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About KrisTheZombie

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    United States
  • Currently Playing
    Fall Out New Vegas

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  1. I have mods but not installed (just in nmm but not activated) the only "mod" i have active is f4se. when i edit the ini it just gives me a continues load screen and never loads. Let me know what im doing wrong! I haven't played fo4 in a while bc my previous computer died. (but i got the same computer w the same os so it should still work haha)
  2. Okay so I reinstalled NV last night and went to go play it. The Launcher doesnt even come up. Ive tried logging out of steam, un instaling and re installing. Nothing seems to work. Ive played it before on this computer. I have win 8.1 anyone able to help?
  3. Ive looked everywhere but cant find any hair mods compatible with Oblivion character overhaul. If there arnt any is thier a face mod like it that does have compatible mods?? thanks
  4. I know I'm like, the 100th person to ask this, but really. Can someone make him a companion. please? I swear im willing to sell me soul for him as a companion.
  5. Do you also happen to have NMM installed as well? No, I don't.
  6. I'm running Windows Vista, first off. Second, this is the Ultimate Edition with Steam. None of my mods have shown up in the mod manager and when I try to set their directory, I get an error telling me something terrible has happened. :( Any help would be fantastic. Let me know if you need any more info.
  7. Would anyone be willing and able to make a Castiel, Dean Winchester, and Sam Winchester Companion? I would but I suck at face reconstruction. :C Possibly playable character face presets as well? :3 Thank you :D
  8. Would anyone be willing to make a Vulpes Companion. I've waited and figured there would eventually be one but no one has made one that i can see... Thanks
  9. Anyone want to make a Fenris and/or Anders companion? It'd be fun to have them wander around with me.
  10. Can someone make one please. :3 (Sorry if it was asked before.)
  11. It's probably been asked for before but whatever. Would anyone be willing to make a Gob companion? Thanks. :3
  12. :D Thank you so much!! >.< he looks awesome! You're welcome. :thumbsup: I've posted some in-game shots, now. Awww...I just made him :(...Nvmd...I will use him xD I would love to see yours to. :D i wouldn't mind another nix fallowing me 'round. >.< lol
  13. Alright. :D This is a picture of him...i know my drawing isnt that good. lol don't laugh. >.< http://love4havok.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d2u8znm I dont need a full quest or anything like that for him. CM partners would be fine. Other info Name: Nix Reslain Race: woodelf Hair: shoulder length Blond hair...like Kurt Cobain...if you know who that is...i haven't actually seen a mod for hair like that though so if you cant find anything like that just give him one of the vanilla ones. :D eyes: brown eyes Clothing: the dark brotherhood armor Magic: Destruction ;} weapons: sufferthorn And i dont actually have any body replaces. ( cant get them to work...any of them...it sucks.) and the only hair mod i have is this one (http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=15353) but that only has girl hair... Thats all i can think of. lol if you need anymore info just ask. :D Thanks, by the way. :3 kris
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