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Posts posted by EsotericMonk

  1. Most things are already covered for me, but what I need to get back into the game is a mod that has your settlers actually fix and rebuild settlements. Let's say you provide them with a blueprint and after so many game months the settlement is up and running (with functionality growing as it's being built).


    You could have pre-set templates like "Trading Town," "Outpost," "Military Complex," etc.


    It's such a pain in the ass to be the only person in the whole Commonwealth who can build new s#*!.

  2. Figured I'd put this here from JJ for posterity:




    UPDATE: I had a wonderful Easter Sunday and Monday with the family who I owed my full attention to after 'going missing' on them for the past two months and the best part of last year due to modding. When your wife looks you sternly in the face on a Easter Sunday morning after (me) having no sleep and says 'No more!', then you know what needs to be done.

    So, I want to start off by saying thank you to all of you who have 'had my back' and have supported me via comments and messages. You are the reason I created this mod. You are the reason I've invested so much time into this community because I am one of you. However, a small minority feel that I am obliged to fulfill their needs. The hardline is that I am not obliged to do anything and this has only reinforced my decision to leave my modding endeavors behind me. I realize that I, as well as other modders put themselves in the public eye and in doing so are open to criticism. I accept that as par for the course. You take the rough with the smooth, as we all do in life.

    So, its Tuesday morning here in the UK. My attention is set firmly on delivering a worry free COT3 to you all. There was never a chance I would just leave things as they are. COT is my baby, my work of art and my tribute to a great game and a great gaming community. I care about its legacy. It will be discovered and used for years to come. I know all this. So suggestions that I've walked away are completely misguided.

    After this, I will be commencing work on a 3D RPG Indie Game entitled 'The Last Paragon' along with other modders, but I will always support COT regardless of what else I may be doing.

    So, once I've finished this message, I will get to work on delivering this mod to you. I apologize for the long message but I felt I needed to express my views. Again, I want to say thank you to everyone who has supported me, it meant a lot.

    As for what it might do to your saved game, I would bet on any of the above that you mentioned. Best to roll back to a previous save without CoT3 and wait for the fixed version. :smile:


    I figured out what it is. I had fast travel disabled by a couple of mods. Once I re-enabled it, I was good to go. I had done the rest correctly, thankfully!

    why did you take the mod down? moders that do this never put it back up. why do you attack allof us, you could have just disabled the comments. treating people badly by hiding the mod is mean. some of us including myself would love to try the mod out, and even contribute to helping you develop it. i wanted to help you myself. why have you abandoned the mod and decided to not make it public? that will not earn you endorsments or donations. you just attacked the entire community that supported you.


    That's hardly an "attack on the entire community" and he already stated earlier in this thread that he's still working on it. Relax, play some Skyrim; the mod will be back soon enough.

  4. In response to post #7518972.

    Can't speak for IE9 until I get home and test on my laptop. IE8 only the tabs don't work, but I cannot stress enough that if you're able to upgrade your browser to the latest version then you should do so, for a variety of reasons not just some site's aesthetics.

    If you can't upgrade, then try out Chrome, Firefox or Opera. All of those are superior replacements for IE.
  5. Welcome to the Nexus, Far Cry enthusiasts! :D


    The title says it all. I would love to see a mod that allows us to switch to a third-person view. I understand there are mechanics in the game that rely on first-person, but the mod could take that into consideration and switch to first-person when absolutely required by the game.


    For those who can't stand a first-person viewpoint, a mod like this would open the game up to even more players.


    Thank you for the consideration and happy modding! 8)

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