So I finally found a house mod that I like the design of. figured out how to open it in GECK and make a few small changes to the room (mostly removing a couple things that weren't to my tastes). The hatch tp the bunker is near good springs, but I'd really rather not to have to keep going back there, and the entrance was placed more up along east of New Vegas, though not too close to the city. maybe on some sort of high ground if I can find a not too weird for this bunker to be spot. I found a tutorial that sort of explains how to do doors. Have never done FNV modding before, so still kind of lost, but was going to give it shot. However try to find cell in GECK that seems to be around the area I want is proving difficult and I keep getting random empty wasteland patches. Anyone have any tips for finding areas, or would anyone more familiar with it be willing to stick the hatch pretty much anywhere in the general are for me if it's not fairly easy to explain? Not fully sure as it's my first playthrough, but with my Novac room on the south half of the map I feel like this would be a decent place to stick a house to the north in the middle of all the vegas city and hoover damn area action....