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About Naschrakh

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  1. My new rogue: Drizzt :) http://i46.tinypic.com/mbjuar.jpg edit: and yes, his eyes are purple, even tho that isn't all too clear on the above screenshot. It's easier to see on the one below :) http://i45.tinypic.com/1eaqhk.jpg
  2. Hey people :) I was thinking about making a dualwield warrior, an elf male with dark skin and stark white hair named Drizzt :rolleyes: . Since i want to execute as many special attacks as possible in 1 fight, the best to wear is light armor imho, to surpress fatigue. Then, about weapons: shall I use sword+dagger at the beginning, and go for dual swords once i fill the dualwield tree? Should I go for dual daggers? Stats: where to put most of my points in? I was thinking about high dex and stamina, and leave strength as low as needed. I shall fill the entire dualwielding specs, plus some standard warrior stuff (precise striking), combined with the tree that allows me to disengage from an enemy. Any ideas?
  3. How the blimey did you manage that? Is it simply in the 2h tree (which I never used on any char yet) or is it a mod?
  4. My char killed the King and stole his helmet. Then he took a crap in the helmet and sent it to his grieving wife. Upon opening the package with the filled helmet inside, my char ran towards her, smashed the helmet in her face, smearing her with poo, and stole it again! The guards found him two days later, dancing around in the throneroom with their King's helmet on. Meh, can't have fun these days anymore.
  5. Sounds like Lilarcor :D I myself would love to see Drizzt's scimitars in DA:O. Is it actually possible for a char to dualwield 2 longswords in game? Every longsword i see has to be equipped in the mainhand :(
  6. I'm still playing! It's my favorite game of all time :D
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