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Posts posted by Amondra

  1. So I've been playing with the same mods for years at this point and now suddenly, with my recent replay my game locks up in new places it didn't before (I.E. I know I had to remove mods for In Your Heart Shall Burn). When in Skyhold my game would lock up going to talk to Varric to meet Hawke, and I had to disable all mods there, and now I have to disable all mods when going to talk to Cullen in his Office.

    Has this been a common problem I just seemed to miss until now?

    I would make a mod list but I am running more than a handful so I will list off mods upon request. But Like I said this is new to me and the only thing that changed now that I think about it is my Reshade and an eye mod I am using called Those Eyes

  2. First up I have to ask: are you trying to use Oldrim ENBs with SE? (Sorry but want to make sure!! ). They won't work.


    That aside, I assume you have installed the ENB ENBLocal.ini and ENBSeries.ini files as usual? Don't put any memory lines in it like we did in Oldrim. If there are lines about the memory in the ENBLocal, take them out.


    I use Rudy ENB in SE. Here's my ENBLocal.ini - not a lot in it:




















    Oh, and don't forget the usual lines like Treesrendershadows in the SkyrimPrefs.ini


    I have tried 3-4 ENBs in SE, no problems they work well, though not as epic as they were in the old game version.


    Hope this might help.

    Yeah I am trying to use SSE specific ENBs, Rudy's was one of the ENBs I was trying to use, lol.

    And yeah, put everything where I was supposed to and even doubled checked I wasn't forgetting anything. I will double check and see if a memory line is showing up in the local though. I wasn't adding one so I don't think there should be one.

    This is why it's so weird to me, because I don't have the slightest clue why any ENB I try for SSE just refuses to work.

  3. I've had this issue for a while now, and I really sorry if this isn't the right place, but no matter what I do I can't get SSE to run with an ENB. The screen goes black like it's attempting to boot then just crashes and goes to the desktop with no warning.


    Now here is the thing I can get ENBs to run on Oldrim no problem and I can get Reshades to run on SSE no problem, and I've followed ENB instructions to the letter and I'm still getting the same thing.


    Does anyone have any idea what could be causing this?

  4. I'm also having issues with Skyrim since I was forced to "upgrade" to Windows 8.1


    My screen flickers when I'm playing the game, it will randomly drop fps down to 0, and I get the infinite load screen even when not using an ENB. I can't use half the mods I used to because the game just bogs down. It's a bloody mess. The game even crashes when I try to exit or crash when I try to save.


    I even reinstalled all my drivers to no avail. It has me beyond upset at this point. I can't even play my game.

  5. It's the 'dark head bug', and an issue with the vanilla game.

    You can try this mod.

    Sadly it didn't do anything for me. It's weird because I didn't have this problem until after I started using a custom skin texture. I know the SG skin comes with vampire head and what not but I am assuming it's for base game vampires. The creator disabled comments on the mods page so I feel a bit lost on what to do.

  6. Off the top of my head you might not have installed all the files, or some of the old preset files weren't deleted. Also if you are trying a different preset it might be too intense for your computer as I don't know your specs.


    You might have also deleted a file not related to the ENB if you don't have your recycle bin to auto delete I would check in there.

  7. I'm not sure what could be causing it and multiple Google searches didn't offer any help. The mountain flowers in my game are really bright when in shade, and it's just them nothing else. I'm not sure which mod would be causing it. I have SFO version 181(I don't like the new tundra) and the CoT weather patch installed. I'm also using Skrim Bigger Trees. Or is there a fix I can use?


    Also if it matters I am using Realvision option A. If you need more info just let me know I am never really sure what infor to give on a problem like this. I am adding a screenshot so you can see:



  8. First off I am using Realvision option A performance.


    I have the enbhelper.exe file, I even replaced it.


    I also tried completely reinstalling the ENB and replacing the ENBhost and the d3d9.dll files but nothing.


    Everytime I open up the menu in game and I click on anything the drop down menu flickers and that's it. I have been using this ENB for ages and haven't encountered this problem so I am at a loss. Also it feels like the edits I make to the enbseries.ini file are not showing up in game.


    I am at ends wit here.

  9. What is your desired FPS?


    Your setup doesn't look too sucky. At worst it should handle the hungrier ENBs like The Goddess at around 30 fps...

    I would like to run my game at around 30fps minimum as the human eye can't notice a difference if the fps is higher. I have tried Project ENB, Realvision and Phinix.

  10. While I think my video card is decent enough, every ENB I have tried so far drops me down to like 15fps. The only thing I can think of is it is because of my processor, which is a i7-3630QM duo core 2.40GHz


    my RAM is 8GB and I am running a NVIDA Geforce GTX 660M(4GBVRAM).


    The drop in FPS happens even when I use the performance options. Is there an ENB out there that would work well with my computer or am I just out of luck?

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