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Everything posted by Roumo

  1. Yeah, jerrymandering is certainly a solution when you know the peoples vote won't be in your favor.
  2. I want everyone to think long and hard about the last time company surveys actually disproved the companies time, money, and effort they have already invested into something. Has it ever happened? Surveys such as jm are citing do not exist for them to tune things so we like them better, they exist to be pointed at to gaslight users into swallowing something huge and vile enough that it should have been a suppository. They are disingenuous from their very inception. They don't exist to show a truth, but to become a weapon against users. Has a company ever said: "The surveys indicate we were wrong, and the millions of bucks we spent on this feature turns out to have been wasted. We'll roll it back completely immediately." No. LOL, no. "there will be plenty of debriefing and discussion around the nature and volume of feedback received from each channel." This is bunk. No need to continue citing third party surveys that most users never even saw because the host was an advertising agency. No need to carefully massage the "data" from dozens of disparate sources. Literally just post a binary poll on each main site, that isn't from a spammer/advertiser, and thus isn't blocked by 90% of users. A simple 2 axis chart with 2 values can't be abused by the team, so it will never happen. A simple yes/no vote would have proven to everyone that the users didn't want this change, because the users do not like change. No one likes change at all unless something is already terrible. Unfortunately, people feel they have to earn their place in the team, so they force a change on the users because their art diploma is burning a hole in their pocket, and someone has to suffer for it. So we get gaslit and lied to and forced to swallow this nonsense, because god forbid a website is not drab, grey, 40% blank spaces, and unusably hideous on both desktop and mobile. Whatever theory the designers were being taught in school is clearly inhuman in practice; their teachers were probably Vogons.
  3. I knew once I saw the atrocious collections UI pass without comment like a rancid fart in an elevator filled with bodybuilders, that this abomination was coming to the main site sooner or later... As someone with eye problems, I need to use windows scaling and more to even be able to read for more than a few hours a day, and now I can only see 2 freaking mods at once on the page unless I hide the filters, in which case it jumps to a whopping three. Clearly the evils of shrinkflation has gotten out of hand, if it is coming for our very UIs. "that have not been updated for over a decade." Was it broken? Unusable? Is McDonalds going to put pickled pigs feet on their burgers next, because they haven't changed their recipe in over a decade? "Improved Accessibility" LMAO, I have blind spots and severe ghosting, I can't even use the site anymore at the zoom I need. Great job breaking it, my hero. A wheelchair ramp into a lava pit is not "Improved Accessibility". "these details make the site feel less polished." I guarantee you that no one can tell unless they have wasted their lives on an art degree. It is the same old story in UX design: about once a decade some new hire or bored oldhead thinks they have to earn their keep or some nonsense and decides to destroy everything that people have gotten comfortable with, that JUST WORKS. This garbage belongs on a mobile site or buried in a shallow grave alongside windows 8's UI, not contaminating my desktop PC. Post a poll on the main page, for everyone to vote, and let's see what the actual users have to say, or at least have to gumption to admit you don't care; all the criticism in the world evidently doesn't prove anything to anyone given the fingers in the ears going on in this thread alone. Heck, the way things are going on the site these days, you could even use the list of people who voted they didn't like the new UI, to purge the site of dissenters against your regime, a clear win-win for everyone. If I seem angry, it is only because I am furious. The only reason I am risking a ban by merely posting on these accursed forums is because the site is dead to me, as in literally unusable.
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