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Posts posted by DeJuanNOnley

  1. I could be wrong, but I thought the UFO4P added a fix for despawning bodies, in the case of Josh and Emma at least. Maybe you could take a look at that and see if it could help?

    Unfortunately it does not. I've been using UFO4P from day one and can confirm this issue still exists on a new playthrough with the latest version.


    I believe the small edit they made to the flags was meant to fix the issue (basically just setting the "Start Game Enabled" flag) but this doesn't actually fix the problem. So far, my idea does seem to fix it, but I'm just wondering if anyone with more experience modding Skyrim/FO4 can confirm this is the method required. I have tested it fairly thoroughly, using the console to advance time in interior cells by weeks and even months and it seems to work so far. But UFO4P definitely does not patch the issue at this time.

  2. This has been bothering me since Fallout 4 was first released and so far nobody seems to have fixed it. There are a few bodies which despawn if you don't loot them immediately. The most annoying are Emma and Josh at the Super-Duper Mart (related issue is Josh's holotape not spawning even if you have never entered the interior cell unless you do so early in the game; but this seems to have a different cause). I am not familiar with modifying the XEZN value of placed objects, but it appears that every body not affected by this bug (Dutchman for example) has this set to NoResetZone encounter zone. Does anyone with more experience know if the fix is really that simple? It would take hours of in-game testing to check, but my preliminary tests look very positive. I realize that even if this fix worked, it would only work on new playthroughs or at least ones where the player had yet to enter that cell, so a more thorough fix might be to include a script to respawn the corpses with their holotapes and other inventory.

  3. MMH mirror (not dead!)-> Ptolemy v1.4


    There was no download on that exact same page two nights ago. The description was there, but no download link. That site is very hit-and-miss. Half the time when I visit it, most of the download links are dead. Then the next day they might be back up. It isn't me. I've heard others complain about the same problems. Plus I don't like their seemingly total lack of standards or administration, and the fact that they routinely ignore licenses. I've actually downloaded mods from there that have been on the site for years and they clearly contain a text file saying the mod can only be uploaded to specific sites (and MMH is not one of them). I understand that most of those old mod authors aren't around and since our old source for these mods is long-dead, MMH does serve a purpose. But I still feel we should do our best to respect the wishes of authors. Of course, in this case, I'm not specifically talking about a mod, but a program -- and one which does not contain a license in the documentation at all. Restrictive or otherwise.

  4. Those of us who have played the game for years remember the old Ptolemy program that maps every location in the game, including Bloodmoon. I still think it is the best map program for Morrowind out there (for those who don't want to use online maps, which can be clunky or go down at times). I still have the last version that was made, but I notice that the original website is long-gone and all the mirrors I found are also dead. Nowhere in the readme or help documentation does it list usage restrictions. I remember it used to exist on several websites, so I think it should be okay to upload here. (Much more reliable than ModHistory IMHO.) Any thoughts on this?

  5. So I had this idea to create a mod which would alter the sunrise/sunset based on the time of year. The other mods out there that change this setting all annoy me because they make the days too long or too short. The idea was to make a quest that would launch a script that checks the game month every 24 hours of game time and then set the game settings accordingly. However, based on my in-game testing, it looks like the TNAM (Timing) properties of the climate records override GMST records. Has anyone else ever messed with this in Skyrim/Fallout 4? If I'm right, then it looks like it isn't possible to control sunrise/sunset times via scripts, and I'm not even sure why those GMST records exist.


    For reference, the GMST records I'm referring to are:

    • fTimeSpanSunriseStart
    • fTimeSpanSunriseEnd
    • fTimeSpanSunsetStart
    • fTimeSpanSunsetEnd

    The climate (CLMT) record that seems to actually control sunrise/sunset time regardless of the above settings is:

    • DefaultClimate

    The basic concept was inspired by Daylight Hours from Mikey for Skyrim, though his mod requires you to reconfigure the settings manually. I had hoped this could now be done with a script and a timer, but so far it looks like it can't be done. I suppose I could easily port that mod to F4 (with his permission of course) based on sunrise/sunset times for Boston. But I doubt most players today (yes I'm looking at all you kiddies) would be willing to run a configuration utility like that prior to each game launch.

  6. I hate to bump, but I'm down to like page 6-7 now. If this isn't possible, I understand. Just seems like something this simple should be doable. If there is a better place to find information on FOMOD XML schema, I don't know where it is anymore. If it helps, I am only interested in NMM compatibility. So if there is even some proprietary method of achieving what I want for NMM, I would consider that.

  7. I hope I'm phrasing this right. I've made many FOMOD installers before, but never one this complex. Here's the situation. I have 4 install steps. Each step sets a flag with an integer value based on the option the user chooses. Let's call these, x, y, z. The fourth step needs to warn the user if they pick an option that is incompatible with the previous ones. Let's call this 4th value a. I need to create a dependency that ensures the following evaluates as true and throw a warning if not:


    x + y*4 - z > a


    Essentially, I want to do something like this:

        <flag name="a">100</flag>
            <defaultType name="Optional"/>
                    x.value + y.value * 4 - z.value <= 100    <-- THIS IS WHAT I DON'T KNOW HOW TO DO -->
                    <type name="NotUsable"/>

    Obviously I can create multiple embedded dependencies that check for every possible value (and that's what I've done for now), but this adds around 1,500 lines to my ModuleConfig.xml. Here's what I'm doing for now and it works. But please tell me there is a better way.

        <flag name="a">100</flag>
            <defaultType name="Optional"/>
                    <dependencies operator="And">
                        <flagDependency flag="x" value="125"/>
                        <dependencies operator="And">
                            <flagDependency flag="z" value="100"/>
                            <dependencies operator="Or">
                                <flagDependency flag="y" value="0"/>
                                <flagDependency flag="y" value="5"/>
                                <flagDependency flag="y" value="10"/>
                                <flagDependency flag="y" value="15"/>
                    <type name="NotUsable"/>
                    <dependencies operator="And">
                        <flagDependency flag="x" value="125"/>
                        <dependencies operator="And">
                            <flagDependency flag="z" value="75"/>
                            <dependencies operator="Or">
                                <flagDependency flag="y" value="0"/>
                                <flagDependency flag="y" value="5"/>
                                <flagDependency flag="y" value="10"/>
                    <type name="NotUsable"/>
  8. Any chance we can get an option to control Daylight Savings Time? Or at least add the Phoenix/Arizona time zone to the drop-down list? It is a little annoying that we have to manually change our time zone twice a year just because we are the only contiguous state smart enough to reject DST as unnecessary.

  9. Solved? I'm even more confused, but apparently uninstalling ENB and ReShade fixed the problem. Why this would cause this particular crash astounds me. Going to do some more testing...


    Update: Definitely ENB. Although it doesn't seem to have issues with any other mods I've tested, if I edit this particular record with the CK or xEdit, the game will CTD on startup if the DLL files are copied from ENB. ReShade doesn't seem to cause any problems however. Perhaps someone more familiar with ENB could look into this. But for now I'm going to say this is a non-issue. The mod itself works properly. Just crashes with ENB.

  10. This one has me stumped. Sorry if this isn't the right forum to post this topic but it seemed most appropriate. I'm trying to make a mod which allows users to alter the reduced base carry weight in Survival for 1.5. Nothing else. The simplest method seems to be changing the values for HC_ReduceCarryWeightAbility (FormID 00249F6A). Works perfectly if I set HC_ReduceCarryWeight to 100 rather than the default of 125 (adds 25 pounds to carry weight). However I get an immediate CTD if I lower it any further (no load screen at all). At first I thought I had found a bug in the beta CK, but when creating a new ESP with the latest xEdit I had the same results. I'm sure I'm not the only one trying to add options to the new Survival reduced carry weight functionality. Has anyone else encountered this? Very strange that I can reduce it to 100 but no lower...

  11. I have searched these forums and the entire Internet and found no solution. Launching the GECK (1.5) under Windows 8.1 results in many lists being blank. Most notably the topics and conditions lists (see attachment). One forum I found suggested the solution was enabling "Disable display scaling on high DPI settings" in the compatibility tab for GECK.exe. Already tried this. Doesn't work. Neither do any of the other compatibility settings. Has anyone found a way to get GECK to work properly under Win 8.1?


    Edit: Nevermind. I feel like a noob. It was simply an issue of hidden columns. Click to the left-hand side of the columns section and expand to the right.

  12. In all my searching, somehow I completely missed Mass Recalibration. The weights they list are extremely close to what I came up with. I'm wondering how stable it is using a script. I will have to check it out. I too discovered that most ammo was very accurate in weight (with the exception of rockets/missiles). Let me try that one out. I don't want to duplicate someone else's work, especially since compatibility was my concern to begin with (I created a custom merged patch to make it compatible with other mods).


    Zyio: most of the other mods I've made have just been fixes to correct errors in mods here on Nexus that hadn't been updated by their authors. Or that added minor bits of realism. Nothing as extrensive as this weights mod I just finished which edited over 500 items.


    As a side note, it bugs the hell out of me that I couldn't add weight to faction money. Limitation of the record type for those items. I wonder if Mass Recalibration found a way around that problem using a script.

  13. I know there are a ton of weight mods out there, but it drives me crazy that NONE of them are the least bit realistic. Stimpacks weighing one pound? Vacuum cleaners that weigh almost nothing? Add to this the fact that almost all of these mods end up doing far more than adjusting weights. Isn't that what a well-designed custom merged patch is for? I have actually stepped through all ingestible and miscellanous items to create REALISTIC weights based on real-world similar items. Now I'm working on ammunition and next I'm thinking of tackling weapons and armor (unsure how I will find realistic weights for power armor yet). Is this anything the community will be interested in or should I just keep this one to myself like many of the other small mods I have created but didn't think others would care for?

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