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About erickelly1972

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Rising Star (9/14)



  1. wow! nice work! anyone else want to join the party? i'd like to see some veterans get in on this also.
  2. LOL you're right! that's quite a lot of mods. but she's hot. is that a dark elf?
  3. this needs to exist in Skyrim. Conan has been done a few times but no love for the beastmaster? really? yeah i know one can come close to this look with a couple of mods, but just like Conan, close doesn't compare. the sword http://www.entertainmentearth.com/item_archive/items/Beastmaster_Sword_Replica.asp the armor http://i112.photobucket.com/albums/n187/firedice27/Nerdy%20Stuff/e3ca6fb2.jpg http://wrongsideoftheart.com/wp-content/gallery/stills/beastmaster_02.jpg
  4. if this were facebook...LOL anybody else? http://www.artsandcreativities.com/wp-content/uploads/Add-Facebook-Like-Button-in-Magento.jpg
  5. doesn't matter if its various vanilla armors thrown together or modded armors. think you've got the best looking Dovahkiin? let's see him/her. here is Maularuko the barbarian wearing a mashup of The helmet of the mounds and studded and banded bracers from http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/40914/? Death Dealer chainmail, war axe and shieldfrom http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/18077/? and vampire boots from the Dawnguard dlc looks pretty badass imo. what you got? http://i173.photobucket.com/albums/w76/eric_kelly1972/armor%20mashup_zpshjo79ql3.jpg
  6. sword of the Lord Kalidor. Conans sword http://www.swords-and-more.com/shop1/images/14265_6001.jpg the "new" conan sword...the one Jason Momoa used in the 2011 movie looks different than that one. http://images.starpulse.com/news/bloggers/8/blog_images/jason-momoa.jpg http://www.conanblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/conan__04.jpg even had his own version of the "father" sword. http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6189/6097616952_abeed2bc8d.jpg
  7. i know there's a few out there but not this one. the one (an option) in the Hyborian age mod is close but doesn't have the rubies in the guard and pommel. http://a395.idata.over-blog.com/197x300/4/90/99/85/series/1987-a-2000/1997-Conan-l-aventurier/Conan-serie-1997-Ralf-Moeller--1-.jpg http://www.sitcomsonline.com/photopost/data/3254/CONAN_THE_ADVENTURER_5656565.JPG nor the same pommel design. http://a401.idata.over-blog.com/600x450/4/90/99/85/series/1987-a-2000/1997-Conan-l-aventurier/Conan-serie-1997-Ralf-Moeller--8-.jpg http://a402.idata.over-blog.com/500x750/4/90/99/85/series/1987-a-2000/1997-Conan-l-aventurier/Conan-serie-1997-Ralf-Moeller--1-.jpeg
  8. Crom! no Kalidor! Lol Lord Kalidor :laugh: :wink: Crom is the god of war in Conan http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-EiWorAqPg6U/TsPn0hCOnKI/AAAAAAAAA5Y/wulrKbKMK98/s1600/crom.bmp Lord Kalidor has a good ring to it. congratulations! you just gave me a new Sith name! Lol
  9. indeed it is. i want Kalidor's armor.
  10. i already have that and know what's in it. i'm wanting some stuff that isn't in it.
  11. Conan's phoenix shield: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_F4cRE0oK7Tg/TJDxdcvHihI/AAAAAAAAAAM/Icadf1IVzqk/s1600/Conan9.gif this is the best pic i could find of it. but i don't imagine it being that colorful. in the Conan the Adventurer cartoon series it appeared to be a steel shield with a red phoenix design. that would be the look i want...just not cartoon looking. Lol
  12. those weapons are from the Conan movies with Arnold Schwarzenegger. the sword in question is from the Conan movie with Jason Momoa. looks nice, but i was hoping for a stand alone. with SkyRe AND Hyborian Age my forges are quite full without adding another weapon pack. Lol
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