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Everything posted by OrlokBalint

  1. Yeah I can agree with the voice-problem, I modded for some time but never got beyond quest making. Hm. I think sub-only mods break immersion for casual and for RP players both, so if it's too much to do for more than a few (and under few I mean Frea only) charaters, maybe voice acting could come into play, if this very imaginary mod had a larger fan-base. Oc it doesn't make you anything :D I hardly know the lore, I'm a never-played-ES-other-than-skyrim pleb, the only way special types came to my mind was because of this one Solstheim palythrough I had (which I recommend to everyone). Were I the very hypothetical creator of this hypothetical mod, I wouldn't add too much 'special' weddings at first, only if I feel up to it later or if the mod exploded in the community :D
  2. Hmmmmm Frea is a good idea! I was thinking Elder Othreloth from the Temple for dunmeri ceremonies... And maybe Storn Crag-Strider along with Frea, and the location should probably be outside of the Skaal village: maybe the Wind Stone... Yes, that sounds about right! And maybe even the Riekling Chief! :D It's not my first idea, but hey... If Tank Engines made it to skyrim, I'm not surprised by anything. If *anyone* would work on a game like that, I'd also suggest making a few ship captains available as a ceremony master, just like irl. (eg Gjalund Salt-Sage). And while I'm at it... Maybeee even orcish weddings? Thanks for the answer and the... hypothetic idea. :wink:
  3. Hi all, about a year ago I rp-d a non-dragonborn mercenary on Solstheim. I started there (with alternate start), and haven't even visited Skyrim for ages. I'm about to do a similar run in the near future, and something came to my mind: Why exactly should I go all the way to Riften to get married? In vanilla, this almost made sense, but with the dragonborn dlc, it's just lazy, especially since Solstheim has a dunmer population with dunmeri traditions. They even have the Temple, where supposedly every type of religious ceremony is conducted, and which dwarfes in size the temple of Mara. I haven't found a mod that addresses this problem, maybe I missed it. Can anyone please point me to an existing mod, help me on how to do it myself or actually make it work? :)
  4. Hello, I've receantly downloaded the Skyrim Legendary pack from steam. I had the game and modded it previously, and Steam didn't screw me up with my mods. My problem is that the mods later in NMM load order seems not to work: some mods' MCM doesn't show up, some others' effects are not present (eg I can't craft bandoliers). If anyone could help me, I'd be greetfull. Thanks ;) (It's not the load order or something, I haven't had a CTD or quit to desktop in ages and I use LOOT+my experience) Mods: Active:102 Installed:110 Active Plugins:136 All mods, the Steam, Skyrim and the Manager are up to date, I use a Windows 10 x64. If you need other data, please write it.
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