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About CoryG85

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    United States
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    Skyrim/Darkness 2/Alan Wake/Forza 4/Mortal Kombat(PS3)/Amalur/NBA 2K12 and more
  • Favourite Game
    Fallout 3/Skyrim/Witcher 2

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  1. Can someone replace the Aerondight scabbard with the scabbard used by Winter's Blade? The black and red one.
  2. Actually I think I will do that. This site really is invaluable to me.
  3. Has anyone ecountered these obnoxious ads on the nexus that keep redirecting you to a page to download mobile apps (Game of War etc)? It's really gotten out of control as I can't even view a page without it popping up constantly and forcing me to click the back button like every 10-15 seconds. It actually forced me to install an ad blocker which is not something I typically use as I understand the importance of ads on free to use websites. But this is ridiculous.
  4. I would like this too! I love blood and gore...
  5. Cmon people. I'm willing to offer up a payal payment of $10 to anyone who can create this mod similar to how I described it in my above posts. I really want this mod!
  6. True, but for most people to be completely satisfied (myself included) I think it would be best to achieve this while also wearing your favorite armor/clothes.
  7. Aren't melee weapons "holstered" on the left hip? Cipscis Now that I think about it, yes they are! That's perfect then. Rifles and other big guns on the back, pistols/grenades on the right hip and melee on the left. Maybe add a spot for combat knife sized knives on the mid-lower back. With it just being only for looks, I just can't imagine this being that hard to do. I use some pretty amazing mods as it is and this just seems petty compared to most of the mods I use.
  8. I'm glad I found this topic as I was about to post the exact same request! I can't believe this hasn't already been created. I've been searching for a mod like this for days. It doesn't have to be functional at all, just purely for looks. Just imagine how cool it would look to have a big rifle on your back, a big pistol on your right hip and maybe a knife or a frag grenade on your left hip! Only one weapon would be equipped at a time, the others would just be there for show. There would have to be some kind of menu integrated into the pipboy menu system to choose which weapon is equipped and which weapons are there just for show. Assign each area of the body it's own slot to determine which weapons are placed there. This could be done with FOSE. The weapon on the left hip could never be equipped and would only ever be there for show as an animation for equipping a weapon from the left hip doesn't exist yet. Just my ideas. I want this mod so badly, if I had the skill I would certainly make it myself!
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