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About armourdude

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  1. I am looking for a mod that can direct characters Like NPCs and such. That basically is that you point to a location and the NPC walks over to that spot or runs then waits.
  2. I have a request something I have been asking for a while. It would look like a chainmail bikini thing sort of. It would be a style in the way it fits that is totaly different than anything else I have seen displayed. I would be happy to provide you pictures of it. To add I make chainmail in real life and I made a design that I would like to have in elderscrolls. let me know if you are interested and I will show you the the pictures of it being worn. Then you could tell me if it is something you could do by modifing something else to create it.
  3. Earlier I posted about how I used the game to help me do something easier. It worked and I have gotten a few comments about it. If you had watched the video you can see the game Elements I used to do what I want. Having done this once I want to do this type of thing again and this is where help or ideas from the people of the Elderscrolls forums would be appreciated. Does anyone have any ideas on how I might use this technique again using it in a movie setting? Any Ideas on how I might incorporate the game technology into another short live action film? Any ideas or thought would be appreciated. Posted a few weeks ago. I found another use for Elderscrolls. I used the game to help me do something easier. I wrote a short film and then with help I made it into a short Sci-fi film for a contest. In the movie the main character talks to computer generated version of herself. When I researched how to do this I was overwhelmed at how much work it would be. How can this be so hard to do when it happens all the time while I am playing elderscrolls? That is when it hit me I will use elderscrolls to make the character I want and let the game do all the work. With help by people from the forums and using the construction set I figured out how to do what I want. The best part was there is large wardrobe already created for my virtual actress. The hard part was getting the AI to look like a younger version of the actress. I think I did ok for a guy never making a movie before. Thanks to the oblivion community for helping me do this. Here is the link to youtube where the movie is posted http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k6fRTDys2i4
  4. One more thing to add. The views on this video have gone up since I posted the link here. I think some of you must have watched it. What did you think about it? If anyone has an idea of how I might be able to use the elderscrolls for other projects please let me know.
  5. I found another use for Oblivion. Well ok really not a use but it helped me do something easier. I wrote a short film and then with help I made it into a short Sci-fi film for a contest. In the movie the main character talks to computer generated version of herself. When I researched how to do this I was overwhelmed at how much work it would be. How can this be so hard to do when it happens all the time while I am playing elderscrolls? That is when it hit me I will use elderscrolls to make the character I want and let the game do all the work. With help by people from the forums and using the construction set I figured out how to do what I want. The best part was there is large wardrobe already created for my virtual actress. The hard part was getting the AI to look like a younger version of the actress. I think I did ok for a guy never making a movie before. Thanks to the oblivion community for helping me do this. Here is the link to youtube where the movie is posted. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k6fRTDys2i4
  6. Nope, the TFC command is nice but does not do what I want.
  7. I have a question. Other than the vanity mode is there any other way to steer your player from a distance? Is it possible to detach from your character then park your view point then control your character like an RC car? For example hover your view point over the arena then control and steer the player from this fixed vantage point?
  8. I am just using an imperial female character nothing to special. I sent you a message as well so you can contact me for more information. Thanks
  9. I know how to use face exchange to get the look I want for my Player character. Is there a way of doing this for an NPC using the contsruction set or some other utility transfer my face to an NPC? So far everything else I have tried has failed. Either my computer locks up with what is suppose to do this or it just doesnt work. Any advice would be appreciated. I promise this is the last time on this subject.
  10. thanks for the reply. It is really starting to look like I am going to be out of luck with this one.
  11. I am still trying to figure out a way around my problem and maybe this will do it. Is there a console command or a mod to get the NPCs speaking to each other? Is there a way to make the NPC speak at a distance? Any ideas would be helpfull. For those that are wonding what I am doing I will tell you. I made a Player character that looks like my Wife. Now I am having my wife voice this character for a mini movie project. It is real hard to get the player character to be recorded at a distance. I am able to make the a full actor copy and that gets me by for some things. But the conversation at a distace is the tuff one.
  12. Thank you for your thoughts and it is a very good idea. I will see if that concept will work for me.
  13. thank you for your time and effort. But this does not work for me either. I follow the directions and it just errors out with out changing anything. I created a mod with just a single character that i wanted changed and I right click import and it starts to do something then I get a dialog box with a unicode error. I will have to figure something else out.Thanks again for your help for getting me in the right direction.
  14. Hey thanks I will have to give wrye bash a try and I will look thought this one more time.
  15. Thanks for the info and it is usefull information. But it is not exactly what I need to do what i want. But it is closer. Thanks!
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