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About ZaiReal

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    South Africa

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  1. On my 3rd playthrough...read forums where people say you should at least finish "Now or Never" (Triss's quest) before you attempt this quest to save Ves for this bug to go away. Others say that you could use this command: addfact(sq312_fdb_ves_end) - helped Ves in the village on the console to alter the flag in your save game but it will not change Roche hating you for failing to save Ves even though he is the one that insta disappeared lol. Also doesn't change the quest from saying you failed to save her so either doesnt work for me or im typing it wrong. Tried over 20 variations of typing it in though. Will update if I find a fix for this in my new playthrough. EDIT: I finally got this quest to work after 4 days of trial and error. No idea if this will work for anyone else. But it seems this bug only comes from certain quests being active or inactive. What I did: -Did not speak to Sigi Reuven, Dijkstra about the vault and treasure yet. Only about Junior's 3 locations and about Junior being Redanian (which you learn from a letter in the Arena), obviously to meet Roche. -Finished "Gangs of Novigrad" - Cleaver's quest. -Still need to go to Junior's place and talk to him. This was the only thing that worked for me. Hope it helps someone else someday that has this issue for days on end like I did on one of the game's most important quests.
  2. Thank you. They look like a lot of fun and the Wench was kinda exactly what I was looking for...apart from the "BIG SHIELD" lol Heh yeah, well there's actually more than one wench, with that mod. :happy: So you get more than a few, wenches. Lol cant wait to find them all. Though the horsey mod makes me lag a lot will see what happens with the others
  3. Thank you. They look like a lot of fun and the Wench was kinda exactly what I was looking for...apart from the "BIG SHIELD" lol
  4. Lol hope you do. Keep me up to date on your mod if you dont mind :)
  5. Looks really nice. The english is kinda like the VIlja mod...a little silly lol but a good story with lots of things to do and lots of choices to make. Add a female follower that needs saving and I will definitely become your first patreon hehe :) Good luck getting it done before the 1st :ninja:
  6. I know this topic already exists but Skyrim has proven to us all that modders are still making content for games years after the release date so you can never ask this question enough. But so many mods out there. Not always easy to find what you're looking for, even with google. but getting to the point. I'm looking for a quest mod that most likely adds followers to your game. (Please dont recommend Vilja. Already completed her romance quest 30 times.lol) Similar mods to what i'm looking for would be something like Maids 2 Deception or Bruma or The Shire or even Ambriel. A long-ish or little quest that ends up with you helping or saving a 'damsel in distress' and yes i have that mod too lol, which leads to gaining a follower or 3. Preferably fully voiced with either custom or ingame voice lines. Already played the most famous quest mods like Enderal, Moonpath, Forgotten City, Falskaar and so on but again I am not necessarily looking for huge mods that add 50+ hours of gameplay. More so if they dont add followers please. So does anyone know if there is a mod out there like that? If not, I will add this to the "Mod Requests" section. Mods that I own include: (So please recommend me something else :) Inigo Vilja Sofia Mirai Ambriel Shindara Onean Nela 3dnpc/Interesting Npcs Anna Npcs Arissa Cerwiden Valfaar. Yeah yeah i know I already have a lot of followers but you can never have enough :) Thanks to anyone that reads and replies :)
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