Snowsong thanks for your reply, I found this thread for people having exterior Ctds, my log looks like this: Cast Point 10 [ObjectReference < (020142F8)>] IS loaded, so casting lightning at it. [08/08/2012 - 11:32:16AM] [DLC1RandomLightningStrikeTrigSCRIPT < (02004C78)>]Cast Point 5 [ObjectReference < (02004C7D)>] IS loaded, so casting lightning at it. [08/08/2012 - 11:32:17AM] [DLC1RandomLightningStrikeTrigSCRIPT < (0200D84D)>]Cast Point 1 [ObjectReference < (0200D852)>] IS loaded, so casting lightning at it. [08/08/2012 - 11:32:18AM] [DLC1RandomLightningStrikeTrigSCRIPT < (02013F0B)>]Cast Point 5 [ObjectReference < (02013FBF)>] IS loaded, so casting lightning at it. [08/08/2012 - 11:32:20AM] [DLC1RandomLightningStrikeTrigSCRIPT < (02014314)>]Cast Point 1 [ObjectReference < (02014316)>] IS NULL, so not casting lightning at it. Apparently it is related to the lightning strikes in the area and not the horse, just need to figure out whats going on with object 02014316 I suppose. :thumbsup: