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Everything posted by MonsterHunterMaster

  1. XD you're just saying this cuz you're probably going fail so bad :P
  2. added you.

    And know lets have a game.

  3. I ony asked everyone for money.

    I don't want presents for my birthday and I also don't want to celebrate it..

    Makes me feel kinda old :P

  4. That's what I'm talking about ;)
  5. Lol.

    What happened there?

    Come on dude tell me.

  6. Quit the job and make a Desert Eagle mesh
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bk7QzVrfT-U Lol I discovered this band when I googled bands which are similar to scar symmetry o_O Anyway, sounds nice. The singer sometimes sounds like chester bennington (singer of oldschool linkin park until 2005, then he got killed by aliens and replaced with a perfect double. Unfortunately they forgot to duplicate his voice and now he sucks like hell)
  8. Hey guys I have a question. There are those record thingys for xbox 360 and PS3 where you can record your gameplay so you can upload videos to youtube. You only have to plug your hdmi cable into them and then you plug another one from the recording box to the tv. Does those recorders work for pc too? Or are there different ones? If there are, can you tell me where to find them or link to a site? That would be awesome thx for reading
  9. OMG

    Think about that again. Wait..

    Except Your future Wife is hot. Then you can marrie her.

  10. Lol I almost forgot...I'm officially 17 now :D
    1. AyameAzuma
    2. VesemirTheWitcher


      just one more year... and you can officially watch q0rN! :D YAY
    3. Balagor


      A late congrats on your 17th birthday @)~~~~~~
  11. Just deinstalled all the stuff I don't need and cleaned up my PC...Basically only Steam and Modern Warfare 2 are left :D
  12. Hey man

    haven't talked to you for ages dude..

    Yea, that mouse rocks :P


    UHhhhmmm...engaged? U serious?

  13. Hey man, you don't make meshes of guns do you?

    A Desert Eagle for example? O_o

  14. Hey there as the title says, I would need a tutorial on how to make a Desert Eagle with blender. I would need it for an Intro of an movie. I googled a lot and didn't find ANY tutorial on how to make one (I did'nt either find any tutorial on how to make any gun :/ ) So if anyone has a link to a tutorial, or even made a tutorial or something like that that would be really awesome. For those of you who don't know a Desert Eagle, look here: http://www.zast.bplaced.net/Zast-Dateien/Waffen/desert_eagle_pistol.gif http://www.schiessanlage.ch/images/waffen/Desert%20Eagle.jpg
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G_NRyxhSo3E http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gZF9MMx-skc Illiad, now finally theres a band with no clean voice singing. And yes, it's Christian Älvestam again :tongue: You like the band this time?
  16. is making a singleplayer funtage due to bad internet connection O_o
  17. My favourite one is lmao... Why? Cuz it contains the word a$$. Lol jokin. Hmmm..I can't decide Wait.. I guess it's lol, isnt it? xD rofl
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