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  1. Yeah, I did some googling and saw that big textures bog down processors easily. And then found a couple of 16MB textures used on a weapon, for details. But in this case, some weapons are very detailed (good for 1st person, not good when there are a lot of those on screen), so reducing both textures and polys should yield better results.
  2. Thanks for the very clear answer! Guess I have to message a few authors, if they are still around.
  3. Hey fellow modders and mod users! I've been tinkering with a hideout mod (Underground Hideout) by adding FWE's bits and pieces. Before going any further, I will say that I got permission from the uploaders to use the assets from the mentioned mods. Thus resulted my mod: Insert shameless self-promotion here. But I added so much that my PC slows to a crawl when looking at the places where I added those many things (namely, weapons from FWE). So I started using blender to reduce the poly count of the models to make it more manageable. But maybe some other folk are in the same boat and could use this. The files I created have no animation, no projectile models, they link to the original textures and are very self-contained, that is, only appear in the hideout. But I modified models that were in the FWE that were in turn made by other people (some allow full use, others ask permission, and some don't state anything at all). So my question is, can I add the weapons with no anim, no projectiles and reduced polygons to a file for people to download? The file would only have the modified and rather useless models, but the legaleese of this goes beyond me. If a modder uses files in a mod from others and them permits use of the assets in his mod, does the permission affect those files as well? Does that permission allow for "poly-reducing techniques"?
  4. ha HA!! I win!!! edit: DAMN...
  5. Thanks for the reply! The extra logic to set a small waiting time makes sense, but I wasn't able to make it work. The game makes the add, the equip and remove just fine, but the game never updates properly in time for the NPC to refresh the armor and such. I settled for dividing the script in 2, with the part of inventory removal on the (begin) slot and the updating part in the (end) slot of the dialogue. This makes everything work as intended. Of course, true to Murphy's Laws, this opens a new issue: There are a few moments where the NPC has no armor, which can be distracting and a bit odd. But I might just equip the original armor at the end of the first script, just to make the process look seemless. Thanks again for the help!
  6. So recently I was made aware of this game exploit when trading comments on the FWE forum, and I set myself to try and solve this. The carry weight stacking up breaks the emmersion and I can't turn a blind eye to it. I'm using the Sydney companion from Sydney Follower Mod as my guinea pig and I managed to make a script with the help of FOSE commands that effectively strips the NPC (Sydney, in this case) of every possible equipment slots. The script is an embedded script that I've put in a couple of exit menu options, so that every time I leave conversation, the equipment on Sydney resets, and the effects no longer stack to infinity. That's the idea, anyway. The problem is that the script I've came up with turns out to be a "toggle" kind of one. If she has equipment on, the script leaves her in her undies (or nakkies, in my case). But if she has nothing on, then she re-equips as wanted. So right now, in order to make this work, after I talk to her, and exit the dialogue menu, I have to talk to her again, in order for her to update the equipment. The fruit of my [not very] hard labor: Any idea where the problem is?
  7. That's what I was thinking. I was just wondering if it's the general opinion. I did, but I'm having some problems reaching the mod's authors. The only tech support comes (sparingly) from Delamer, but as far as assets are concerned, he makes no decisions. I really don't think they would mind, but without knowing for sure, I'm not uploading a file that uses another person's assets. My question was really about the "modding etiquette" regarding this particular issue, since the permission rules aren't clear - at least to me. Thanks for the speedy reply!
  8. Hi there! I recently uploaded a mod which is a modified Underground Hideout to help it blend in better with FWE. All with the author's permission. I now intend to make some more changes which implie the use of FWE textures and meshes. I will not upload them with the mod of course, but I want to make some links to some, namely the weapons, so they look like the FWE ones instead of vanilla. So my question is: Can I make use of those textures/meshes and simply acknowledge it in the credits, since the mod only works with them installed, or do I have to obtain permission from the authors to do so? I don't know to what extent the wording "use of assets from this mod" goes in the mod permissions since I am simply linking to assets, and not providing them with my mod.
  9. Although the comments to your mod reveal it's an esp full of wonder, it doesn't solve this particular problem... I believe I have some kind of problem with the animations, since everything else checks out. Any thoughts about why the player animations would suddenly start playing slower?
  10. I have the exact same problem. It started a couple days ago after a few weeks without playing Fallout. My char walks and runs slowly and jump animation is slow too, allowing me to jump greater distances, but I get stuck next to low rocks. I did a clean reinstall, deleting all configuration files and the problem is still there, even with no mods... I tried console commands to change the run speed, but they have no effect, altough the sprint mod of FWE works just fine. What the hell is going on?!? I made no changes in my computer, apart the usual windows updates (including a big one some weeks ago...could that be the problem?) I run Win 7 and have a NVIDIA 9600 GT.
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