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Posts posted by littledude072

  1. ive multiplied every LOD settings in the .INI file by 100 and it actually gave me a +10 boost in FPS

    im running on low settings in 800 resolutions (except object/item/actor/view distance) and ill usually get a 10 boost

    31 standing still to around ~42

    26 running around to around ~37ish

    40ish indoors to around ~50-~60ish (sometimes even in ~110ish in simple indoors)


    i was usually running around wanting for everything to load all at once and decided to poke around in the .INI file, and this is what i found out


    is there an easier way for everything to load all at once?

    maybe a mod or something?

  2. yeah i did

    i have a lot of saved game, and just to check it out, ive played it out on a just started, somewhere mid, another somewhere mid, completed main story, all that and the fighters guild

    and it still crashes...


    yeah, id like kvatch to actually rebuild itself in the game as that captain guy said during 'battle of kvatch' mission


  3. i bought the beta from a friend

    and the final a couple of days ago from circuitcity

    i copied the DVD onto my sisters computer then i made an ISO on my computer

    (yeah, the DVD drives optic died after trying to make a backup of an old game)

  4. wow, it works

    now anyone knows why deadlyreflex throw a weapon doesnt work?

    ive tried another throwable weapon mod and it works?


    and by any chance does anyone know how to reformat using a virtual drive work?

    i have magicISO

    ive already upgraded it

    when i use dxdiag i see that the OS version is still beta, is it still beta or is it the final in disguise?

  5. wow i feel retarded

    after installing the windows7 final no more 'couldnt inject dll' errors anymore

    but i still wonder why deadlyreflex throwing still doesnt work..?

    any hints?

    ive tried deactivating everything but deadlyreflex, started a new game, and when i would throw a weapon it CTD

  6. umm, i could only think of deadly reflex, unnecessary violence and that throwing weapon mod

    i havent tried the mounted combat feature in deadly reflex because id rather run around like the rest of cyrodil (but mounted spellcasting mod works, dont know about mounted swords and trampling)

    deadly reflex: shield bashing, kicking, and all others work

    unnecessary violence: kills me and gives me that '...functionality disabled and youre dead, dont come crying to me...'

    throwable weapons: again crashes when i try to throw anything


    the reason why i want to throw a weapons is simple, id love to see some guy impaled with the dragon killer


  7. currently, i have OOO 1.3 and MMM 4.??? (i cant remember the version, and ive created another rar file and completely forgot to put in its version) what else do i need to merge them 2?

    OOO already has the leveled NPC thing right?

    or should i download frans and warcry as well?


    does MMM 4.??? require that 3.7 or something that is required for most MMM mods?

  8. yeah, thats the problem, ive given all obse files, and the oblivion.exe admin privs, and it still gives me that error message

    ive even installed it in the suggested c/games/oblivion, another drive, and even on a flashdisk, and it still gives me that message


    now heres the funny part, MOST OBSE required mods WORK???

    (i dont get it as well)

    lets say for deadly reflex, i can do all but when i try to throw a weapon (with any weapon throwing mod) itll crash

    pretty confused...


    my oblivion is running with all DLCs with


    is it because im running windows 7 beta or it doesnt have anything to do with it?

  9. my game crashes right after martin the dragon roars

    ive removed all mods, DLC, and patches, playing oblivion 1.0... and it still crashes

    ill send a clean saved file, i cant post anything larger than 250KB via email

    please reply at

    littledude072 at yahoo dot com



    heres the crash info (i dont understand computer language, please translate to simple english)



    Problem signature:

    Problem Event Name: APPCRASH

    Application Name: Oblivion.exe

    Application Version:

    Application Timestamp: 462392c7

    Fault Module Name: Oblivion.exe

    Fault Module Version:

    Fault Module Timestamp: 462392c7

    Exception Code: c0000005

    Exception Offset: 000b8b98

    OS Version: 6.1.7600.

    Locale ID: 1033

    Additional Information 1: 27c8

    Additional Information 2: 27c8ce5af7a07bedf550bd9c573901b3

    Additional Information 3: e56e

    Additional Information 4: e56e9cfaf3cd1084b6b4c016d12ce64c


    heres the link to the download


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