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About Mei1429

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  1. Hi Levi disappeared from my camp so I cannot start the DLC - I'm trying to maybe use console commands to teleport to him or to the DLC area. edit - I figured it out! Run the command runscript zz_gwb_debug through that you can jump to soldier's peak and start the quest I'll keep this discussion here in case anyone else searches for this solution
  2. Hey! There are two mods that use the same keybind (first person mod and Enter the Fade mod, both by Wavebend. They both use the same keybind so I cannot activate the abilities separately. Wavebend published the fbproject for Enter the Fade, and I wonder if anyone here knows if it can be used to edit the keybind for my personal use? Thanks!!!
  3. Basically, this: https://forums.larian.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=880931 Allowing every companion present in party to chip in with a reaction instead of just one of the companions at random. You are in a dialogue, the person you're talking to says something, then Gale comments on what the other person just said. Reload the scene - now it's Shadowheart that comments instead of Gale. The choice of "who chimes in" is random between the companions that have some thoughts on the conversation. The mod "EveryoneInDialogue" does not accomplish this task, many confuse it as the solution but it only effects the dialogue option that show up on screen, not the companion interjections. I pray to the God Modders of this community that this is even possible.
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