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Everything posted by prandiningrat

  1. all adapters in the links will work perfectly, however in my experience, you should consider to get better power for the adapter, thats only the cons for using IDE to USB adapter, imo. :thumbsup:
  2. I would recommends to use Kaspersky virus scan (only scan and removing malware) it's free, http://www.kaspersky.com/virusscanner Also if you wanting to remove unwanted/unknown services that started by virus, Autorun from sysinternals is the great tool to remove it manually. but you need to have experienced with windows services.
  3. I've never personally seen PC starting to slow down in relation to the PSU, but it won't hurt to check. PSU can do really bad things. So just to make sure that your gpu is getting enough power.
  4. this might help you : http://forums.lenovo.com/t5/IdeaPad-Y-U-V-and-Z-series/LENOVO-Y570-gaming-settings-amp-cooling-fan/td-p/744603
  5. I recommend that you are using cpu-z, to get CPU information, and if needed post the screenshot here :). When on BIos says it cant recognize the cpu model, you might need updating your BIOS. (bios ver 1.4) Installing Windows won't fix your problem, because OS will read the CPU model depends on your BIOS. Maybe you just overclocking it, so try also to reset the settings to its default. IMO, you don't need to worry if you keep it because it worked fine. you just need to wait for the new BIOS update (that will update your CPU code) it seems your cpu doesnt even in the CPU supported list.
  6. If you clicked detailed information in problem signature list , the ProblemEventName saying "APPCRASH",.then you need try to turn Off the DEP setting for the application, Got to System Properties -> Advanced -> Data Execution Prevention, and select Turn on DEP for all programs and services except those i select (radio button options). Then browse the application. It might not the answer you're looking for, but its common issue with some old applications.
  7. yeah i agree with hoofhearted4, 6990 is high end card, it will get bottleneck with your LGA 775 cpu's. I would suggest to upgrade your cpu first. Core i5 2500K or Core i7 2600K would be fine.:thumbsup:
  8. also try resetting the BIOS to default settings or replacing the CMOS battery.,and of course updating the BIOS would be the good idea :) I don't think need additional power from PSU, since it was designed for low-resource usage. Not for gaming. I'm sure the shipped PSU can handle for it.
  9. I think you need put that file in the right folder so the compiler can Call them...or you need edit the script (XXX.c) then edit the line #include "foldername here\stdio.h" if this is your first time making stuff, i think it would be best if you did some example scripts..if success then you can try with your scripts... I'd suggest to use Akelpad as script editor.
  10. you can check the fan speed on BIOS settings, just enter DEL during POST. then go to hardware monitor... another possibility from MSI mainboard is BIOS, you can check their site probably your bios already updated... I use MSI too but I dont use live update to find a new BIOS, for manual update you can put your motherboard model here : http://www.msi.com/service/download/ and download the latest version of BIOS..if you have latest of motherboard you can upgrade through BIOS setup, just put on USB..but for old MSI Bios, you still need bootable floppy or USB, and use command prompt to update, dont use live version, i think. since your problem is suddenly shutdown the system...
  11. On WDC, jumpering pins 5 & 6 (i think not 6 & 7) cause the HDDs will be SATA II,(PHY or phsical layer 3 gb/s will be enable), another jumpered pins are 1 & 2 to enable SSC, and 3 & 4 to enable PUIS.. I have SATA III(seagate) on my P45 w/o any problems, but i didnt see any improvement of speed by using SATA III, since P45 doesnt support SATA III... here is detail for installing jumper on WDC HDDs.
  12. The conditions 'getlsID NPC Player == 1 AND (30)' and 'getlsID NPC Player != 1 AND(100)', it means player will using the first condition, because there is already declared (NPC Player != 1),this mean NOT player..so player will get only increase 30 radiation resistance, otherwise NPC (NOT player) will increase 100 Radiation resistance when using Radiation Suit...
  13. have your tried this?,.its support all platforms(multi-platform).,
  14. I just agree, reinstalling OS is only the last resort,..but i remember with virus which was infect all applications like exefile or dllfile, includes windows essential files..and I dont think, if the OS that already infected by virus, will back to the normal condition to condition before infected,includes all settings...Repairing Windows, only replacing all files with default OS files, but not settings,..so i think about clean reinstall... Thank you for that article, I use HijackThis,but from my experience recently i use it to end the mallware startup entries, it will detect but can't terminate the entries, I use Autoruns instead, which more complex, I think...
  15. For better result, reinstall OS (clean install), install antivirus then update..do this before installing other apps.. just need to remember, antivirus is not for repairing OS that already infected by viruses, but to protect against viruses.
  16. but it makes computer happy :D at least, good airflow system will makes all parts inside of Case more durable...
  17. For case, I suggest for this one: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811133188 (No PSU)
  18. Your mobo support Triple-Channel, so you need to use six RAMs on your motherboard...and upgrading RAM will depends on motherboard chipset, for example if motherboard chipset is Intel 945 then it will use only 2 slots of RAM. X58 motherboard still powerful, and there is no best replacement motherboard chipset which support Triple-Channel (6 slots RAM), if you wish to upgrade wait for X79 motherboard chipset, this is the replacement for X58.. also, It would be better to upgrade whole machine than replacing motherboard, because if CPUs are no longer manufactured then it will getting difficult to find motherboard that supporting your CPU..
  19. If you use FO3 edit to merge ESPs, you need also merging the ESMs(master file) first which associated to all esps.. or you can use FO3 plugin, download it here.
  20. afaik, the only thing to change confidence, is using setav(use this on script)...and if you change it on your enemies during combat then they will not use their new confidence unless you use 'scaonactor' command or evaluating their current package (evp). This why enemies do not run away,because they still using old value of confidence.
  21. I'm not using that mod, but it might that mod using multiple master, as default GECK not allowing to use muliple master. You can change value for that setting in file "GECKCustom.ini" (in fallout saves folder) and change value : bAllowMultipleMasterLoads=0 to bAllowMultipleMasterLoads=1
  22. this probably can be either problem with your DVD drive, or your game disc. try with another 'fine' cd disc or try to put game disc on different DVD drive.. If you are on PC, check both power cable and data cable,that hooked to your dvd drive..
  23. Video card that good for gaming need at least memory interface 256 bit..Nvidia 6200 is only come out with two versions memory interface, 64 bit and 128 bit..and also Interface AGP 8x is faster than PCI (Not PCIe). for AGP card, I'd like to suggest ATI 3850 AGP 512(256bit)..there two versions of this card with Interface AGP and PCIe (PCIexpress)..and dont forget to upgrade you PSU if buy this card.
  24. This probably not the answer you looking for but you can try to turn off the dep for that application, Its Data execution Prevention In the performance tab,add this application as exclusion..
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