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Everything posted by Jesha

  1. hello im wondering if anyone would be able to remove the main horse from this mod "sunchaser " , and allow the cart to be be tethered to a players horse, since no mater what mod I use CH/IH , to tame a horse, branding, tame beasts. Sunchaser will always return to whiterun, I want to be able to have the micro home and the dragon killer cart follow each other and have it where the micro home stays near where I am. Id grately appreciate anyones scripting help. Jesha Dragonkiller Cart SE at Skyrim Special Edition Nexus - Mods and Community (nexusmods.com) Dovah Rider Cart - Traveling Player Micro-Home at Skyrim Special Edition Nexus - Mods and Community (nexusmods.com)
  2. Hello im not a modder at all, but there are so many dogmeat replacer skins that I would like to be able to use, and I love the process that "Equipable Dogmeat skins" uses, I checked out the esp in fo4edit and noticed the only issue I see, is that the skins that are set up in the mod, are sperated in to 8 body texture and 6 body materials parts. The skins i downloaded only have one combined body file. How would I make the esp file use the one combined body file. Sorry if my explanation is confusing. All I want to do is to make standalone dog mods created from dogmeat to look like the skins ive picked out. (Rusty , Midnight, Comet, Borderlands Skag, Black Dog(Hellhound), Nightstalker and Banshee.) If possible Rex (more complex in body files) , Albino Mongrel and Mutated Black Wolf (only came as ESP). Any help creating or direction on how to do it myself, would be greatly appreciated. JeshaThei
  3. hello im wondering if its even possible to create a small scale house that would just link to a interior cell where there would be smaler scaled items. I quite like the look of this house mod. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/53124/? I have no scripting or modding experience myself, but am wondering if anyone would be wiling to try out this idea for a project. Jesha
  4. Hello I recently remembered that in fallout 3 there was this mod that allowed you to use a shovel and dig any of the trash piles in the wasteland which gave you random junk. Im wondering if anyone would be up to the task of making this mod compatible for fallout 4. heres the link. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/14368/? I think many players would find this mod also useful. jesha
  5. Hello im wondering if anyone could help me find the reason as to why only the vale deer has the glowing effect in this mod and how I can fix it. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/46829 Thx Jesha
  6. Hello im wondering if anyone is willing to create this riften horse texture replacer into a standalone horse mod. Id greatly appreciate anyone who helps or if theres a straightforward video tuturial on how to do it in ck. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/75147 Thx Jesha
  7. Hi for some reason once I reached washington monument and tried to use the elevator it crashes, have there been issues with this before? the only mods that ive installed is the 4Aces HiRes Mods and FWE. Jesha
  8. Ive installed a few mods, but I dont remember adding one that changed the amount of quantums you get. Could someone please look at my mod list and see. Ive only been to 10 locations(which includes the survival guide) at max and I already have 278 quantums when in max your supposed to get 97 throught the whole game. Heres my loading order. Fallout3.esm Anchorage.esm ThePitt.esm BrokenSteel.esm PointLookout.esm Zeta.esm CALIBR.esm CRAFT.esm FO3 Wanderers Edition - Main File.esm Sharing and Caring Companions.esm DCInteriors_ComboEdition.esm UndergroundHideout.esp CRAFT - Activation Perk.esp FO3 Wanderers Edition - Main File.esp Stealthboy Recon Armor - CRAFT.esp CALIBRxMerchant.esp SCC - Talk to Anyone.esp Clinic_store.esp Banks of the Wasteland.esp SCC Armor.esp GalaxyNewsRadio100[M].esp Abandoned Car Fort Redone.esp Basementshelter.esp BurgerBoyCompound.esp T_R_A_S_C_H.esp BSHome.esp Bond's Emporium.esp FairfaxApartment.esp SG001 Alternate Mechanists Forge V1.01.esp City Life.esp Princess Big Blue House.esp 01AtM - Firefly Ranch.esp Thanks Jesha Total active plugins: 32 Total plugins: 35
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