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Everything posted by Vooodu

  1. This is the ultimate answer to most questions regarding the "stepping backward" of Bethesda's games, the Elder Scrolls in particular. Something I find a little ironic is how so many gaming companies clearly tailor some of their games to younger age groups, whilst at the same time claiming that their game and its content is tailored towards a 15+ or 18+ rating. They're happy to tailor their games to suit younger audiences who need it all laid out for them, whilst happily saying that they respect that the games content might not be suitable for everyone, sticking a big red 15+ sticker on it. I mean come on, the age group that your game is supposedly for could probably deal with having to eat, sleep, find their way around with a compass and without just teleporting wherever they want at a whim. I don't think its catered to younger players.. Its catered to casual players. Casuals being people who simply don't play alot due to what ever reasons. But the best part about Skyrim is how easily we can change how we play the game. Even in vanilla players can choose to turn off the compass, play on the hardest setting and refuse to fast travel if they chose too.
  2. There's more then enough mods to make Skyrim a Hardcore Gore Fest if you choose.
  3. Hey guys.. I need some advice. Im trying to make a dragon born with power like Hercules or Super man..lol I've been able to get most of it right with a few mods. Being able to jump higher and run faster..And being able to kick NPCS and send them flying. But... im missing a mod that can make power attacks send NPCS flying. I know of a few perk tree over hauls that do this. But they conflict with one of the mods i use which is power bash that allows me to sparta kick npc. And i really don't want to lose that. Is there any stand alone mod that adds a bit of OOomph to power attacks? Any help pointing me in the right direction would be awesome.
  4. Id say too many texture packs and the pure weather. Run your game on lower settings like high, tone down the shadows and grass and remove some of the texture packs. I had the same issue a few months ago. Go easy on texture packs and things will be better.
  5. It only takes one conflict or missing master to CTD. Don't worry. Once you find it you'll be good.
  6. Im a noob to modding and have pretty much broke my game a hundred times and it fixed again while never starting over....lol I've heard all these stories about bloated saves and what not. But, if installed every mod... i've ruined my game a million times over. And im still good. Just do what i do. Use the MOD organzier. Its the only way to make sense of anything. Make sure you know exactly what every mod you have does. Go inside any vanilla interior and install what ever you want. Step back outside... If it Crashes. Find the conflict. If not.. you're golden. :D
  7. Modding skyrim is great fun. And is also the defintion of insanity for me. I mean, im a total noob dumbass when it comes to modding. I've only just bought a PC last year. The only game i've modded was Left 4 Dead 2. So when it came to Skyrim. OMG.... What a wicked 2 months its been. I've broken and fixed my game so many times. But now,,,, finally, i've got it stable enough to make it run smooth. So much fun... So many different themes and play styles. I love you guys for all you mods. Thanks you for breathing so much life into this game.
  8. Hey guys... If its not a bother. Id love to read what some of you guy would recommend mod wise, for making a great tropical Skyrim experience. Im sorry if this has been asked before. Thanks
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