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    Oblivion and Fallout 3/NV. XCom. NWN2.

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  1. I havent played as a Mer yet but I'd try equipping the device and see what happens...?
  2. Is it possible to make a silver battleaxe? I haven't gone down the Smithing road much yet...
  3. The discussion is about them all, as far as I can see.
  4. Joined Nov 21 + 8 posts = about as useful as a Kardashian at a LAN party. :rolleyes:
  5. As I was saying though, they could have provided tough choices, if you wanted to go down a path other than becoming a werewolf, just to take an example, that you had to complete further really tough quests to prove yourself. Same principle could be applied to other "conflicts of interest." This is reflected very heavily in the (absence of) dialogue, too. You can start ten convos with ten NPCs, and you're gonna end up riding a rail in pretty much every one of them. The one with Estburn being a prime example (T-Guild.) There are next to no Speech Checks, and I haven't seen one Ability Check yet. I don't even know if Perk Checks are possible til the CS releases. You'd think these guys would have learned something from Obsidian with New Vegas. The absence of dialogue is surely impacting the absence of choice. Poorly written, really.
  6. I already reported him. He's been on the Nexus about 1/5th of the time I've been on, and picking on a Premium member no less.
  7. I decided with my current character I would be a "free-roamer," joining no guilds, and only do the MQ and the Stormcloak rebellion quests. I was doing fine until I hit 75+ Illusion and Alteration. Went to go see the Secret-Fire guy as well as a couple other mages and found I couldn't buy the Invisibility or Paralyze spells from them. The game forced me to enter the College and listen to a ton of drivel I wasn't interested in, creating quests in my journal I didn't care about, just so I could buy two spells. :wallbash: You're "free to roam" --- but not free at the same time, in some cases. I would have loved to be able to tell the girl at the Winterhold bridge, "Look, I don't care about your College. I'm an Expert in two schools, see? Just sell me a couple spells and I'll be off." Cant wait for the CS, man. Seriously.
  8. Right ... you were supposed to talk to him, not beat him with an axe (yet.) You said: So, reload a save and don't go up there and attack him. That part is later. :teehee:
  9. It's hard to enjoy these companions after running around with Boone in New Vegas. Looking forward to the CS.
  10. In places that haven't been visited in hundreds of years, it is perfectly reasonable to find edible tomatos, potatoes, leeks, and ... apple pies! I am always looking protect myself or deal some damage. Even if I'm just selling a few things, and I'm a better smith than you. Curing Lycanthropy does not remove extra hair growth from your nose/face/underarms. And you will receive comments about it along with your personal hygiene. You nasty, smelly, hairy person. I should always rethink my outfit before heading to the Blue Palace. Even my Legendary armor that no one else has ever seen. With dragon bones. If you are a Khajiit and you die, your tail will live on!
  11. Right. She isn't available as a wife unless you are DB and something like 3-4 contracts into it - AND you have to complete two tasks on top of that. If you're playing a Good character, then you probably won't be joining DB. But she is, imho, the best looking wife in the game.
  12. I ran around for weeks with Habd's 5 pound head in my pack til I realized what you had to do with it. :blink:
  13. Cheers, yeah that makes sense although there's nothing in my journal to indicate siding with the Legion, however after the main quest I did go do a whole bunch of misc crap that I had been meaning to clear for ages. I went to an Imperial Fort and one guy said "yes auxiliary?" to me so I quickly did the first Stormcloaks quest then headed to one of their camps and they were all friendly again while the Imperials were warning me to back off etc so somewhere along the line after the main quest I did something to impress the Legion and joined them without actually joining them lol. Sneaky bastards should ask first. Well, in your journal, before you ever make a move to either side, you will see two entries: Join The Legion & Join The Stormcloaks. Both should appear in Helgen, I think. Then, if you advance one side, you will success that particular entry and fail the other, causing both to disappear. But, in your current state, I'm not sure how far you can push playing both sides. I would imagine you can do it until your first serious assault against the other, but I haven't tried it and haven't read about anyone who has.
  14. I havent tried setessential yet, out of fear of breaking something, but I routinely disable the Legates of the Imperial Camps that I attack (took the Stormcloak path) and it seems like they will re-enable themselves after a period of time. But then they will be the only person left in the camp still. Funny.
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