs in specific, just have less content. As an example of an old game with lots of content, that doesn't 'hand-hold' at all. Nethack, one of the best RPG games I have ever played. Graphics? Your character is an @ sign, the monsters are letters, and yet, it has so much more content than many newer games its astounding. I think that all RPG game companies should look back to this old classic. Here's a Link: Nethack What I think is the best part of Nethack, is that the game is unforgiving, you do something stupid? You Die, Start Over. There are also a huge list of actions you can do. In Oblivion, you can basically just jump, attack, cast a spell, pick something up, or activate something.
  17. I have one thing to say: These guys have the right idea The World Forge Project
  18. This would fall under the simple fact that humans are intrigued by shiny objects. However, as a sentient, thinking, game player. I have to say that they should at the very least to make it a very simple task to mod it. While Oblivion is much more mod-able than most other games available, it could still be much easier.
  19. Large problems that I have with Vanilla Oblivion: Biggest Problem: The enchantment system sucked. They should have went with MW's system, with the variable soul sizes, and the variable item enchantment capabilities. They made static enchantments for clothing/armor, they also took out the ability to enchant an item with a cast-spell, I really liked having a ring that I could shoot fireballs out of. I also would've added the capability to add a self-aimed negative effect which INCREASES the capability of your enchantment an equal amount, so you could actually make an item that could compare with the uniques, even if you would have to balance it with negative effects. I would've added the ability to use multiple souls as well, at less efficiency. Two: The leveled-lists, and leveled monsters were horrible, in Oblivion there isn't anything that can kill me, at all, since they're all based on my level. The second problem with this, is that when I'm level 50 something, I want to feel powerful, instead, I end up using my enemies as training dummies, and they take too long to kill. Three: The 255->0 circle, in MW, I could enchant all of my clothing/armor to do the same thing, such as Fortify Acrobatics, and get 500 Acrobatics and practically fly around. A general guideline that I would use in an RPG game, is that you should not set such limitations. Instead of capping everything at 100, they could've just set the upgrade rate above 100 to 10X slower, compounding every 5/10 or so, so you COULD become an ultimate-master at something, I was going to make a mod to this effect, except I wanted to make it unlimited... This is one of the most important things I'm going to say here: You should NEVER take out content, if you're going to continue a series of games like TES, you should be continuously adding more and more stuff, not taking stuff out. They lowered the # of skills, # of spell-types, # of clothing/armor slots, and # of items. Graphics are not worth it, unless they were graphics so incredibly awesome that you can't tell the difference between them and reality, and even then, they don't make up for lack of gameplay. Despite all of the problems in Oblivion, it is a great world to play around with, though sadly I now find it more fun to mod Oblivion then to play it.
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