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About shinros

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  1. the dominion is using the strategy divide and conquer its the reason why I go with the imperials I first joined the stormcloaks but after the siege of whiterun I deleted the character and went the imperial route felt much more "right" to me. Plus talking to some of the nord npcs they don't want to go back to the old days since back then the various jarls were warring with each other and killing each other.
  2. I am a complete newb when it comes to modding I really like TES vampires so I searched them up on nexus but majority of the vampire mods change them in such a way they are no longer Volkihar vampires from immortal blood or TES vampires in general. The reason why I want to do this is because I use this mod here. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/7873 Another reason why I want to do this is because of the dawnguard plugin it removes stage 4 attacks so there is no incentive to feed so I want a way to reverse feeding so you get weaker if you don't and stronger if you do.
  3. Not part of a contract and i woulnt want to have another vip employer scared about that i killed the last one. Motierre alive with his contract fulfilled is DB's message to Tamriel that they're back at full strength and open for business. Its not the way of the DB to make last wishes true nor kill their employers unless its part of another contract. Yup same reason I did not grant the emperor's wish.
  4. I just got oblivion because loads of my friends have been telling me how great the mods are I am looking around and I have no idea on what mod to get there are so many! I was wondering how people got their female characters and faces to look so good but there are so many mods i don't know which is which also does anyone know any good gameplay mods? Thanks in advance to anyone who answers. :woot:
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