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Posts posted by revenile

  1. I don't know why, but I feel like putting my thoughts into this forum post on the upcoming change to the Nexus and the mood surrounding it.


    First, I'm a mod user in full form. I've never made a mod, I've not endorsed many of the mods I've used in almost every setup (something I'm in the process of trying to fix, though some mods being gone makes it hard to get them all). I've only commented when I've had a problem with a mod I couldn't figure out myself, and I know I'm no expert at installing mods and having a proper load order, just fixed one in my Skyrim order just about an hour ago that was causing one mod to not function as it should when it comes to the options menu in the MCM. I am also a free user, so all of this comes from this mindset.


    I'll start on my stance on the deletion of mods. I don't like the change, at least not how it was done. I believe most of the problem comes from two factors, at least based on what I've read catching up over the last like 4 days now.

    1: Any site/company/person can talk about possibly changing something for years, that doesn't mean a thing. The first problem is the fact they made the change before making the announcement that they were making the change. The announcement should have come first. As it is it just feels like Nexus was being underhanded in trying to slide this change in unnoticed so that by the time it was found out, it would be too late for people to do anything about it. I don't care if it had been an event where mod authors were each given $100, any change or event that effects the site as a whole needs to be announced BEFORE the change in question comes, it's unbelievably unprofessional to make the change and only make the announcement when getting caught.

    2: This one is my answer to the question "Why would an author upload something only to delete it?" The answer is simple, beyond the actual reasons of fixing/updating a mod, it has nothing to do with actual deletion. Many of the authors I've seen talk about this had no plans to delete any mods, what's important is the fact they CAN. Allowing mod authors the option to delete their mods is not only giving authors their basic creative rights, but also shows a level of trust from the site owner. By removing this option, especially trying to do it secretly, shows the trust is gone at the least bad level, with dubious possibilities being hinted at.


    Second, I'd like to post my stance on the archiving of mods and surrounding ideals there.

    I'm all for the archiving of mods as long as it is with the mod author's agreement. The only exception to this rule, and this is just me personally, is something like the Morrowind Modding History site, as many of the mods there were posted only on Planet Elder Scrolls. Many of the mods on that site were only there, and many of the authors of those mods seem to have vanished or just stopped modding, and that site went down, so an archive of the mods stored there I feel is OK, as long as the site holding the archive is 100% supportive of removing a mod at the author's request.


    I also feel that mod authors are entitled to treat their mods how they see fit, as they created them. After all if the author didn't make the mod, the mod wouldn't exist. If the author decides to take the Cathedral option, then great! It contributes to that form of modding and can bring many benefits to that mod in the future that might not happen with the "old" model. However if an author wishes to keep full control over their mod themselves then I support that as well, it's THEIR creation, THEY chose to share it with me by posting it, and if they pull it for any reason, that sucks, I might try and ask for a copy from them if I can get in contact if it's one I've used before, but if not I'll accept the decision and move on. I'm not entitled or obligated to any mods.


    The situation here on the Nexus is a sad one. Collections could very well be a benefit if implemented properly, but even with it, I won't see the benefit of it at all without paying, and I have no intentions of doing so, especially now with how this whole thing happened. For me personally the ire against Nexus Mods isn't really the change itself, but rather the HOW the change came about. Talking about it for 2 years means nothing without making an announcement that the talked about plans are being enacted, and that didn't happen until they got caught making the change. That's sneaky, dishonest and shows a lack of basic respect to the mod USER, not just the author. I fully understand and side with any author who packs up and leaves the Nexus because of this change. I've never been fond of the current site layout, but that's more cosmetic, this change changes some of the major mechanics of how this site works, and the people who contributed the most to make this site grow (after all, what's a mod hosting site without mods?) were not informed of the change until after it had begun. I hope at the VERY least, with the change to the form to allow some files to be deleted, that Nexus delays the deadline to allow more authors the chance to really decide which mods (if any) to remove.


    As a free user, I think this new change brings nothing good with it entirely because of how it was introduced, and stand by the mod authors and whatever choices each one makes, as it is because of THEM that this content exists at all.


    Edit: Yes, I'm aware that some statements are repeated, this was intentional.

  2. Hmm, I'll mess around with it more, push comes to shove, I'll just redo my oblivion install (not hard to do, just time consuming) yet again and this time not install Better Blood this time.


    Update: Redid my mods from scratch, didn't install Better Blood this time (did gorier blood instead). I've noticed the glitch is still there, but it seems to be much harder to notice the couple times it has come up (it stemmed from the blood decal cutting off halfway across a finger nail on my character's hand). However because the blood only stays for a couple seconds as well it's not nearly as annoying as it was. I'll continue messing around with it a little but at least now it isn't glaringly obvious to see.


    Edit: Here is a complete list of the mods I'm using. It isn't my load order, but I can add that later. Most of them are texture replacers or change something else not involving armor or things like that. However I know any mod could cause such a silly glitch. I figure at this point, having a list will help.



    Francesco’s Creatures and Items V 5
    Abyss of the Deep Ones
    Alluring Potion Bottles
    Alluring Wine Bottles
    Auto-Change NightEye
    Battlehorn Castle Upgraded
    Beowulf’s Blue Nebula
    Better Bell Sounds
    Better Horse Eyes
    Better Saves
    Better Staves Texture
    Black Horse Curiour Expanded
    Book Jackets Oblivion
    Book Placement V2
    Book Tracker
    Book Jackets KotN
    Bring it
    Chase Camera mod
    Clocks of Cyrodiil
    Creature Diversity
    Classic Sword Replacer
    Curse of Hircine Resurrected
    Daggerfall Books
    Darker Khajiit Hair
    DarNified UI
    Dude where’s my Horse?
    Durable Equipment Harder Repairs
    Elven Map Redux
    Elven Map Shivering Isles
    Engine Bug Fixes
    Enhanced Magic Effects
    EVE HGEC BodyStock and Clothing
    Falling Stars
    Fast Exit
    Fishing in Cyrodiil
    GMA Archery Rebalance
    Gorier Blood
    Grass Overhaul
    Grimbot’s Spell Tomes
    Hackdirt Alive
    Harvest Flora
    HGEC Texture Compatibility Addon (for OCO2)
    Improved Doors and Flora
    Improved Trees and Flora 1 & 2
    Improved Fruits, Vegetables and Meats
    Improved Fires and Flames
    Improved Mons
    Improved Skulls, Bones and Ironwork
    Kafei’s Better Amulet Replacer
    Kafei’s Better Ring Replacer
    Khajiit Night-Eye toggle
    Knights of the Nine Revelation
    Kvatch Rebuilt
    Leviathan Soulgems
    Lightweight Potions
    Love Your Horse
    Luminar’s Better Enchantment Effects
    Luna’s OCO Khajiit fix (Textures only)
    Lynges Unlimited Death Reload time
    Mesh Improvement Project
    Mike’s Clothing Replacer
    Morrowind Books
    Oblivifall – Something is Definitely Not Right
    Oblivion Cats
    Oblivion Character Overhaul 2
    Oblivion Reloaded
    Oblivion Stereo Overhaul
    Oblivion Collectable Cards
    Oblivion Stutter Remover
    Pit it in its Place – Enhanced Grabbing
    Populated Prisons
    Qarl’s Texture Pack III Redimized
    QTP3 UOP Compatibility Patch
    Quest Award Leveler with Battlehorn Support
    Rainbows in Tamriel
    Real Wood Road Signs
    Reznod Mannequins
    Shivering Isles Book Jackets
    Boromet’s Shivering Isles Texture Pack
    SoT Holiday
    Switch NightEye Shaders
    Symphony of Violence
    Talk with your hands
    Lost Spires
    Unique signs
    Unofficial Oblivion, DLC, and Shivering Isles patches
    VA’s Better gold no menu icon
    Weather All Natural
    WENCHES New Gems
    Xia New Amulets.


  3. Ok so my new test was downloading Gorier Blood and running it instead. I did have the glitch occur, but being the blood doesn't last nearly as long anymore, it faded fairly quickly. I think the best way I can describe it in case the pictures don't convey it well enough is that it is like there's an invisible arrow in my arm or something that the blood splatter effect is being applied to even when there's nothing there. I'm still thinking it's goofed up meshes from the EVE HGEC body variation replacer as it alters the armor meshes to fit the body in an all-in-one pack as it were. I'm really thinking this is the case myself since the Leather gloves which were also in this mod as replaced, had no such problem (the blood splattered on the hand, just looked like I was wearing a see-through red glove for a few seconds) but Iron gloves and apparently steel armor, not even the gloves, have the effect. I'm more fascinated than annoyed at this glitch now.

  4. I'd be looking carefully at your Better Blood as the source ... though I have precious little experience around blood issues (i.e. would it be a shader problem, missing texture etc).


    - Edit - Yup ... if it's Better Blood you don't need to scroll far through the comments to hit the mark. I tend to use a grain (or a lot of grains) of salt when I see the word "Better" used in a mod name (just my personal prejudice mind you ... I use a truck load with "Immersive").

    Hmm interesting, cause I had it appear when I turned better blood off (it uses an esp). I'll mess around with it more and see what I can do. Thanks for helping me get a lead on where to start. I really appreciate it.

  5. The glitch that you are seeing is the game's error code for a small missing asset (texture or mesh ... not certain which, DrakeTheDragon may know). Do you have any other mods that may touch blood splatters?


    Also, is it definitely associated with blood (i.e. is it only temporarily visible during and shortly after battle)? In the past I have seen similar errors that turned out to be missing textures on a mod added item (can't recall if it was a belt or something on the hands like you're seeing).


    If it's blood splatters it won't be visible all the time ... if it's something like what I experienced it will always be visible when the item is worn.


    Do you have rings set as visible while gauntlets are worn by any chance?

    no, rings don't appear over gauntlets. In terms of blood related mods I only have better blood, and to answer the question the only time I notice it is when blood has been spilled in game. I don't see anything like that when I have a status effect glow. I just saw it again with steel armor on (not the gauntlets) but only with one sword swing animation, and I had to look a few times to ensure I actually saw it. I appreciate the help, as I hope to find out the cause for someone else.

  6. So I've got a rather interesting blood related issue and I'm not sure what is causing it. After my 3rd time reinstalling Oblivion this week a redoing the mods, I just want to see if maybe the nexus will have any clues.




    Ok so the screens are remaining just cause I find them fascinating, however so far in my playing only the Iron Gauntlets cause this glitch. It's from the EVE HGEC Variety mod (the one that's the body and clothes/armor replacer). I haven't experienced it on anything else. I'm wondering if it's caused by the HGEC, OCO2 or the combo of both.

  7. I appreciate the hard work the Extender team does for these games. I know a lot of people won't even touch Skyrim now without SKSE for the modding power it adds, I can enjoy the default game (and who knows, maybe actually finish the DLC content for once) with only slight modding while I wait. Your team deserves all the credit it gets for these extenders, and I wish you all the luck in getting SKSESE up and running in whatever time it takes you to do it. I'm ok with waiting however long it takes. :)

  8. Fallout 3's GECK released after the game, as did Skyrim's Creation Kit. Delayed modding tools are nothing new to Fallout 4, so why is it a big deal now? I don't feel like it's an entirely greedy move on Bethesda for bringing it out in April. I DO think it is part of the reason, wanting the automatron DLC out before the GECK, but again as someone else noted, they have to make the mods created with the GECK able to be run on consoles as well, remember, consoles won't be able to support the FO4SE for example. The GECK is coming, and so what if a piece of DLC comes out first? Just means the first mods made with the GECK will have more of a base to work from, so less mods to be required. If it WAS a freaking cash grab, don't you think that instead of releasing before the Wasteland Workshop DLC, they'd wait until AFTER? Automatron at least sounds neat from the quest angle, but WW is literally just more building stuff, which mods already can do, albeit not perfect. So yeah, if it was a real cash grab, I'd think they'd wait until after WW was released to put the GECK out since THAT would be the one that would be the most "well we wanted to sell the dlc more since modders can do this."


    TL; DR DLC probably had a part, repeat PART in the GECK not being out yet, but then again delayed modding tools have been a thing for Bethesda since Fallout 3.

  9. There are a few out there, and some of them are pretty darned good, but none of them really catch my eye. I know it's incredibly stupid but the big thing I want to see in a player home is the pool room (with waterfall if possible), maybe have the edge of the pool have some small trees or plants lining it. Heck could go one step further and make it like the Suran Hillside Manor I mentioned, and have the trophy/display room AND the pool room be the same room, with the display areas surrounding the pool in the center.
  10. In all the player home mods I've ever tried, my personal favorite was the Suran hillside manor mod in morrowind. And throughout all of skyrim's time being out, I've had an idea for a player estate mod, unfortunately I'm terrible at the modding tools, and even then any custom work would have to come from someone else anyway, but here's the basic idea:


    A large home somewhere where there's a good vista to look at when outside. The inside would have an entry hall, kitchen/pub, library (so there's enough shelves for every book in the game), smithing room, alchemy/enchanting room, a good sized trophy room with all the weapon display stuff, tables in the middle of the large room for stuff too big to fit into the display cases that line the walls, in between the cases would be mannequins for armor display, maybe even an open chest to just throw gems into. There'd also be a grand master bedroom with a small study, and in the basement, a swimming pool, with maybe a waterfall on the far end.


    That's the idea I have, here's hoping the idea can get some improvements, like a quest to obtain the place, and maybe actually get made by someone who knows their way around the tools necessary to make such a thing.

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