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Status Replies posted by kayinv

  1. I think my Dragonfly shot bit the big one. Gone. Disappeared. Dead. I'm tempted to re-release it with warning tape that says, "illegal, look and you will die" that sort of thing
    1. kayinv


      I have something like that at TESA which is a lot more flexible with the images. The Nexus is a resource really, and that's about it. A more public avenue I suppose. It's certainly not an open forum for free discussion, which is a shame, but it's not my website. Their site, their rules. I'll just continue to keep my focus elsewhere.


    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  2. I can't believe the immaturity of certain individuals here. Seriously. What the hell. Can't anyone be nice these days? Or are we so beyond the days of common decency that we must all be so unbelievably condescending?
    1. kayinv


      I choose to fight back and expose them.
    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  3. The old Nexus...just a blurry good memory...
    1. kayinv


      Should make a group at deviantart. I post stuff there, but the general community isn't that interested in screenshots.


      Anyway, glad I never saw the nudity, I've always been strongly against anything that wasn't done in a tasteful manner. I still think the imageshare should be based on views instead of endorsements. Endorsements are too easily traded or bought. You almost have to be a politician and pander for votes. A screenshooter of the month type of thing would ...

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  4. The old Nexus...just a blurry good memory...
    1. kayinv


      Makes me wish I didn't start out so late. Oblivion is an old game and Skyrim is right around the corner, maybe then all the kids won't be around as much since any work for "old" Oblivion will be vintage and only matter to those who took it seriously to start with. Not that I want Skyrim to get overrun with brats, but it will pull some of them away I hope.
    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  5. .|. .|. to the little jerks out there reporting pics
    1. kayinv


      Well, it's not like most of the people here appreciate the hard work we put into our shots or even understand the details involved. Then they think they deserve and armor that more then likely we took a whole day or more putting together... If someone does it to me though, they'll be sorry >:D
    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  6. Someone downrated my profile... again. What have I done now? * wonders *
    1. kayinv


      Point me in the direction of the prick down rating your profile and I'll take care of them for you. I can use photoshop for much more then just "screenshots". Heh heh heh...
    2. (See 45 other replies to this status update)

  7. Need a Photoshop tutorial for rain effects? Here you go! http://www.giveupalready.com/content.php?36-Rain-Rain-Go-Away-Photoshop-Tutorial
    1. kayinv


      I'll be sharing effects photoshop tutorials fairly often, so check in often - maybe it's information you'll need for your next screenshot!
    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

    1. kayinv


      Rai is from my own modern fantasy story that I'm writing. So ya, modern for sure. :) Hopefully I will get back to my Dragonashers someday since that project IS related to Oblivion (and Skyrim). Thanks for the comment!
    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  8. Just added a new shot! Hope you guys like the shot and the poem that goes with it.
  9. New image up! First time using some rain effects and textures. Rather pleased with the results.
  10. New WIP armor preview is up! Hope you like the final results when I upload them!
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