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Everything posted by IgnusDei

  1. say you want a companion to be an effective close range combatant with a shotgun? since the companions don't seem to be able to take shotgun surgeon as a perk, the flechette shotgun rounds should help them make mincemeat of higher level enemies with strong DT. They'd be costly, of course: 3 to 4 caps per shell.
  2. well, technically, it's an electro-laser, but still.... Prepare for the inevitable invasion of communist robot soldiers with the very first energy weapon available to the civilian sector, brought to you by Zeus Heavy Industries! With the clever use of lasers creating an electrical conduit, the ThunderClapper 2100 can deliver up to 10 kilowatts of electricity on target! Amazing! -Get more bang for your buck! Incredibly efficient, the ThunderClapper can get 30 shots out of a single Microfusion Power Cell! Astounding! -Freeze, dirtbag!...literally! Officer, you don't have to worry about those use of lethal force lawsuits! With the stun setting, you can shoot those filthy criminals as many times as you want and they'll never die.! Stupendous! -Looks NOTHING like a hairdryer! Neato! http://www.deviantart.com/download/184519069/thunderclapper_pistol_by_ignusdei-d31uvtp.jpg
  3. they did it with the NCR t-45, but the shoulders are pretty wimpy.
  4. here's a drawing of the t-51b, with some extra plating on the midsection, and POUCHES! for all those extra bits of lewt. http://www.deviantart.com/download/184339893/just_for_fun__fallout_pa_by_ignusdei-d31r1kl.jpg Wondering if anyone wants to have a crack at not only the model but the proportions seen here.
  5. Something i drew after i beheld the disappointment that was the Blood Dragon Armor. for the extra i paid for, i think bioware could have done a little better than a dwarven massive suit of armour with a palette swap. Wade could have been a little more creative with those dragon scales too, for that matter :) I'll come up with a set of matching weapons and shields later on. The stats will be: Armor: 10.50 Fatigue: -20 percent +5 strength +5 dexterity +10 Magic -5 constitution -2 health regeneration while in combat GREATLY increases hostility cannot be removed. ever. grants the following abilities: Dragon's breath, Fireball, Blade of Megiddo, Flaming Weapons, Aura of Fire. Shield of Volos.
  6. all of those flashy armors are well and good, but I'd really like to see some appropriately researched armor for the mooks you'll be mowing down. Hell, the leather cuirasses and chain-mails in Demon's Souls were based on real-life examples down to a T, and they looked way better than the ones Dragon Age's NPCs get to wear. Hell I'd pick DS' plate armor over DA's Massive Armors any day of the week. Also: LAMELLAR, plz kthx.
  7. Yeah, i based it on a piece of Warrior Within concept art AND the lion sword. also: nice paper model. wish it were real metal :) Darkewolf: i use photoshop.
  8. I've come up with a trio of weapons designs I'd like to see realized in Dragon Age, but i lack the necessary skills to make it a reality. I'm wondering if there's any among you looking for a small mod project to undertake. If so, these designs are up for grabs, as long as I'm informed. Saw Sword masterwork dwarven blades Flametongue I might draw some more weapons, so watch this space.
  9. Actually someone's already got a working Import/Export script for Blender. I'm surprised there aren't more custom models around, at the moment.
  10. how about something like this? http://ignusdei.deviantart.com/art/Dragon-...rmour-145001580
  11. a mod that grants a 2h wielder the ability to damage everything and everyone in a 180 degree arc with each regular attack of the large weapon, to compensate for the slow animation and justify the wide swings.
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