well, technically, it's an electro-laser, but still.... Prepare for the inevitable invasion of communist robot soldiers with the very first energy weapon available to the civilian sector, brought to you by Zeus Heavy Industries! With the clever use of lasers creating an electrical conduit, the ThunderClapper 2100 can deliver up to 10 kilowatts of electricity on target! Amazing! -Get more bang for your buck! Incredibly efficient, the ThunderClapper can get 30 shots out of a single Microfusion Power Cell! Astounding! -Freeze, dirtbag!...literally! Officer, you don't have to worry about those use of lethal force lawsuits! With the stun setting, you can shoot those filthy criminals as many times as you want and they'll never die.! Stupendous! -Looks NOTHING like a hairdryer! Neato! http://www.deviantart.com/download/184519069/thunderclapper_pistol_by_ignusdei-d31uvtp.jpg