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About aruless

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    Vagrant story@psx

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  1. First what are you trying to save? What blocks(shaders etc) are you using in the model? For what game? and how? also can you upload the model so "we" can see what could be wrong if any?
  2. If your gonna buy a pre-built go for intel, amd is just horrible now(not a brand fanboy i have a regor my self)any good ivy or sandy is gonna smoke that amd. http://www.hardwaresecrets.com/article/AMD-FX-8150-vs-Core-i5-2500K-and-Core-i7-2600K-CPU-Review/1402/18
  3. Open 3ds max, make a plane(top view) of the same dimension of the pic, make a material with that pick, now in the top viewport start again with a small plane, convert the plane to editable poly, now start moving adding vertex/faces, and go on. Check any youtube video(3ds max making a gun/weapon) for "physical references"
  4. :wallbash: Darn this is a shame, they should at least sell the engine or the the "game" to other developer >_>
  5. Cant find any decent site with news, rumors or etc abut the wii yu, the only decent one was the unity forums, if u ppl know some forums pls can u post the link, thanks.
  6. Rly? omg i mean the ddr and ddr 2 might fit, but a ddr3...... just amazing.Hp source
  7. Is not, is just a wii with diferent parts and one more letter(?), srly nintendo is not making a next gen console, they are only making updates to the api/sdk and hardware, ah yea and expensive controls, hope they can make it if dont they should start to make games for the next consoles ps4/xbox 720. BTW if nintendo is making their disk based in the bluray technology, we can expect a legal battle???
  8. Did u check that the has vertex colors option is true/yes?
  9. Could be a reason but i still have doubts about that been ur problem, u can try with another model with diferent scale and see if that is rly the problem.
  10. aruless


    Watch dogs have my money so far >_>
  11. Nintendo should add the tablet or else is gonna be rly bad for them, is gonna be expensive(according to some ppl almost 300-400 dollars :s) so no much ppl is gonna buy it = to no developers using the tablet in games = losses, i dont wanna jump in the wagon of "if nintendo dont do it right with this console, gonna end like sega and the dreamcast"; but it could happend. In the bright side, if the api is similar to wii, u can expect the "home brew channels" and maybe some crossovers with tablets and cellphones.
  12. Was reading some info in the unity forums, man that was a good read specially the comments from dremora, here.
  13. Oh my god those days, 5 1/4 and 3 1/2 diskettes awesome times. Btw how is going in korea? they start to refund the ppl??
  14. LOL at the link theres no info actually, so it have a ibm cpu wich one? the 8088? btw if this gonna have the same quality that the other systems i dont c how can nintendo get more players. Also if the software/hardware work similar to the wii, theres the posibility that this can be emulated like the wii, that would be bad for nintendo.
  15. That crack me out xDDDD, well in my case is mostly for space, i usually have two or three games installed and no more, i dont have time or the will to play a lot of games at the same time.
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