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    Skyrim, Dao 1 &2
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    Dao, 1, NWN 2

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  1. oh, thank you, I never thought of trap making.
  2. I have played through many times and would like to know what this glamour token is and if it does anything? Can be purchased early in Ostagar from the army merchant.
  3. Ahhg I don't know how that happened, my afore post is related to your other comment, probably self explanatory.
  4. When I first started I gave my follower a few potions of heal and stamina and resist potions for fire,shock etc, but then I read that they do not use them, so I stopped giving potions. So you say that when the follower is on his knees and needs healing fast that he/she will use a potion if it is in their inventory? I am intrigued, I hope you are right , It should be tis way but not certain if that is the way this game works.
  5. I have been looking at my options to upgrade my two year old tower and find that my options are limited. Currently my system: Gigabyte EP45-ud3r, 4gb ram, Inno gtx275 pci-e, and the chip Intel core2 duo E8400 @ 3.0 ghz. oh its socket 775 I cannot add a I7 quad4, else I must change the motherboard and everythiing else. Was told to add 4gb of extra ram and phantom nvidia gtx 550 ti 1.5 gb or some such card at around $370aus However I feel I could get a better even the best chip I can for my current motherboard might be the bettter way to go. I can play Skyrim on Ultra with highres textures but takes up to 10 secs to enter/exit areas and sometimes freeze for a few secs before char is ready to go again. So I play on high but notice the difference. Regret my decision to stay with core 2duo Can I have some suggestions please? I am not sure which chip I should try to get.
  6. I really like twohanded greatsword, enchanted and smithed by me and yet to reach stage where I can put two enchantments on . I get by usually, but there are situations where you think, goddamn, how the hell am I supposed to win here. i have tried a lot of combinations, especially a a magic user but had more success with warrior and greatsword and bow. I change to magic now bout lvl20, you do have to watch who you pick on, just go play with a giant early on to test this. one hit dead, great graphics.
  7. Wow I did this last nite, not cleared, I read not journal bout investigating below and the dungeon was hard Chauras or some hard to kill critter. But the bit bout dragging a draugher, ah how did you mean drag, can this be done, I know you kick things but can how to drag? Never saw head to be picked up, and sick of troll and ogre head weighing me down, so I miss important bits sometime. The game does have its moments, really well done and scenery is amazing, rushing around at breakneck pace is so passe, miss so much but each to their own. I shot a spider from the top of Valmier tower right across the river and up the mount a bit, near same level as tower,took 20 shots, a lot missed but when it died it fell down the cliff and laded just feet away from the entrance where you you first get asked to pay road toll. Very satisfying shooting cause I did not consider that such a long shot would be possible but I was looking around zoomed with the bow and the spider became an active target. Dawn from the tower was inspiring, daytime is much better
  8. What the others said yes you must knock him back with the shout, but I ran into a snag after this and just after the rune was cast in the floor and i absorbed 2nd word of Unrelenting force, What happened was they test you and I kept knocking them down (the summoned) and evey time I played past here before I had no trouble learning 2nd word. But this time Arngeir kept saying use the second word and I kept hitting Z and the batches of three would go down, but this did not trigger the 2nd word learnt . I kept this going 8 or 9 times, really thought it was screwed up but then it did work as it had always done. Still something has changed, I felt that need to be doing something else as wellas selecting unrelenting. ?
  9. Forgot to add that I just cured my self of lycanthropy in the companion questline, and I know I have the vamp thing to do, From what I have read in the game being a Were gives you absolute immunity to vampirism and I hope I did the right thing though there is no hardd and fast answer. Is vampirism a disease? (in this game I mean) . Will the amulet of 100% didease immunity work for the vampire encounters. Can the last stage be cured, I read somewhere that it could be up to stage 3?? but not sure. So that extra witch head I now have may have some use! just musing
  10. you can get to Ivaarstead from Helgen , sign post at Hegen. Both way are fraught with tough encounters.
  11. Ice wraiths are hard to see and can take you out very quickly, I must have been killed 30 times by an assortment of single beasts, a lot are tougher than the dragons, I guess because you have to get the souls, I have been surprised just how easy the dragons are to take out, but first off there was one on the way up to High Hrothgar where you had to go through a cave and exit at the other end. Icould not beat it in over 20 reloads and was forced to back trackthrough the cave a trembling. Still havenot been back since lvl6 and now 20, just so much to do. That troll on the steps up to the greybeards was also a real pain, so now I leave this trip until I have done a lot of side quests and have the ability to enchant and smith pretty good weapons and armour, armor!
  12. I agree ,so far the companion quests have been more interesting and challenging than the mage line ,but you don't have to limit yourself, I think you can do most, even wander aimlessly all over, forget the roads, get a dog, helps being jumped by ice wraiths etc. You cannot hurry things up, take it easy even forget about advancing the main quest, it won't go away. Learn smithing and enchanting.
  13. Its not so bad being and playing as a were, however I chose the cure, so I could get a well earned sleep and to see if the wet dog smell quips go away. You can still be leader, but I did expect from Kodlaks journal that I could have at least offered Farkas this cure as there still is one head left. I have yet to return to Jorvaaskar as I keep getting sidetracked and I had to do Sarthaal.
  14. ok thanks , I have got him. changed arrnor to robes and ring of magicka and followed the moves very close. Touch and go no potions left, and I spent half an hour looking for his remains. Thought the game had glitched but I eventually found him up against the bars way out of the water which is where I swear he went down after he dropped over the edge of a platform!.But I am out of there.happy. I saved just before I want to try and get him melee style but his disarming shout (that is what he uses eh) is tough to follow. I am lvl17. warrior from the outset and were as well, now there is a tantalising thought, Will the werewolf win, I wonder. bye, need sleep, this game is vey time consuming, and that is not a complaint just a fact. lucky I have it, the spare time. lots of "critters" are tougher than the dragons I am finding by a big factor, nasty witches and spriggans esp. rambling
  15. I keep having my bow swiped or disarmed and no one seems to get close to me. When this happens my essentially melee fighter is automatically equipped with flames and healing, which allows me only one shot and then I'm clean out of magicka! I have tried the potion route, I run out before Sigis is half dead, and re-equipping another both lets me get one shot and then it too disappears and I find myself a magic user again. I have not done Saarthaal, yet, that was next on the to do list, I have been concentrating on raising warrior skills , enchanting and smithing. I have become a werewolf and I have not tried this transformation to beat Sigis , It is difficult to pick the right one and not the illusion. I suspect that my magicka is not high enough for this place.Or I aam doing something wrong versus use of my bow, Any suggestions? Must have tried a dozen times and reloads to defeat Sigis,have tried to engage with him but keep getting disarmed. frustrating to put it mildly and politely.
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