Here's my list: 1. A mod to get rid of the scaling enemies. 2. A mod to get rid of the suicidal wildlife (seriously, you'd think they'd learn on this one) 3. A mod to put BACK in the stats. I don't care if other people think this is a great change, I want them back in a meaningful way. I'm not sure if this will be possible, but I'm guessing there's something that can be done. 4. A UI fix for people that play on PC. Bethesda is now the worst PC UI developer on earth. 5. Put spell making back in 6. Put enchanting back in 7. Put alchemy back in (assuming their removing it). 8. A mod that puts levitation back in where it belongs. And add in anything else they are cutting out because people are confused by anything less simple than string. I won't lie, Skyrim makes me want to rip out all my hair. We're witnessing the end of the interesting, deep RPG with this release. Hopefully, the mod community can fix it. God I hate consoles.