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  1. I just found that I couldn't log into my account: I generally use Chrome's password manager, but the password that was stored in there got rejected. Typed it in myself. Same deal. Copied it straight from a back up password manager. Also rejected. So the problem shouldn't be a typo or me having forgotten my password, or anything silly like that. The passworld recovery via email worked fine, so I have access to my account again. But my question is what just happened? Is is possible for a mod or admin to check if there was any weird activity with my account in the last day or so?
  2. You can actually put perks on companion NPCs with: "player.addperk <perkid> 1"
  3. Thanks, but I'm afraid that wasn't of much use. I already know the concept is technically possible and looking at an armour mesh doesn't tell me how I can convert a weapon mesh into one. The only thing I could reverse-engineer of the mod you linked would be the scripts, but I've already got that part working.
  4. I've been attempting to make a mod that displays unequipped weapons on the player's body (sort of similar to Skyrim's Geared Up thing). I'm stuck however at getting a weapon mesh to display as an armour. Just attaching the mesh to an armour record doesn't work and my attempts at converting it to an armour mesh in 3dsmax have failed. So anyone got clue how I can take a weapon mesh, convert it to an armour and have it display on the player's body where the holstered weapon is positioned (pistol on the right hip, rifles on the back, etc).
  5. Add your helmet to the following lists from "Project Nevada - Core.esm" PNxCVisorOverlay06NCRRangerOrderedListPNxCVisorConditionVisualsListPNxCVisorVisionEffect01ListPNxCVisorVisionEffect03ListPNxCVisionModeNightListPNxCVisionModeHeatListPNxCVisionModeEMListPNxCScannerList
  6. Doing this is unnecessary. The game doesn't care if you set set a global's value to 1 via the console or if a papyrus script does it. Nor does the papyrus script care if the value is already 1. Also in addition to setting the DragonsReturned global to 1. You may also want to use the following two commands: "prid 5eacd" "enable" This enables a marker that in turn enables various dragon related stuff in the world such as burned corpses. Of particular note is the dragon fight in the Forgotten Vale.
  7. If you set the global DragonsReturned to 1 (console command: "set DragonsReturned to 1"), dragons should start to appear ontop of wordwalls and as random spawns.
  8. Thanks, but the glow is present on all objects. Werewolves, regular humans, plants, stones, etc. I just chose the werewolf form in that picture because it's dark colour made the glow more noticable in a screenshot.
  9. That had no effect I'm afraid. After some more fiddling I'm starting to think iBlurDeferredShadowMask is the culprit. Setting it to 0 shrinks the glow to barely noticable. Problem with that is that with values lower then 5, I get annoying flickering lines on objects affected by shadow. Most noticably faces. Increasing fShadowBiasScale seems to remedy this a little bit though.
  10. A picture says more then a thousand words, so here ya go: http://i.imgur.com/hwvt2.jpg As you can see, I have a weird glow effect on objects that are standing in front of a shadow. When the object is inside the shadow, the glow is gone. The only graphical mod that I have is ENB antifreeze. My current graphics card is an old timer and while it's in the minimum system requirements, it doesn't play nice with Skyrim's shadows and various vfx. ENB antifreeze fixes this and makes shadows and things like fire render properly. So if ENB is the cause, I suppose I can learn to live with it. Otherwise if anyone has an idea on what's causing this and how I can remove that glow, I'd be much obliged. Here's my SkyrimPrefs.ini.
  11. I don't think this is caused by any of your .ini tweaking. If the chest you're opening, or your inventory contains a huge amount of items, the game freezes or slows down for a moment in my experience.
  12. I suppose a good audio engineer might be able to fiddle with Boone's sound files until they sound female, but lacking such an expert your only option is to grab a woman, have her record Boone's lines and override the orignals.
  13. That sucks a little. Detailed Normals was a nice pack with no performance impact for me. Thanks.
  14. There used to be a texture pack on the nexed called Detailed Normals, but it seems to be gone now. Does anyone know if it's still around (under a new name or something), or has there been some e-drama and is it just gone?
  15. Could anyone with more modeling knowledge then me take the female Daniel outfit from Honest Hearts and seperate the upper body from the lower? I'm specifically interested in the pants, belt and boots.
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