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About samurai1789

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  1. whats with you people? Overpowerd mech whell it woud be stupid if you take a fight against the mamoth and he destroys your mech in 2 hits?! It must be slightly overpowerd (litely)
  2. Interesting you and me bouth requesting same mod
  3. I think the name speeks for its self common some one please make a na'vi race mod it coud fit in skyrim vary well
  4. Did any one think of this? Woud it not be cool if you have thees swords, bows, polearms, SPEARS!!! etc... not to mention armor common i know someone can do it so please for the love of nexus and all its users do it PLEASE!!!
  5. I noticed there is no vampire hunting faction. I woud like it if someone makes a vampire hunting guild with only 1 continius quest (forrever). Hunt the vampires and bring their asshes to the guild master and get say 350 septims for it?! It woud also be great if you add members that can follow you and add more vampires in to the world of Skyrim.
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