Hello im not a modder at all, but there are so many dogmeat replacer skins that I would like to be able to use, and I love the process that "Equipable Dogmeat skins" uses, I checked out the esp in fo4edit and noticed the only issue I see, is that the skins that are set up in the mod, are sperated in to 8 body texture and 6 body materials parts. The skins i downloaded only have one combined body file. How would I make the esp file use the one combined body file. Sorry if my explanation is confusing. All I want to do is to make standalone dog mods created from dogmeat to look like the skins ive picked out. (Rusty , Midnight, Comet, Borderlands Skag, Black Dog(Hellhound), Nightstalker and Banshee.) If possible Rex (more complex in body files) , Albino Mongrel and Mutated Black Wolf (only came as ESP). Any help creating or direction on how to do it myself, would be greatly appreciated. JeshaThei