This is the ultimate answer to most questions regarding the "stepping backward" of Bethesda's games, the Elder Scrolls in particular. Something I find a little ironic is how so many gaming companies clearly tailor some of their games to younger age groups, whilst at the same time claiming that their game and its content is tailored towards a 15+ or 18+ rating. They're happy to tailor their games to suit younger audiences who need it all laid out for them, whilst happily saying that they respect that the games content might not be suitable for everyone, sticking a big red 15+ sticker on it. I mean come on, the age group that your game is supposedly for could probably deal with having to eat, sleep, find their way around with a compass and without just teleporting wherever they want at a whim. I don't think its catered to younger players.. Its catered to casual players. Casuals being people who simply don't play alot due to what ever reasons. But the best part about Skyrim is how easily we can change how we play the game. Even in vanilla players can choose to turn off the compass, play on the hardest setting and refuse to fast travel if they chose too.