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Posts posted by VolkiharFiend

  1. Yep if you go to where the dead alchemist named Sinderion used to live there is a secret switch right beside the bed. When you activate it, it will cause the orb to appear as a small sun and effectively banish all the falmer that reside in Black reach.



    just kidding don't take me seriously there is no lever to do that

  2. You're not gonna get much of a helpful response if you don't list the mods you have activated.


    Like the other guy said, a letter from the Jarl of Falkreath is normal after you get to around your level.

  3. I just like to read about and understand the basic concepts like the creations myths from different pantheons or the various realms of the deadra and their spheres of influence.


    But when you start delving into the realm of MK I kinda space out and lose interest.


    EDIT: random typo

  4. Well maybe have a major title as a massive open world title then release a standalone title with a compact setting in between major releases with a minor (but interesting) plot. Kinda like Redguard or Battlespire was but still have the system a major title has.

  5. Yeah that's something that has always botherd me about TES games...everything is so scaled down that it's at the point where it's almost immersion breaking. I would love to see a huge continent with realistically scaled cities and wilds but that is just impossible with current technology. Even considering the fact that most people's PCs wouldn't be able to handle that sort of game.


    Maybe Bethesda should ditch the whole "massive open world" gig and focus on more compact game settings allowing for much less diluted content.


    EDIT: Regarding LoneWolf's in-universe comment.

  6. Ok so he just got bored with civilization and said "f*#@ it, lets let this Daedric Prince come and stomp on everyone so this empire i'm so done with has to sacrifice their grip on tamriel to stop it so we can have this concept of something *new* - a vague concept that I don't even know what can set a foothold in the history books."\


    Yeah what a douchebag.

  7. I see. I'm guessing this is from Morrowind's plot (I've never played it).


    Still. I don't see why he'd want a demonic entity from the bowels of Oblivion to come up and reinforce his swag on Mundus. Maybe he has the same view on the empire that the Stormcloaks do, that the empire is weak and incompetant to rule Tamriel.

  8. I've never played Inquisition so I'm taking your word for it that it has a lot of dialogue. Anyway, you're right...that would hog a lot of effort and time on the developers part especialy if you had 10-20 voice actors going over hundreds of lines of dialogue.


    But, who says you can't dream lol.

  9. I've played Oblivion and all I remember was a group of assassins from the Mythic Dawn cult killed the emperor to destabilize the barriers between Mundus and Oblivion so Mehrunes Dagon's forces could invade. All set in motion by Mankar Camoran, their fanatical leader who though Dagon was the rightful ruler of Mundus. As far as I know Talos had nothing to do with setting the events in motion unless I'm not getting something in the bigger picture.

  10. Who said you can't talk? You talk all the time. Or do you think your just signing al those dialogue options?


    They don't give you a pre-recorded voice because your character speaks with whatever voice you want. It's not some prescribed identity imposed on you by the developers choice options A or B. Want a Dunmer who speaks in a high pitched voice with a lisp? Done. How about a Redguard red neck? All yours. A female Imperial with a deep manly voice? Perfectly fine.


    The 'lack' of a voice gives you far more options for RP than Bioware's or CK's deciding what you sound like.

    It'd be nice if Bethesda maybe gave you a list of voicetypes for your character to choose from so when you do click those dialogue options your character talks with that voice...would add a great deal of immersion, at least for me. Of course, it should also have the option to let your character be mute so you can give him/her your own voice.

  11. Akatosh is kind of a dick. Talos is worse though. He deliberately contributed to the Oblivion Crisis in an attempt to force change, only stepping in when that change threatened to be backwards (the rebirth of the Ayleid Empire). He tried to destroy his own Empire because it had become stagnant, and straight up empored a murder-cyborg to prevent history from regressing.


    I don't think he'd be overly happy with the traditionalist views of the Stormcloaks...

    Wait wait...how exactly did Talos contribute to the Oblivion Crisis?


    Well, by simple merit of how Akatosh has to set up things in order for the Dragonborn to work (a prophecy is needed) the Last Dragonborn's existence is temporary. He/she is a hero, and thus once the deed is done, the person ceases to be and only the legacy, the idea, remains. Akatosh seems to have crammed some extra work.in there for the Dragonborn, but ultimately they will follow the same path as all prophesied heroes. They will disappear.


    If Akatosh needs to keep the world going again, he'll send someone else. Tools, it seems, have a limited shelf life in the Aubris.

    That's kind of a scary thought. Say the Dragonborn does find a way to achieve some form of immortality to keep Alduin at bay. If Akatosh was unhappy with Mundus then he would find a way to have a new Hero slay you so Alduin can return and eat the world? What a jerk. It's hard being the hero knowing that you're just going to be put on a bus later. All the same though, thanks again for your insight.


    Yo, that would be an awesome alternative dragon break style plot. The last dragonborn sides with Harkon's lot and becomes immortal and in the process becomes so powerful that no mortal nor immortal can destroy him/her. So Akatosh sends a champion to attempt to destroy you because you pose a serious threat over man, mer and his divine cycle of Alduin get his ass kicked.


    BUT what if his champion decides to side with the last dragonborn? LOL Akatosh will have quite the situation on his hands.

  13. From what I've read, people who are born of the dragon blood usually end being the figure head in a government body (like the 3rd Empire). It makes sense because a dragon's nature is to dominate, so it's only natural for a dragonborn to rule. Usually dragonborn appear during times of strife like the interregnum between the 2nd empire and the third (ESO's setting) and when the Aylieds oppressed humans in Cyrodiil. The last dragonborn appears during the civil war in Skyrim...which is a time of strife. Whichever side the last dragonborn ends up choosing, in the end order is reestablished.


    Using this logic it's safe to assume dragonborn are used by Akatosh to establish order and to rule the peoples of Tamriel.


    Of course, not all dragonborn are going to adhere to Akatosh's system (like Miraak) but regardless they all feel the urge to dominate.

  14. 6-15-2015


    The date of the year for people waiting on news for Fallout 4 and TES VI.


    Which is also a day before my birthday. :cool:


    EDIT: actually the 14th not the 15th. Which is TWO days before my birthday. *it's something*

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