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Everything posted by chakaru11

  1. Yup, that is Oblivion - that race is the EvyRace, it was here on the Nexus but taken down. The outfit is by GOMA. No idea about that ribbon though. If I remember correctly, the mod "House on Riverside" has a few hair ribbons which are part of a shrine maiden outfit set. The website's name is Zeoblivion.
  2. You can use the "modpca" command for that. Like "modpca speed -60". It's possible to lower attributes that way - but be aware that as soon as you go below 0, there is a high chance that the game will crash.
  3. What if you do this the other way around? Create the character in the construction set to your liking, then install Oblivion Face Exchange Lite (it's here on the Nexus) and port the NPC face onto your player character. The other method only leaves Wrye Bash. I don't have that installed so I can't help you there. But maybe you can make a request and send the mod and a save file from your PC to a kind soul with a working wrye bash who could port the face for you?
  4. Nowhere, chaos_master has never released it. I have it, but only because I stumbled over it by accident on 4shared...
  5. Well, I'm not an expert, but I'll give it a try. The Unofficial Patches fix a lot of the bugs ingame. So it's a a good place to start from. OBMM helps you install mods in different formats and you can actively change your load order with it. It's very own file format OMOD makes installing and uninstalling a lot easier and less messy. BOSS has access to an online list of compatible mods and fixes your load order according to that list to reduce conflicts. OBSE is a script extender and enables a lot of additional functionality for complex mods and scripts. You basically just intall it and use the OBSE launcher to launch your game - that will enable OBSE. If you are not a modder, you don't have to meddle with it. FInally, Wrye Bash combines a lot of all of this in one huge, powerful, but very complicated tool which takes a lot of getting used to.
  6. About Kylin... GUYS. That thing is a direct rip from Lineage2. Please remove the link >.< there's reason why I only HINTED at a way to find it.
  7. That link is dead :) That mod was floating around the community like a year ago, called "Kylin the divine beast". Maybe you can still find it via Google. Whatch out for russian websites. That's all I am saying.
  8. Actually the Air Fight System covers the flying part: http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=36903 Here the wings don't only "flap", they move accordingly depending on the direction you want to fly. It's very different from Midas Magic's angel wings, which suspend the character in the air with an idle pose. With the Air Fight system, combat is still possible and it also has collusion, which most hover spell's lack. One advice about the ""Dragon Invasion" mod... if you already have the Akatosh Mount mod installed, don't be surprised if the two mods conflict. Since some of the Dragon Invasion dragons are in caves, they can hover, but not really fly so that they stay in their caves. This scripting also affects the Akatosh mounts sometimes, so they can fly close to the ground, but no longer rise.
  9. You have a typo in the link :) Anyways, the "glowing red circle thing" only appears because of the scripts. Get Nifskope, open the armor versions and you will see that there is already a version without the claws and the circle ingluded. Now all you need to do is click on the horns and the sleeves and go to "block ->remove branch". TADA :) The collar is rigged to the sleeves, so it's basically just those 2 steps.
  10. I am a bit confused about the usage of dtx-3 format you described. In my experience it causes more problems than it solves. Usually textures with alpha map usage (like glow maps which work with transparency) are best saved as dtx-5. exray_catt: The way glowmaps appear in Nifskope has nothing to do with the fact wether they show up ingame or not. Using the "Add glowmap" option under NiTexturingProperty is just a preview option. It can, however, help you see if a glowmap works. To be sure that it is visible ingame, you can set both the diffuse AND the emissive color of a mesh to white. For that, highlight your mesh and click on the little icon next to "NiMaterialProperty" and set emissive and diffuse color in the menu that pops up to white. Keep in mind that most glowmaps are supposed to work with transparency (meaning that only selected parts of a mesh are supposed to glow). Which means they NEED an alpha channel. If your glowmap doesn't have one, create one. Then copy paste the texture into the alpha channel, edit the saturation a bit so that the glowy bits are white and the rest of your texture is black) and save everything as a dtx 5.
  11. The first one looks like an edit of a hentai mania outfit with larger cupsize. About the third pic/race... this has been posted several times before and from what I remember it's most likely not a "race" per se, but rather custom face textures for a specific character that were never released anywhere.
  12. From what I can see, this is the "Ice Queen" armor from Eyren's "Queen's armory". It should be here on the Nexus. Sorry I can't link you, but for some reason TESNexus doesn't load for me right now. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OH AND ONE TINY REQUEST FOR THIS THREAD: Please, if you guys want to post screenshots, use http links instead of IMG codes - or a spoiler tag. Some people who really want to help you out have slow internet and having to wait forever for an image to load slows the whole helping process down immensly.
  13. About that video... does anybody know what companion health hud that is? I have HUDcompanions, but this version has character ICONS O.o I am in love. Any ideas?
  14. Thanks for all the tips about the Summon Fairy, but I am not talking about the version I used for my edited file :( I mean the version with a human / HGEC body, not the one piece body mesh that was released to match the cartoony head. The HGEC version had a Ren head and a normal human body and came in 2 versions: no armor and glass armor. The HGEC version was only on shy, and I even have the adress for the download, but it is not accessible any more >.< I had the HGEC ("human body") version, but accidentally deleted it :(
  15. Does someone here still have the HGEC Body version of the "Summon Fairy" mod? It was on shy, but since that's gone now :( I googled for it, but all of the links for the HGEC version go back to shy >.<
  16. This is a mashup with parts from many different armors/clothings: - cape/scarf: Dark Sisterhood, - pauldrons, greaves, gloves and upper-belt: Silverlight, - lower-belt: Shaiya Outfit, - corset: Lady Bat That corset is not from lady bat O.o It's actually not ripped (as most of Krista's stuff is), it's from the Velveteen armor and was later also used for the "Noble brave heart" and "Schwertleite" armors. which is here on the Nexus. The retexture was custom made. Edit: GRRR! xD Ima gonna stop editing now. *mumbles*
  17. @Lastito: errrm... that first screenshot is an armor mash up by me and I already said that in the image description. Check my TESNexus profile xD
  18. From what I remember, this eyepatch was also part of Lera and Pizz' Hiyoko store: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=15617
  19. There is a "polymorph wolf" spell in Midas Magic Spells of aurum here on the Nexus :) It allows you to run around and fight as a wolf.
  20. What I think is even worse is that friendly fire doesn't work both ways -.- NPCs have every right to attack youafter you accidently hit them. But if you are hit by a friendly NPC's attack and defend yourself, you go to jail >.< Taking that into consideration, changing those scripts might be a bit complicated. Especially because the entire yield system was probably put in the game to solve this situation.
  21. BUMP, im sure there is more and ppl know here it is, just need the right person to see it :D I think the reason why there are not too many people answering is because the high heels system causes massive FPS drops for a lot of people. I used it for some time, but in spite of all the so called fixes it made my game unplayable :(
  22. I might be wrong, but I think this particular beret is actually a part of that hair mesh.
  23. Mhm I've never heard of that happening. But maybe you can try console commands. Click on Baurus, open the console and type "disable", then "enable". Maybe this triggers his original scripting. Killing him won't work, since he is not essential and once he's dead, he stays dead.
  24. @tsukasa1615 From what I can see, all of these are edits of the races from either XEO or MBP, like moonshadow elf and diablo elf. I guess they are custom ones using textures from these sources with personal edits and different head and ear meshes. Does anyone know where these earrings are from? http://shy.jsphr.net/upload/img/ups33656.jpg I've seen them around a lot and at first I thought someone used the Nazrin pendulum necklace mesh to create earrings, but now I am not so sure. Any Ideas?
  25. You want to edit a character to look like that AND you mention MBP. Do you have that already? Because if you do, you answered your question yourself :D If you don't, starting out with the Moonshadow Elves here on the Nexus would be a good idea. I also recommend the Lop Ears Elves by KKK.
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