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About VolkiharFiend

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    United States
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  1. I'm always an evil mage lol... I just don't really enjoy warrior type characters...I can do it for a while but I get bored.
  2. Enough internet for the day.
  3. There's just a point when you gotta move on. TES VI isn't too far away at this point.
  4. Hey thanks Lachdonin for that link, I've been wanting to find some interesting lore on the Tsaesci.
  5. Yep if you go to where the dead alchemist named Sinderion used to live there is a secret switch right beside the bed. When you activate it, it will cause the orb to appear as a small sun and effectively banish all the falmer that reside in Black reach. just kidding don't take me seriously there is no lever to do that
  6. Sounds like a rogue except instead of illusion magic you're using conjuration.
  7. This guy.http://30.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lyumr6B8uO1qmzvh7o1_500.jpg
  8. Climates of Tamriel and Realistic Lighting Overhaul go good together. There are also many various texture replacer mods out there and I'm sure there's one that will fit your liking.
  9. You're not gonna get much of a helpful response if you don't list the mods you have activated. Like the other guy said, a letter from the Jarl of Falkreath is normal after you get to around your level.
  10. http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/18794881/images/1334975888393.jpg
  11. I use this mod and there is an opyion that allows it to require less feeding to pregress if you wish. If you have SkyUI you can go to the MCM menu and change it there. If you don't have MCM the mod gives you a power that allows you to change the settings. If you look in your powers tab there should be a spell called "Configure Better Vampires Mod" or something of that nature.
  12. I just like to read about and understand the basic concepts like the creations myths from different pantheons or the various realms of the deadra and their spheres of influence. But when you start delving into the realm of MK I kinda space out and lose interest. EDIT: random typo
  13. Well maybe have a major title as a massive open world title then release a standalone title with a compact setting in between major releases with a minor (but interesting) plot. Kinda like Redguard or Battlespire was but still have the system a major title has.
  14. Yeah that's something that has always botherd me about TES games...everything is so scaled down that it's at the point where it's almost immersion breaking. I would love to see a huge continent with realistically scaled cities and wilds but that is just impossible with current technology. Even considering the fact that most people's PCs wouldn't be able to handle that sort of game. Maybe Bethesda should ditch the whole "massive open world" gig and focus on more compact game settings allowing for much less diluted content. EDIT: Regarding LoneWolf's in-universe comment.
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